Is Mr. Xi going to divorce today?

Chapter 310 I'm Different From You

Chapter 310 I'm Different From You

This title has not changed since then.

The relationship between the two children who stick together every day is getting better and better, and each other's position in each other's heart is getting more and more important.

"Brother Lingnan, can Little Tail follow you like this forever?"


"But, but grandma said, when you grow up, you will ask for a wife. Your wife is the one who will be with you forever. At that time, Little Tail will not be able to follow you."

Oh, he also forgot to say that he named her Little Tail.

She liked it very much, and smiled after him every day, saying, I am brother Lingnan's little tail, and brother Lingnan is my big tail.

He corrected it with a cold face, I am different from you, not a tail.

Then why does Brother Ling Nan call me Little Tail?
I said you are a little tail, you are a little tail, if you don't want to be a tail, then you can't follow me anymore.

She hurriedly said, I will, I will, I will always be brother Lingnan's little tail.

"Do you remember what your grandmother said?"


"If you want to be my little tail forever, then you have to be my wife."

"Okay, okay, I want to be brother Lingnan's wife, so that I can be with you forever."

"Little fool, do you know what wife means?"

"I know, I know, grandma said that wives can eat together, play together, sleep together, and do many things together every day."

"Forget it, I'd better find someone else to be my wife, you are so dirty, I don't want to sleep with you."

She was so anxious that she was about to cry, she lowered her head and sniffed at her body, "Brother Lingnan, I wash incense every day, if you don't believe me, smell it, the little tail is really clean, Brother Lingnan, please don't find someone else good?"

"You want to be my wife that much, little tail."

"Brother Lingnan, Little Tail is very clean, don't find someone else, woohoo, Little Tail doesn't want Brother Lingnan to find someone else to be your wife."

"Look at you crying so pitifully, okay, I promise you, I won't find someone else to be my wife, don't cry, it's already ugly enough, it's even uglier when you cry, I don't like ugly girls."

Little Tail, who was crying just now, stopped crying immediately.

"Little tail, you remember, you can only be my wife in the future, you can't go back on your word, you understand?"

"No regrets, no regrets."

"If you dare to repent, I will cut off your little tail, and you will never see me again."

"Don't, don't, if the tail is cut off, Brother Lingnan will be very hurt, and Little Tail will be very distressed."

Does it hurt?

At that time, he was only seven years old, and he was still an ignorant child. Although he was much more mature than his peers, he was still just a child.

So, when he lost that little tail, he didn't know how to describe his mood at that time.

He only remembered that after Little Tail left, he fell seriously ill.

After recovering from his illness, he went to the place where he met Little Tail and took Little Tail away from his life.

Little Tail's grandmother is no longer working as a helper there.

I heard from the housekeeper there that Xiaowei's grandmother also fell seriously ill after Xiaowei's accident.

Because his health was getting worse and worse, he recovered from his illness and was no longer suitable to stay as a domestic helper, so he sold the house over there and went to the city where Xiaowei's parents lived.

Later, he never went to that city again.

(End of this chapter)

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