Chapter 2089
But the girl now has drooping brows, just picks up the flagon he drank and puts it to her lips to drink, which is somewhat similar to the Lingzhu in the past, but the rest are not from Lan Chipyun's memory It looks like it!

Shaking his head slightly, Lan Chipyun smiled sarcastically by himself: What impression does Lingzhu have in his mind?Noisy, careless, always following her, no matter how much she scolds her, she won't go away, can't be driven away, can't be beat up, very annoying!
That's it!

Lan Chipyun was slightly stunned, and after a while, took a sip of wine, and said again: "That's right! The Lingzhu is long gone! I'm taking the liberty!"

In the past few days, since Luo Qingyu picked up the Lingzhu from Prince Yong's villa, she has never taken the initiative to speak to Lan Chipyun. Even when everyone was discussing things together, she just quietly accompanied Watching Xuan'er and Ling'er three children play, not participating in it...

Everyone was actually a little surprised, and they all felt that this Lingzhu was really not the old Lingzhu. You know, if the old Lingzhu kept her silent for more than half an hour, it would definitely suffocate her, but this one No, it's rare to say a few words a day, but what they say is very essential. Luo Qingyu guessed that since the soul of the Lingzhu returned to life, she has been living in Prince Yong's villa. Prince Yong and his wife should have taught her Many ways to use troops!
Luo Qingyu remembered that when she went to the villa to pick her up that day, she was reading a book in the room, and what she was reading was the book of war!

"In your heart, you should have buried that Lingzhu long ago!" Lingzhu said with a smile on her lips.

"Well! This son owes her, and I will pay it back in the next life!" Although he knew that the woman in front of him was a spirit bead, from her soul to her appearance, Lan Chipyun was stubborn and refused to admit her heart.

"You are the Vajra Bear King on the top of the extreme north, afterlife? Do you have an afterlife? Is your afterlife tens of thousands of years later, hundreds of thousands of years later, or millions of years later?!" Suddenly, Lingzhu became angry. She ground her teeth, turned her head, put her hands on her hips, and scolded Lan Chipyun!
"Uh..." Lan Chipyun hugged the flagon and was taken aback for a moment, but in an instant, he smiled: "Lingzhu, is it really you?!"

"You..." Lingzhu was also taken aback for a moment, and then she looked down at herself, and after a while, she pouted and said angrily: "I swear to be a gentle, gentle and virtuous woman. After so many days, the attack is still broken in front of you! Really!"

"It's good to break the attack, it's good to break the attack! But I suffocated this son to death!" A certain son grinned, he had already drank a jar of wine, and he was [-]% drunk, and now he saw the spirit again Zhu finally showed his former appearance in front of him, and he was so happy that he rushed forward...

"Huh la la..." However, under this rush, Lingzhu didn't pay attention to it, and the two of them rolled down just like that...

They rolled down on a roof far away from the restaurant. This house is the ancestral hall in the town. There are usually no people there. In the middle of the night in the cold winter months, there are still snowflakes. Naturally, there are no people. The roof is a little broken. The two of them Just roll down like this...


"Oh, sleeping alone last night was really comfortable!" Bai Hu stretched, walked into the big private room, and prepared to have breakfast!
Along the way, for the sake of safety, everyone stays in twos, so that they can take care of each other and prevent the enemy from sneaking in. Although they are not afraid of these covetous people outside, but we don't want to go all the way back, and the matter can be resolved peacefully. , it is better not to bleed!

(End of this chapter)

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