King Leng's alluring concubine

Chapter 2104 Xuanyuan Qingcang's thoughts

Chapter 2104 Xuanyuan Qingcang's thoughts

Xuanyuan Qingcang's entangled and entangled heart actually let go during this rampage. He felt that this concubine was still such a woman. The former Concubine Li was only thinking of interfering in the government. At first, he admired Concubine Li very much. He appreciates her unique insights into army operations, and he adopts every suggestion she gives, and it has indeed allowed the army of Dongyue Kingdom to win more with less and gain an advantage in several expeditions!

But with the passage of time, Xuanyuan Qingcang found that this woman's ambition was getting bigger and bigger, and she meant to replace him and dominate the world...

So, without hesitation, Xuanyuan Qingcang banned Concubine Li from interfering in the government affairs, and made some excuses to punish her for a year in the harem...

But a year later, the queen at that time suddenly contracted a strange disease, and the harem had no leader. Under the empress' pleading, Xuanyuan Qingcang had no choice but to announce that Concubine Li would be in charge of the harem instead of the queen, but it was only for the management, not for the queen mother. Location!

Xuanyuan Qingcang went back and continued to sit on the futon to meditate. In the past two years since he returned to China, he saw the chaos in Dongyue Kingdom, but the emperor's son didn't let him take care of it. This made him regret passing the throne to this son, but, yes Another son, he felt that Ah Jing was even less suitable to be an emperor...

Just thinking about it like this, one day passed!
That night, Xuanyuan Qingcang was meditating on the futon, but when he heard the sound of white doves flying outside, he was slightly startled, and he quickly stood up...

Yijie Taishang Huang didn't go through the main entrance, but jumped out from the window in the backyard. Feeling the direction where the pigeon was flying, he flew towards that direction!
Dodging the patrol of the palace guards all the way, Xuanyuan Qingcang followed the white pigeon to the back door of Qinzheng Palace!

"Hiss..." Xuanyuan Qingcang was slightly taken aback, and for a moment, he seemed to have a flash of inspiration: "This is a white-feathered bird, and the white-feathered bird can only be found in Prince Rui's Palace, and it is a personal woman specially trained by Ah Jing in Prince Rui's Palace Only the guards Piaoxue and Ruixue..."

"Who?!" Suddenly, with a soft shout, several black shadows suddenly appeared in the Hall of Qinzheng.

Xuanyuan Qingcang was stunned, and fled quickly. In the palace that he built with his own hands, he really knew how to run away. After a while, he got rid of the pursuers and returned to Qingxin Palace!
However, many things made him more and more confused. He felt that his emperor's son was a little different from what he had imagined. This narrow-minded son would actually hook up with Ah Jing's subordinates. She was cultivated, but she followed Luo Qingyu. When he was in Beiming and Beiqiang, he had a lot of contact with Piaoxue, and he felt that this girl was definitely not the kind of person who picks on the inside out!

Can't figure it out, really can't figure it out, Xuanyuan Qingcang's thoughts are getting more and more confused!He sat on the futon, his eyes shining brightly: "Could it be that I made a wrong move?!"

And that night, Piaoxue and Hei Liu finally escaped the checkpoints set by Jin Xiao. When they arrived in the palace, they handed over the soldier talismans they carried with them to Xuanyuan Yutian. Xuanyuan Yujing ordered Hei San and Hei Si to quickly and secretly Going out of the palace, mobilized all the latent soldiers inside and outside the city with the soldier talisman!

On Luo Qingyu's side, the four holy beasts, including Yazijiaotu, had already been captured. Qinglong handed them over to Luo Qingyu after their dragon tendons were pulled out, and they were locked in Luo Qingyu's ring space. Come and guard them.

After subduing these holy beasts, Luo Qingyu, Xuanyuan Yujing and a group of people continued on their way towards Dongyue Kingdom...

For the next two hundred miles, the group spent three days...

During these three days, Jin Xiao released Prisoner Niu, Chi Kiss and Pu Lao's Primordial Spirit. Fortunately, because Suan Ni had been guarding in the pond, the Primordial Spirit could not be separated from the water, even if he left the water, It couldn't be more than one mile away, so Jin Xiao had to give up angrily!

"Now they have arrived at the gate of the city, the nine sons of the dragon, but you are the only one left, Suan Ni, if you don't fight again, I will completely destroy the Dongyue Kingdom!" Jin Xiao looked coldly into the lotus pond Suan Ni said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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