King Leng's alluring concubine

Chapter 2100 People, you can't do too much

Chapter 2100 People, you can't do too much
"Human, you can't do too much!" Taishang Huang Xuanyuan Qingcang sat on the futon, without opening his eyes, just said lightly!

His body was surrounded by a light blue light. Ever since he cut off the contract chain of the Qilin and the two beasts and distributed them to his two sons, his cultivation level has never improved, and has remained at the level of the Great Illusionist of the Seven Swords. Come on, there is no way to continue to integrate spiritual power!
"What is absolute?! I, Jin Xiao, just wanted to protect myself. The Five Elements Clan offended that little girl, Luo Qingyu, and she was too vengeful! Why don't I act first!" Jin Xiao took off his cloak, and he His eyes swept across the surroundings of the Qingxin Hall, and all the eunuchs and maids quickly retreated!
For more than a year, Jin Xiao has become a well-known figure in the palace. At first, he went in and out secretly, then he went in and out of every palace openly, and later, he went in and out without calling, and sometimes He seems to be older than the bosses of the royal family. He enters the door with a blunt fork, neither kneels nor prostrates, eats whatever he can eat, drinks whatever he can drink, and really treats the palace as his back garden!

"You really think you can deal with Luo Qingyu?!" Xuanyuan Qingcang said with a cold smile.

"What about you?! Can you deal with her?! Don't forget, she loves your son the most, and I want to kill you for everything you do to your son. Don't say you love Jing so much." The king's Luo Qingyu is here! You know, she is a ruthless character! Three years ago, she injured my daughter Feiyan, and I knew that this girl is not easy to deal with!" Jin Xiao's eyes were cold and cold Looking at Xuanyuan Qingcang, he simply took a cup of tea and sat on the ground opposite Xuanyuan Qingcang, drinking and talking.

When the tea was finished, he flicked his wrist to release the fireflies...

Hundreds of beautiful fireflies formed a shining illusion mirror. Inside the illusion mirror was the scene where Xuanyuan Yujing and Luo Qingyu beheaded the commander of the Imperial Forest Army and others...

"How Ah Jing treats me is our Xuanyuan family's own business, and you..." Xuanyuan Qingcang was slightly startled, he took a deep breath, looked at Jin Xiao with a pale face, and sneered: " The Five Elements Clan only has you now, and the rest of the books have been discarded. Huo Xiongba was killed when he was in Beiming. clan, the rest are only old, weak, sick and disabled, you dare to rebel?!"

"Hahahaha..." Jin Xiao waved the fireflies together, put them in his sleeve pockets, and said, "Why do I want the Five Elements Clan? What's the use of the Five Elements Clan? Thousands of years ago, the ancestors fought together with the founding emperor , Thousands of years later, the Five Elements Clan is said to be king side by side, but they don’t even have any titles. Your royal family suppresses it even more, especially you, the Supreme Emperor, who divides the military power in the world into three! The Five Elements Clan has long been yours! Isn’t it a thorn in your eyes?! Now, I’ve helped you all. Wouldn’t it be better to wipe out all the four clans and leave only me as the Jin clan! The emperor said that Jin Xiao will be conferred as the national teacher on a certain day, haha Haha... I like the position of national teacher!"

"Hmph! You're delusional!" Xuanyuan Qingcang got up after speaking, wanting to talk to Xuanyuan Yutian about it.

"Huh~" As soon as he raised his hand, a black whirlwind blew past, Jin Xiao's arm suddenly grew countless times, his wrist grabbed Xuanyuan Qingcang's neck and dragged him back, and then pressed him on the futon...

(End of this chapter)

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