Chapter 1398 Seven Step Epilepsy

"Little fat man, are you not telling the truth?" The ghost let go of the little fat man.

"Hey, hey, I'm afraid, don't let go, sister!" The little fat man hurriedly hugged his thin waist.

"The emperor of the Southern Wing Kingdom, General Qingping of the East Vietnam Kingdom, who is it, huh?!" Ghost turned his head and stared at the little fat man coldly.

"Sister, sister, fly well! Don't look back at me! Otherwise you will crash into the moon!" A certain little fat man stared at his big eyes and acted cute!
"It seems that you are not telling the truth! Come on, take one of the silly pills that my sister just developed!" After finishing speaking, the ghost took out a black pill from her arms and held it in front of the little fat man. The fat man stuffed his mouth.

"Qibudian?! You developed Qibudian again?!" The little fat man's eyes widened in an instant. He knew the pill and could smell it. In Xuantian Continent, only one person was able to refine it. Such a shocking medicine came out!
This seven-step madness will make people become demented within seven steps, and then let the person who prescribes the medicine fiddle with it. The effect of the medicine lasts for an hour, and then disappears without a trace, and the person regains his sanity. Hit repeatedly!

This seven-step insanity is a panacea, there is no antidote, even the Heavenly Immortal Yaozun has not yet refined an antidote that can cure this medicine!

"Qibudian?! This name is quite distinctive, um! I haven't figured out what the name of this medicine is yet, it's not bad, little fat man, you're quite smart!" After the ghost finished speaking, he raised his hand and gave the pill to him. Put it into the little fat man's mouth, and said as he sent it: "You came up with the name, so you can try this first medicine too. After you take it, you can let my sister know everything she wants to know!"

"No, no, no!" The little fat man quickly covered his mouth!

"It's okay, just half an hour, after half an hour, everything will be back to normal!" The ghost continued to feed the little fat man the medicine.

"No, no! Xiaohu, come and save me!" The little fat man yelled vigorously, at the same time, he raised his hand and poked at the ghost's waist, poking and saying, "Why do you want to become a demon?! Why? Do you still have to experience calamity?"

"Ouch!" As if it was the ghost's weakness, she seemed to be very ticklish, so the little fat man immediately let go of his hand and fell down...

"You little fat man, how dare you play tricks on my old lady!" But before the little fat man fell to the roof below, the ghost flew over again, and she picked up the little fat man, and then "huh" Went to a courtyard, pushed open the door, several kitchen knives were flying in front of Xiao Longlong's eyes, the minced meat on the chopping board had a strong smell of blood, which made this Qinglong God Venerable who had lived in this world for tens of thousands of years I was dumbfounded!

"Boss, why did you get such a small one?! There is not much meat, it's too tender and chewy!" A scarred face stared at the little fat man, looked left and right, then shook his head.

"Wait, there will be a lot of people coming from behind!" The proprietress took off her black clothes and veil, and showed a bright red sound. If this is not the proprietress Susu of Susu Tea House, who else could it be?
The proprietress smiled charmingly, she still held the black pill in her hand, and the little fat man circled around the meat table. King Jing said that he couldn’t use spiritual power, he couldn’t use spiritual power, But what if the other party uses his spiritual power? !
Turning around the table, turning around, just when the little fat man was out of breath, and when the proprietress Susu was also panting with her hands on her hips...

(End of this chapter)

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