King Leng's alluring concubine

Chapter 2048 Ate 9981 pairs of children

Chapter 2048 Eat Nine Nine 81 Pairs of Children

"Huh?!" The old man called Grandfather opened his eyes, he raised his hand to take back the black profound energy, turned his head, and saw two people who looked like pig heads, their eyes flashed, and they raised their hands: There was a "pop", Kim Bailun was slapped to the ground on the other side. The old man looked at Kim Bailun with blood-thirsty eyes, and said, "Is this fresh meat? Is this pulled from the latrine? Hmm?!"

"Master, please calm down! Although this is not the tender meat of that child, it is still alive and not dead yet!" Kim Bailun rubbed his painful arm, stood up, bowed his head and took two steps forward, said : "Grandpa, this is for practicing hands. You will be guaranteed to taste the most delicious fresh meat in the world later. This subordinate has caught you two tender fairies. The whole body is translucent, and you will be delighted to look at them." That pampered child, that meat is definitely good for your health!"

"Cough, cough, cough..." As soon as the old man heard Kim Bailun mention his body, he immediately remembered his own tuberculosis. With this excitement, the cough could no longer stop, and the whole basement was filled with his coughing... …

"Meow~~" There were countless trembling civet cat calls from the entire basement!
"Shut up!" Jin Bailun flew over angrily, and killed several civet cats in the first room with a single palm. After that, the whole basement fell silent. Then, he hurried to the old man and squatted down. He patted the old man's back and said, "I'm sorry, Grandpa, Bai Lun was wrong, don't worry, you have eaten ninety-nine 81 pairs of children, this year happened to have a pair of good children, this pair eats, yours Your body will definitely get better!"

"Cough cough cough..." The old man continued to cough and coughed for a long time before he stopped. He shook his head and said, "Hey! It's better to let the old man die at the beginning. He died for a hundred times, but now he is suffering from this kind of pain. Sin, not being able to see the light, not being able to get out of this basement, if it wasn't for that evil son, why would this old man have to suffer like this!"

"Grandfather, don't be angry!" Jin Bailun stepped forward and continued to persuade: "You know, Patriarch Jin is a filial son. He has been looking for a good recipe everywhere to make you live a long life. Now your body can't eat it. A little medicine, no, he found a good prescription for you, and you can be cured after eating the pink baby, looking at you, your complexion is much better!"

"Hmph! Dutiful son?! He just wants the old man to use illusion to control these cats!" The old man gritted his teeth, and said again: "Eight years ago, I didn't even get a mouthful of phlegm, so I just choked to death. Why did I suffer? This kind of crime! He only said that the placenta from the cat's birth can cure my illness, but he didn't say that I have to eat children. I'm really afraid that I will go to the underworld, and the king of Hades will let me go to the frying pan!"

"Eating children will prolong your life, and it's the best for your health!" Jin Bailun hurried forward to appease him. This is the task entrusted to him by Jin Xiao. You must appease his old man's mood, because when this old man was alive, he was considered He is half a good person, and he is a bit out of tune with the rest of the Five Elements Clan. He always discourages others, saying that he wants them to follow the emperor and live a good life!
That's right, this is Jin Xiao's father. At that time, he was ridiculed by Shui Zhuyun, Tu Fuling and others because of the quarrel with the Five Elements Clan. , directly choked to death!
(End of this chapter)

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