King Leng's alluring concubine

Chapter 1185 Golden Toad

Chapter 1185 Golden Toad

"Okay, all of you be honest for a while, listen to us and the boss's command, as long as you perform well, we will advance together later, and follow our boss, we will have meat to eat, you know?!" Another Luo Tianmen, Luo Shengtang The hall master Luo Tiejun patted his contract eagle and said.

"Hey!" The five eagles looked at each other, and then raised their heads together: "But you have to ensure our safety, you don't know, the powerful ones in the Xiuling Mountain haven't come out yet! There are a lot of them!"

"Hmph, it's better if there are more evil beasts! Look at the more than 300 people here, if one person doesn't contract a few, how can we be worthy of our visit!" Lu Ali did not follow Luo Qingyu this time, he Fearing that these people would be in danger, he stayed here to guard. He was relieved that Baihu and Xuanwu would pass over there.

The vultures closed their beaks in unison, and they looked over there with everyone, only to see that over there, in this short half a moment, two clouds of fiery red smoke rose suddenly. Come……

"Squeak~~" There was a sound, and the left arm of Hall Master Qingmu became numb and painful in an instant. He raised his hand and drew out the dagger at his waist and stabbed it fiercely at the arm, and then a dark red blood splashed out...

"The earth dragon is dead! It was eaten! This is the talisman of the contract between the earth dragon and me. I only hide it on my left arm!" Hall Master Qingmu's face was black and blue, and he frowned tightly and said: "In the past, my The earth dragon walks by the water unicorn and the fire unicorn, and the unicorn and the fire unicorn don't even notice, what is there that eats my earth dragon?!"

"The one who loves herbs... No, that's the appearance of the golden toad! Isn't he protecting the king all day long? Why did he appear earlier?!" Lei Xiu's contract divine sculpture said.

"Golden toad?!" Everyone looked at each other, seeing the five big eagles trembling all over, their eyes were filled with contempt: "Hmph! No matter how powerful the golden toad is, it can't beat our boss!"

"Lonely and illiterate human beings! How short-sighted!" The big eagle in the middle sniffed at the speaker.

"Slap!" Zuo Qingming slapped it up. Bei Tian saw Zuo Qingming's movements, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Afterwards, he cursed in his heart: It turns out that hitting the head is also addictive. Watching these guys learn one by one It's pretty fast!
"Didn't you compete with the little boss? Haven't you experienced the power of our little boss?! Hmph! If you dare to look at us like this again, I'll goug your eyes and step on them first!" Zuo Qingming sometimes loses his temper Very impatient, he stared at the five eagles, and said coldly: "Your test period has not yet passed, look back at your performance, if you perform well, then follow us, if not, I will kill you and eat meat! Hmph !"

"My venerable...we're just talking like this, why are you so angry! He is your contract beast after all, you should cultivate your relationship!" Da Diao cleverly tried to please Zuo Qingming!
"Stop talking nonsense, let's go, let's walk over there slowly to see what's going on!" Zuo Qingming waved to everyone, and walked towards the red lighted place together.

But at this time, Luo Qingyu, Baihu and Xuanwu were standing in a deep pit. In front of them was Bei Buer who was in a coma. It's the toad's poisonous foam, especially on his face where the eyebrows were originally drawn, the face is bald, the powder and eyebrow line have been wiped off by the toad's venom, it looks even weird!

(End of this chapter)

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