Chapter 12

Wu De Xingjun's gratitude was not limited to this, first he gave two Shadowless Talismans, and then invited Chen Yang to drink. Chen Yang naturally declined, saying that he would keep in touch with him in the future, and Wu De Xing Jun went to work.

He opened the treasure chest and took a look.

【Shadowless Talisman】

Effect: Let your speed disappear without a trace.

"No trace, no shadow, how fast is that, probably if someone hits someone, the other party doesn't know who hit him?"

Chen Yang blinked his eyes, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

When playing basketball last time, Mao Shi asked who the four were, and the other party said they were sophomores, and there were only two sophomores in the basketball class of the School of Physical Education of Jiangnan University. It was really easy to find someone.

After thinking about it for a while, it is better not to tell Mao Shi and others about this matter, but to do it quietly, so as to avoid more troubles.

Without much thought, he left the dormitory and ran all the way to the teaching building of the School of Physical Education, only to find out that the two basketball classes were having classes on the indoor basketball court.

Needless to say, Chen Yang went directly to the indoor basketball court.

The eight basketball courts were playing. Chen Yang squinted his eyes and searched for the figures of the four of them. After a while, he found the four of them on one of the basketball courts, sweating profusely and competing with others there.

Holding hands, Chen Yang walked over to the edge of the basketball court, watching the four of them silently.

"Ah Meng, look!"

One of them noticed Chen Yang on the sidelines for the first time, and couldn't help reminding the people beside him in a low voice.

Ah Meng turned his head to see Chen Yang staring at him, and said disdainfully: "Why do you care? We beat us!"

After speaking, they continued to fight, completely ignoring the existence of Chen Yang.

Seeing this, Chen Yang sneered even more in his heart.

Hurt someone without even an apology, and still treat him like air?
At first, I felt that I couldn't bear to do it, but now I feel that this group of people is really hateful. If I don't teach them a lesson, it is really hard to understand that I only hate them, so I even extracted the Shadowless Talisman.

"Shadowless Talisman, a one-time consumable, silently recite three shadowless voices in your heart, it will take effect immediately, and the effect will last for 24 hours."

Chen Yang squinted his eyes, and silently recited Wuying three times in his heart. Suddenly, with a thought, everything in front of him suddenly changed miraculously.

Everyone's movements gradually slowed down and almost stopped at the end. In Chen Yang's eyes, everything seemed to have stopped.

This is not a time pause, but because Chen Yang's reaction speed is too fast at this time, everything is relatively still.

The corner of his mouth curled up, Chen Yang immediately set off and rushed into the basketball court, kicked Ah Meng's lower abdomen fiercely with a flying leg, and immediately backed away, returning to the previous position.

With a thought, the screen returned to normal again.

Not surprisingly, Ah Meng let out a muffled groan, and before he let go of the ball, he immediately flew four or five meters away, hit the ground hard, and began to howl while clutching his belly.

Forehead! ?

what's the situation! ?

A group of people saw that Ah Meng flew out suddenly, and all of them were stunned. You look at me, I look at you, and they don't know what happened at all.

Only Ah Meng's three good friends came to his senses first, and hurried to his side.

"Meng? What's wrong with you?"

"Speak, what's wrong?"

These three people are also completely confused, and they don't understand the situation at all.

Ah Meng actually wanted to speak, but when he opened his mouth, he could only groan, and felt his entire lower abdomen twitching, the pain was excruciating!

No one knows better than Ah Meng that someone definitely kicked him hard just now!
who! ?
Ah Meng didn't know, but Chen Yang involuntarily jumped out of his head and was watching the show with his hands folded. He was the only one who had any grudges here. Subconsciously, Ah Meng opened his eyes and glanced, and saw Chen Yang still held his hands together, but there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

This made Ah Meng shudder, and felt a little panic in his heart.

Him, how did he do it?
Didn't even see anyone, and flew out by himself?

"What's going on? Could it be a cramp?"

Seeing this, the rest of the people gathered around one after another, full of doubts, and guessed one after another.

It can be considered that Ah Meng's physique is quite strong. At the beginning, it was really painful. After getting over it, he felt a lot easier, but the situation was not much better.

Finally being helped up, Ah Meng was helped to the sidelines, where he happened to sit beside Chen Yang.

Chen Yang just folded his arms and watched silently without saying a word.

