King Leng's alluring concubine

Chapter 2041 2 Dogs Are Dead

Chapter 2041 Ergouzi is dead

It is said that Kim Bailun, whom the two dogs are afraid of, has some relationship with the Jin family of the Five Elements Clan. As for the relationship, Kim Bailun himself is not clear, but his surname is Jin, and he was fortunate to have the patriarch of Jin pass by the border county once. There was an intersection with him, so he became a member of the Jin family. In Rongcheng, although he was only a Lizheng, his status was higher than that of the county lord most of the time!

It was not easy for Lizheng to hold a meeting at his home, so he hired Ergouzi and Houzi and other gangsters from society to occupy the ancestral hall. With Ergouzi as the main leader, Jin Bailun only hosted behind the scenes, and occasionally showed up, such as When the game is opened, Kimberly will come to collect the money. For example, if Kimball is unhappy, Er Gouzi will release the monster, and then someone will catch the beggar, and let the monster chase and bite the beggar in the ancestral hall. lol!
Therefore, although the capital of Dongyue Kingdom has been peaceful for so many years, the mountains are high and the water is far away, and the place where the emperor can't control is that the local snake is stronger than him, the real dragon emperor!

"Grey?!" Er Gouzi raised his hand to touch his face, trembling all over, and said, "Hiss, it's cold!"

When he finished speaking, he looked down at his hand again. Suddenly, everyone heard a "snap", and Er Gouzi, who wanted to compete with the emperor of Dongyue Kingdom, fell to the ground!
"..." Everyone was taken aback, and they stared at each other with wide eyes!

After a while, Er Gouzi still didn't see any movement. Everyone stepped forward and reached out to touch...

"Dead?!" Someone exclaimed, and then, as if seeing a ghost, he sat on the ground with his buttocks, moved back a long way, and murmured: "Why did you die, Brother Ergou His kung fu is so good, he can beat Li Zheng, why did he die?!"

"Is it because the monkey moved your hands and feet when you came back with your eldest brother?!" Everyone turned to look at the monkey!
"I... How could I?! I followed him all the time, I followed him, and saw that his whole body was frozen, and the chill was deep. I thought it was caused by the heavy dew tonight!" The monkey quickly explained. road.

"What's going on?" Someone frowned and thought, suddenly, they all turned their heads to look at the two sacks...

This group of mobs looked at each other for a long time, and finally decided that the suspected monkey would untie the sackcloth bag completely and take a look at the scene inside!

Trembling and untiing the bag, everyone opened their mouths wide...

"Wow! These two children? Are they golden boys and girls? So pink and fair, so beautiful..." Someone couldn't help swallowing, as if what was in front of them was super delicious.

"It's very beautiful!" Monkey also nodded, and said: "The group of people leading them is also very beautiful. It looks like a group of high-ranking officials and nobles, probably from the royal family or rich merchants. They are very well dressed, especially the ones inside Three women, one is more beautiful than the other, to be honest, I have never seen such a beautiful woman when I grow up like a monkey, all three of them, even the worst girl who looks like a maid is better than the young lady of our county lord's house It is hundreds of times more beautiful!"

"Oh?!" Everyone met each other's eyes, their pupils shining brightly!
This group was originally a mob. If it weren't for the local county lord, he would be considered a clean and honest person. Although he couldn't control them, he didn't allow them to mess around. They have threatened them several times with officers and soldiers, so they usually have a crush on the women of other families, so most of them are playing tricks, using all kinds of threats and lures, but they dare not really rob them!
Therefore, the county lord's incompetent but somewhat upright character annoyed these people very much. If they couldn't do anything to the local people, most of these people would do it to outsiders!
For example, they often go back to neighboring counties, or go to remote areas, or look for fair-looking ones from the homeless group!Naturally, this will definitely not satisfy their desires!

Nowadays, there are such attractive beauties coming to your door, who are still foreigners, isn't this the same as fresh meat on the chopping board, which is obviously sent for them to enjoy? !

(End of this chapter)

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