King Leng's alluring concubine

Chapter 1372 Master is really beautiful

Chapter 1372 Master is really beautiful

The pain was truly unforgettable. At first, she thought she had been poisoned, but after thinking about it carefully, she herself had the body of a demon lotus, so she couldn't be poisoned at all!

Thinking about it again, could it be that the muscles and veins are reversed, and something is going to go wrong?

But when she peeked inside, she found that the tendons were intact, not only the spiritual power in the tendons was stronger, but even her dantian seemed to have a hot current rushing towards her heart...

Luo Qingyu, who already knew how to improve his spiritual strength through experience, naturally knew that this was not only a bad thing, but a great good thing, which was a pleasant surprise. He had used the Marrow Washing Pill before, and Luo Qingyu discovered that this time the dantian's strength What is condensed here is the best Xisui Pill, and it is the medicinal power of the Xianzun class's Xisui Pill!
"Where did such a precious marrow washing pill come from? When did it exist?" What Luo Qingyu was thinking, she couldn't even figure it out!
Although the pain lasted for nearly two hours, her painful expression also made Piaoxue bite the quilt on one side and cry for two hours!

It's just that when the white belly appeared in the east, when Luo Qingyu woke up after taking a nap with a relaxed body, she really felt that she was lighter than before, and her spiritual power had improved by leaps and bounds!
"General, I remember that when we were training in the palace, Dean Ouyang used the marrow washing pill for us, but the spiritual power of the marrow washing pill was relatively weak, not as powerful as the general's one last night! Dean Ouyang treated us at that time He is very satisfied with the progress of his spiritual power, but he said that it is a good thing for us to improve our spiritual power. It is just that the progress of our spiritual power goes hand in hand with the progress of our own practice and kung fu. If you use it yourself, it will take a long time to practice!" Piaoxue brought Luo Qingyu mouthwash and said with a smile.

"Master is really a master!" Luo Qingyu leaned against the head of the bed after rinsing her mouth, she said softly, "I haven't seen Master since the Hundred Flowers Feast in Dongyue Kingdom, and I miss him!"

"Dean Ouyang was one of the four most beautiful men in Dongyue ten years ago! The prince was commented on later, because Dean Ouyang seldom came out of the Academy of Royal Beasts during these ten years, and there are rumors about him in the world. There will be fewer legends, and people will choose again!" Piaoxue said while sitting by the bed after cleaning up.

"Master is really beautiful! This Xuantian Continent is full of spiritual power, natural and natural, and it is full of beautiful men everywhere!" Luo Qingyu praised with a smile.

"Dean Ouyang is best at refining marrow washing pills!" Piaoxue said casually.

"Washing marrow pill?!" Luo Qingyu frowned, repeating these words over and over again.


Because the ship went smoothly, it arrived at the pier in Lishui County just as the sun was rising!
Luo Qingyu let Piaoxue lie down next to her to sleep, she knew that Piaoxue hardly slept that night, they had little sleep during this journey, and they fought monsters and upgraded all the way, thinking about it, Luo Qingyu felt that Tired, she really doesn't know how she managed to get here...

When a group of people got off the boat, there was a most familiar face at the pier...

"Black Friday!" Hei Liu and Piaoxue ran towards Hei Wu, Hei Liu and Hei Wu hugged each other tightly, the moment the two met, it seemed as if they had been separated for a long time, which made people feel a little bit move.

"It's so great to finally wait for you!" Hei Wu let go of Hei Liu, then turned around and knelt down and kowtowed: "Hei Wu pays homage to Nanyi Zhanhuang, Dongyue Jingwang! Long live Zhanhuang, long live Jing, The king is a thousand years old!"

(End of this chapter)

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