"Okay, it's okay, you guys go on, I'll rest for a while." Ah Meng reluctantly waved his hand to let the three of them leave, and the three of them also subconsciously glanced at Chen Yang next to him, with a few hints in their eyes. Very surprised.

They obviously also suspected Chen Yang, but no one saw Chen Yang move, and they were quite puzzled.

After the three left, Ah Meng gasped in pain at first, and then couldn't help looking at Chen Yang. Seeing that Chen Yang ignored him, he didn't know what to say for a while.

He had a faint feeling in his heart that it was Chen Yang who moved his hands, although he didn't know how Chen Yang did it.

Suddenly, Chen Yang at the side said coldly: "Is it cool?"

This sound instantly shocked Ah Meng into a cold sweat. He wasn't sure if it was Chen Yang who moved his hand. He was extremely terrified, panicked and nervous at the same time, and he didn't care about his face, so he hurriedly said, "Brother, I was wrong!"

"You're right, what's wrong with you!" Chen Yang sneered, without even looking at Ah Meng: "The kick just now was just an appetizer, and there will be better ones later, I guarantee you can stay in the hospital in the future , I can’t take care of myself!”

Ah Meng was trembling all over, he didn't dare to question at all, his inner defenses collapsed, and he said: "Brother, it's the mouse who made us trouble you, it's none of our business, really, I swear!"

If the mouse was here, it might spit out a mouthful of old blood, and he was clearly told to never tell him, but he would have sold him in a blink of an eye.

Chen Yang couldn't help being taken aback, and raised his brow slightly: "Who!?"

There was an unexpected harvest, which was really unexpected by Chen Yang.

"The amount of money, the amount of money!" Ah Meng said in a hurry: "The amount of money for the third class of senior management studies, he asked us to trouble you, and gave us 1000 yuan. Brother, we are also obsessed with finding it." You are troublesome, your lord has a lot, let us go, I will give you the 1000 yuan later, and I promise that I will never mess with the money in the future!"

Money! ?
Where did this come from?
Chen Yang frowned, seeing that this guy was about to cry, he was quite speechless, curled his lips, and said, "Okay, let me let you go, be more honest in the future."

In fact, Chen Yang's anger has dissipated a long time ago, and the kick just now was considered cruel enough. Ordinary people are afraid that they will have internal injuries. There was no big problem, Chen Yang was relieved instead.

"Thank you brother, thank you brother!"

Ah Meng nodded hastily, and the boulder hanging in his heart fell to the ground instantly.

"Save the 1000 yuan for the physical examination!"

After waving his hand, Chen Yang left. When he left the gymnasium, Ah Meng couldn't help but collapsed on the ground. His heart couldn't be calmed down for a long time, and his clothes were soaked at some point.


"Mao Shi, do you know the number of money?"

When the elder brothers gathered together in the evening, Chen Yang asked casually.

Mao Shi has a good relationship in school and knows a lot of people. He is basically a know-it-all in the dormitory. When he heard the name, he nodded and said: "Mice, they are in the same class as us, and they are quite cute in school. I heard that There is a brother who is doing well in society, what's the matter? You won't have any trouble with him, will you?"

"No, there's nothing wrong with it." Chen Yang smiled and shook his head, but his heart was a little gloomy.

Liu Yuan who was playing with the computer suddenly said: "By the way, Yangshen, I met Li Yanran this morning."

Chen Yang couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Tell me why, I have nothing to do with her!"

Liu Yuan suddenly smiled mysteriously: "Guess what I saw?"

Mao Shi and Zhang Rui suddenly became interested: "What happened?"

"Hey, this Li Yanran ran away as soon as he saw me!" Liu Yuan beamed with joy, "He ran away very shyly, tsk tsk, it seems that Yang Ju's lingering prestige is still there!"

Chen Yang didn't know what to say at all, but at this moment, there was a knock on the door, and everyone couldn't help being stunned.

"Don't you say that Cao Cao and Cao Cao will be there?" Mao Shi stood up with a strange expression on his face, just as he opened the door, he saw Ah Meng and the other four standing at the door, Mao Shi's expression darkened: "What are you doing here! ?”

"Hello senior, um, is senior Chen Yang here? I, we are here to admit our mistakes!"

Forehead! ?

Liu Yuan and Mao Shi were stunned...

(End of this chapter)

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