King Leng's alluring concubine

Chapter 1536 Tonight, so sensational

Chapter 1536 Tonight, so sensational

"Where did this flower come from?!" Luo Qingyu looked at Xuanyuan Yujing curiously, and she felt more and more that this man was amazing.

"This flower was brought here by someone from my king! Originally, he wanted to see you tonight, but tonight, no one is allowed to see you except this king!" There was a smug smile on the corner of the man's lips!

The girl belonged to him alone, which made him burst into bubbles of joy from the depths of his bone marrow.

"That person is..." Luo Qingyu frowned slightly, thinking about who this person is!
"Girl!" The man leaped over the small square table and hugged the little girl in his arms. He said coquettishly, "Girl, tonight, you are not allowed to think about anyone except me, even if it is snow, Even for Suzaku and the others, women are not allowed, and men are even less allowed!"

"You bastard!" Luo Qingyu raised her head, stretched out her hand to touch the man's face, stroked his cyan stubble that slightly exposed the skin, and said with a smile: "You are like a domineering president! Only I can stand you!"

"Overbearing president?" A new term came out of the girl's mouth. Although Xuanyuan Yujing didn't understand it, it didn't mean a bad person in the literal sense. Xuanyuan Yujing smiled and lowered his head, touching the little girl's mouth with the tip of his nose With a sharp nose, he said softly: "This king's temperament, of course only a girl can understand it best! Therefore, in this life, except for a girl, this king will never fall in love with any woman again!"

"Are you so sensational tonight? People say that married people have premarital phobia, and they will act restless and manic. Jing, you don't look like a phobia!" The corners of Luo Qingyu's lips twitched slightly. The man gave a charming smile.

"Hmm! It's happiness vertigo!" After a certain man finished speaking, his subordinates exerted a little force and hugged the little woman's back tightly. Afterwards, the red lips were branded, and the white teeth were pried open, and they swept down the city...

In the distance, stood two figures, one black and one red!
"The moonlight is beautiful, such a scene, it's a good scene to talk about love!" The man's voice was gentle, as if he was praising the moonlight, or a pair of people in the distance who mingled with each other, but he actually understood him Some people can hear the sour taste in this.

"Since ancient times, love is the most beautiful! But it is also the most painful!" The man in red said softly.

"Are you hurt?!" The man's voice was still so gentle.

"No harm!" The woman in red smiled and turned to look at the man.

"No harm?!" The man repeated the woman's words, turned around and drifted away!

The woman looked back at the distance again, and then followed the man, drifting away!
After a long, long time, when breathing becomes difficult, the air seems to become thinner, when the food is no longer steaming with steaming smoke...

"Breathe the air!" Luo Qingyu pushed the man away, her small mouth was red and swollen, she gasped.

"Girl!" The man hugged the little girl to his chest. His face was pressed against her head. No one saw him. A crystal teardrop rolled down the little girl's long black hair...

"Ah Jing, the food is getting cold!" Luo Qingyu pushed the man away, swallowed her saliva, pouted her red and swollen mouth and said, "My tongue is numb, how can you tell me how to taste delicious food now?!"

"This king has his own tricks!" After the man finished speaking, he flew down, and then he came up with a pot of charcoal, raised his hand, and Xuanyuan Yujing put all the dishes on Luo Qingyu's outstretched arm, Then he put the charcoal basin on the table, and then used a tray with water in it, and all the dishes were placed on top of the water. After a while, the food steamed again...

(End of this chapter)

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