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Chapter 991 Are You Our Buddhist Disciple? 6 more)

Chapter 991 Are You Our Buddhist Disciple? 6 more)
The gap, this gap in strength is still too big, and the strength that can't be helped is indeed strong enough!
When Lin Xiu saw this Wuchen, a smile appeared on his face. It seemed that he had another chance to play tricks.

The pretense value is only 250 million. If Lin Xiu wants to upgrade faster, he has to keep pretending to get enough pretense points to exchange for his Martial Ancestor Realm Experience Pill.

Pretending to be aggressive is very important to Lin Xiu now, so Lin Xiu can only reluctantly pretend to be aggressive!

Another person who originally wanted to go up to the Wuchen ring was reached by another person first. Everyone saw that this person was Lin Xiu and who was it?
The other person wanted to go to the ring, but Lin Xiu just smiled at him, and this person fell directly from the sky.

Of course, it wasn't because he was intimidated by Lin Xiu's beauty, but because he was directly forced back by Lin Xiu's aura.

"What? You...why are you trying to get ahead of me!" the man said hastily.

"Because this young master wants to challenge him, do you have any objections?" Lin Xiu said lightly.

Lin Xiu's arrogant attitude made this strong man's face full of anger: "Who are you?"

"My young master, Lin Xiu!" Lin Xiu said again.

"Lin Xiu? Are you Lin Xiu? I'm sorry, I was too reckless just now!" The strong man said quickly.

"You are Lin Xiu?" Wu Chen looked at Lin Xiu, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, "If you are willing to surrender, the poor monk will not make things difficult for you!"

"Surrender? Little bald donkey, do you think I will surrender?" Lin Xiu said with a wicked smile on his face.

"Since you are not willing to surrender, the poor monk has no choice but to make a move, but your donor's strength is extraordinary, if the poor monk makes a move, you will definitely not show mercy!" Wu Chen said.

"There is no need to talk nonsense, let's do it!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said.

"Okay!" Wuchen said, only to see that he had already slapped Lin Xiu with a palm, and a layer of Buddha's light appeared on the palm.

Lin Xiu's palm was also blasted out, this fist was blasted together with Wuchen's fist, only to see that Wuchen was blown back several steps, on Wuchen's fist, but the Buddha's light dissipated, Lin Xiu The power of his fist, even the second floor of the Martial Ancestor couldn't handle it.

If this Wuchen hadn't been protected by Buddha's light, his current fate would not be so good.

But even with the protection of Buddha's light, this Wuchen was easily pushed back by Lin Xiu.

So strong!

The people present were obviously taken aback, they could never have imagined that Lin Xiu would be so strong!
"Your strength is beyond my expectation, it seems that I have to be more serious!" Wuchen's current appearance has lost his original calmness, and his mood is obviously a little messed up.

"Since this is the case, then come again!" Lin Xiu said, only to see that he slapped out again, and the power of this palm was even stronger than before!
A Buddhist bead appeared behind Wu Chen, and his blood seemed to be activated. His palm was thrown in front of him, and a Buddha's hand print was blasted towards Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu didn't seem to notice it, the punch had already passed, and the Buddha seal was shattered under one punch, and the strength of Lin Xiu's fist seemed to be able to pass through the space in front of him, and blast towards Wuchen.

Wuchen's face turned pale all of a sudden, the Buddhist spirit behind him immediately blocked in front of him, and a huge explosion appeared.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that Wuchen was pushed back a step. After Lin Xiu saw it, he couldn't help shaking his head: "Your strength is too weak, you are not my opponent!"

This time, it was Lin Xiu's first shot after breaking through. His strength had risen to a terrifying level. Lin Xiu could feel that even if he was on the second floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm, he couldn't take a punch from him. How terrifying is power!
Until now, Lin Xiu didn't use his martial soul or weapon, but even so, Lin Xiu was able to force Wu Chen back. If Wu Chen had only his current strength, he wouldn't be able to hurt Lin Xiu at all!

"What the hell is this Wuchen doing? Could it be that he can't even handle a little Lin Xiu? It's really useless!" Fang Nan's eyes were full of chills, staring at Lin Xiu on the ring, he felt like he was about to lose control of himself impulse.

Fang Nan really wanted to kill Lin Xiu himself!

But if he did this, he would definitely be hunted down by the Holy Court, but how could he not avenge his younger brother's revenge?
"Don't worry, Wuchen has hidden his strength. If he displays his true strength, Lin Xiu should not be his opponent!" Only Yang Xing's voice came.

"Really?" Fang Nan looked into the distance, and sure enough, the Buddha Bead Martial Soul had appeared behind Wuchen at this time, and it hadn't yet entered the center of his eyebrows.

"Your strength is really not bad, but it's a pity that you met me!" Wuchen was not angry and mighty, with a sneer on his face. Now he is not as good as the original virtuous monk, but more like a villain.

"Meet you, so what?" Lin Xiu said calmly.

"If you meet me, you will lose!" Wuchen said, he opened his mouth to Lin Xiu, and a Sanskrit voice appeared.

This sound shocked the faces of those behind Lin Xiu. They immediately covered their ears, because they felt that their eardrums were about to be shattered. What kind of sound was this, and how could they be so overbearing.

Especially those who have practiced evil skills, their faces are even paler now. This kind of Buddhist Sanskrit sound is a very serious attack to them.

After Lin Xiu heard it, he laughed, the voice was quite familiar to Lin Xiu, it was the Sanskrit sound of Buddhism!
Lin Xiu said: "Since you want to compare your voice, then I will accompany you to the end!"

As soon as Lin Xiu finished speaking, he opened his mouth, only to see that in front of Lin Xiu, a golden light shot out immediately, blasting out in front of him, Lin Xiu took a step forward, and every time he took a step, different sounds came out of his mouth. The voice, that voice turned into a golden light, blasting towards Wuchen.

In the first step, Wuchen's face turned pale. In the second step, Wuchen only felt the sound from his mouth, which was meaningless. In the third step, Wuchen felt a hammer on his chest. four steps...

Wu Chen's body was blown out when Lin Xiu took the seventh step, and directly hit the bottom of the ring, and he kept spitting blood out of his mouth.

It's too scary, this... this is the real Tianlong Babuyin!
This kind of sound wave is a divine sound that can kill evil. Lin Xiu actually has a complete Tianlong Babu Yin, and he seems to have cultivated to the point of proficiency, and it is estimated that he is not far from the stage of Dacheng.

"Who the hell are you? You are also a disciple of our Buddhist sect, why do you know the eight parts of Tianlong!" Wu Chen yelled at Lin Xiu with a pale face.

(End of this chapter)

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