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Chapter 985 Don't Have a Next Time!

Chapter 985 Don't Have a Next Time! (7 more)
A heavy voice appeared, and under everyone's surprised eyes, Na Lian Nian had already knelt down.

And still kneeling in front of Lin Xiu.

"..." Lian Nian's face turned pale.

"..." Mo Yue covered her small mouth, a little surprised.

"..." Tang Qing's eyes widened, she couldn't believe it.

The eyes of the others wandered between Lian Nian and Lin Xiu, and they obviously didn't understand why Lian Nian knelt down to Lin Xiu.

Not to mention them, even for years, they don't know why.

During these three days, Lin Xiu and the other three were in seclusion, but the others knew very well that this one was a powerful existence, the peak of the second level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, and he still possessed the Martial Soul of a Hellfire Dragon.

This kind of Martial Soul seems to be a mutated Martial Soul, its power is probably considered to be Heaven-level, and it is much stronger than ordinary Heaven-level Martial Soul.

It's not without reason that the head of the Chunyuan would value Lian Nian so much. Lian Nian's talent and strength, as well as his potential, are all extraordinary, but now, no matter how extraordinary and powerful this Lian Nian is, He has to kneel down to Lin Xiu!
"What did you do to me?" Lian Nian stared at Lin Xiu, his eyes full of disbelief, it's not that Lian Nian didn't want to stand up, but now he felt that his legs couldn't even move at all, this feeling was quite Weird!
"What did I do to you? I didn't do anything, don't slander me! You knelt down to me respect me!" Lin Xiu immediately laughed and said.

Nima!Who respects you?I can't wait to cut you into several pieces, I respect you?

"Ding, I have collected 100 spat points from consecutive years!"

In Lian Nian's mind, it was obvious that he was complaining to Lin Xiu, and Lin Xiu knew it, but if he wanted you to kneel, so what!
Lin Xiu has the purest bloodline of the golden dragon. Golden dragons belong to the dragon god family. With the bloodline of the golden dragon, Lin Xiu is equivalent to a real dragon god. Even if he meets the dragon god again, Lin Xiu can be equal to him.

Today, Lin Xiu has entered the Martial Ancestor Realm, and his blood has begun to awaken, and it seems to be easier to grasp than other people. Once Lin Xiu's power is released, he can already suppress other dragons.

Although the hellfire dragon on Liannian is powerful, it is also a member of the dragon clan. Lin Xiu's aura exudes, can he survive?dream!
Lin Xiu's current aura exudes, even if he wants to kneel for years, he can't do it!

Of course, Lin Xiu didn't need to tell Lian Nian about this kind of thing, and it was impossible for Lian Nian to know about it!
As long as Lian Nian uses the power of his martial soul to attack Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu can frighten him, so Lian Nian can only kneel down uncontrollably.

He has been so angry for years, he is really depressed and helpless, but there is nothing he can do.

"How about this, if you call Master Lin Xiu ten times, then I will let you go, how about letting you get up?" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"You're dreaming!" Hearing Lin Xiu's words, he was furious for years and immediately roared.

"If that's the case, then you should just kneel here!" Lin Xiu continued laughing.

The anger in Lian Nian's heart was almost exploding in his chest, but there was nothing he could do about it. Lin Xiu's dragon power was now the power of the Dragon God. Such terrifying power was concentrated on Lian Nian, and Lian Nian couldn't resist it at all!

There were more and more people around, and the anger in Lian Nian's heart was getting bigger and bigger, but he still couldn't stand up.

Lin Xiu's aura seemed to lock him in, as long as Lin Xiu didn't speak, how could he stand up.

"Oh, what happened here?" Steward Furong had already walked over, and when she saw Lian Nian kneeling on the ground, she was obviously taken aback, and then a gleam of pleasure appeared on her face, "Isn't this Young Master Lian Nian? What's wrong with you, Young Master Lian Nian?" ? Get up quickly!"

"Bastard, if I can get up, do I still need to kneel down?" Lian Nian said angrily.

"Then... what's the reason?" Fu Rong's eyes turned around, and everyone's eyes fell on Lin Xiu. She quickly apologized and laughed, "Master Lin Xiu, I wonder if you can hold your hand high in this matter. ?”

Fu Rong obviously didn't expect that Lin Xiu would have such a powerful strength, and let Lian Nian kneel down all of a sudden, which Fu Rong obviously couldn't imagine.

"I don't know why he knelt down, maybe he was disrespectful to other people, especially me, so God should punish him!" Lin Xiu said with a bright smile.

"..." Furong.

"..." Magic Moon.

"..." Tang Qing.

As for nonsense, we will obey you!
"Ding... spit value +"


It has to be said that the people around were quite surprised by Lin Xiu's shamelessness, but it seemed reasonable, after all, this time he was the first to commit crimes year after year, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with Lin Xiu teaching him!
I have taught him for years based on my strength, why should I let him go?
In this way, it seems very reasonable!
"Master Lian Nian, this time, I'm afraid you need to apologize to Master Lin Xiu yourself, otherwise, do you want to kneel here forever?" Fu Rong said with a wry smile.

"I..." Lian Nian looked at Lin Xiu, eyes full of anger.

"If Young Master Lian Nian doesn't want to apologize, he probably has to kneel until I leave here!" Lin Xiu said calmly again.

These words changed Lian Nian's expression. If he kept kneeling, would he lose face?
And now there is still an assessment, if you miss it, even the head of the hospital can't help him!

"You are ruthless, this time I admit it! Master Lin Xiu, I'm sorry!" Lian Nian said through gritted teeth.

After the people around heard it, they couldn't help looking at Lin Xiu. After all, Lin Xiu was the first one who could force Lian Nian to apologize!

"What? What did you say? I can't hear you clearly!" Lin Xiu said loudly as if he didn't hear it.

As soon as these words came out, Lian Nian's face turned red, and the anger in his eyes became even more intense.

"Master Lin Xiu, I'm sorry!!" Lian Nian raised his voice again and said.

More people around looked to this side.

"Are you a woman? Why do you speak so quietly?" Lin Xiu said again.

"Master Lin Xiu, I'm sorry!!!" Lian Nian finally yelled out, and all the members of the Spring Court around here turned their eyes to this side.

"Master Lian Nian, why are you so polite? Since you apologized so sincerely, I forgive you for being disrespectful to me—but, there will be no next time!" Seeing Lian Nian's fierce eyes, Lin Xiu continued to warn up.

(End of this chapter)

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