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Chapter 983 Spring Courtyard Resident

Chapter 983 Spring Courtyard Resident (5 more)
In this world, only force is the most important thing!

Lin Xiu's fist is big, he is not afraid of all this at all!

Just when Lin Xiu was thinking this way, he saw a young man with eyes that seemed to grow on his head came out from the Spring Courtyard, and was facing Lin Xiu.

This young man is very old, probably only 23 or [-] years old, and his realm is already at the second level of the Martial Ancestor Realm. At this realm, at this age, I have to say that he is really a genius!

Just such a genius, how could he be here?This is the Spring Courtyard. This is a genius. There is no need for him to be here. This genius can go to the Winter Courtyard!
I believe that as long as the people in the Winter Academy have vision, they will not let this genius join!
But now, he appeared here!

This genius walked opposite Lin Xiu, he walked with his head held high, looking at him, it seemed that he wanted to bump into Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu was stunned for a moment, and he moved to the side, after all, this young master is still a very polite person!

When Lin Xiuxiu was thinking this way, the passer-by said, "A good dog doesn't get in the way. It seems that you are indeed a good dog!"

Lin Xiu narrowed his eyes when he heard this, the young master has already given way, this kid is still provoking?

"You dare to talk to my young master like this?" Mo Yue couldn't bear it at first when she heard this sentence, and said loudly.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that a strong man of your strength would have such a beautiful woman following him!" The young man's eyes lit up when he saw Mo Yue and Tang Qing, and said, "As compensation for you blocking my way, this The two women are mine!"

Tang Qing frowned, this person is too arrogant!
"I'm blocking your way? You ask me for compensation?" After hearing this, Lin Xiu showed disdain on his face, "What are you?"

Mo Yue was a little touched, Lin Xiu didn't send her out this time.

Lin Xiu sold her out without any hesitation!

Lin Xiu hates it the most when someone pretends to be aggressive in front of him. The previous people were fine with tricks, but this time, someone dared to pretend to be aggressive in front of him. How could he bear it?
"Hehe, it seems that you still don't know who I am. Ignorance can give you courage, but I will soon let you know how wrong what you have done!" Killing intent gushed out from his body.

Lin Xiu naturally wouldn't give in, he took a step forward.

Just when the two were about to start fighting, a person came out immediately: "Two, two, take your time!"

This time, it was a fat man who came out, but it was not a man, but a woman.

When Lin Xiu saw this fat woman, the corner of his mouth twitched, no way, is this really "Li Chun Yuan"?
Otherwise, how could there be a "Mother Sang" here?

"Miss Furong, I have something else to do, so I'm leaving now!" Seeing this woman appear, he lost his original arrogance for years, and hurriedly turned around and left. Before leaving, he still didn't forget to threaten Lin Xiu. , "Boy, you are lucky today, and you will never be so lucky next time!"

Do you say I'm lucky? Is it because I'm lucky?
After Lin Xiu heard this, he curled his lips. His eyes fell on the Furong girl in front of him, and he was a little depressed. It is said that warriors should have a very good figure. How can this Furong girl be so fat as a ball? Same?This is too surprising.

"You three, do you want to join our Holy Spring Garden?" Fu Rong immediately said to the three of them.

"Yes, I don't know what you need to do to join the Holy Spring Garden?" Lin Xiu was only heard to say.

"As long as you are willing, that's enough, and we won't care too much, come, let me arrange your accommodation!" Fu Rong said with a smile.

This woman smiled brightly, but Lin Xiu was not in the mood to appreciate it.

It would be too easy to just join the Holy Spring Courtyard.

"You must be very curious. It is too easy for us to join the Holy Spring Academy. To tell you the truth, each session of our Holy Spring Academy is actually the last to be able to recruit people, because our status in the Holy Academy is too high. is lower, so the resources obtained are relatively less!"

"If it wasn't for the opening of the Holy Court every ten years, I'm afraid those people would not be willing to join our Spring Court. They would consider joining our Spring Court only after they failed to join the Winter Court, Autumn Court, and Summer Court!"

"However, I see that the three of you are magnificent and extraordinary, and I believe that the three of you must be dragons and phoenixes in the world..."


I have to say that although this Furong is not very good-looking, she speaks eloquently.

"Who was that Lian Nian just now? He seemed very arrogant!" Mo Yue said.

"This past few years, he is a guest specially invited by our headmaster. He is not only talented, but also has a strong martial spirit. We are the first in the Holy Academy assessment this time, but we have to rely on him. Of course, everyone! There is also a chance to get a good ranking!" Fu Rong said again.

"After we join this station, do we need to conduct other assessments?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Yes, each of our residences will provide 100 places. Those who pass the first two assessments will only be selected in the final round. [-] people will be selected. If they can defeat ten people in a row in the ring, they will be able to enter the freshman list Ranking inside! Our Holy Academy will also give you pills!" Fu Rong said.

"It seems that we still have a long way to go!" Lin Xiu said with a smile after hearing this.

It seems that the assessment of this Holy Court is indeed not that simple!
Everyone found their own rooms to rest, Lin Xiu told Miss Fu Rong not to send anyone to disturb him, and then took Wu Zu Dan.

The time for the assessment is three days later, and during these three days, Lin Xiu must enter the Martial Ancestor Realm!

When Lin Xiu was practicing, Fang Nan was obviously more angry.

The news of Lin Xiu has already spread. Even Fang Nan is a little afraid of his status as a Confucian disciple!

Moreover, Lin Xiu has now entered the residence of Chun Yuan, and there is no chance to send other people to deal with Lin Xiu.

"Yang Xing, do we really have no other way?" Fang Nan asked again.

Yang Xing replied with a smile: "Now it is impossible to deal with Lin Xiu in the open. This Lin Xiu is not an ordinary person, and his own strength is not weak. We send people to the Chunyuan resident to deal with him. Suitable!"

"Then what shall we do?" Fang Nan slammed his fist on the table, and the table was shattered into pieces on the spot, "Can't I hate my brother's hatred?"

"Brother Fang Nan, don't worry, we can't face this matter, we can let other people take action!" Yang Xing laughed again.

(End of this chapter)

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