Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 1241 Subduing 9 Heads

Chapter 1241 Subduing Nine Heads
what! ?

Xue Wusheng suddenly looked confused, what does this mean?
"Chen Yang, is this a mistake? Didn't we agree to deal with the nine-headed ghost snake? Now we are going to help the nine-headed ghost snake!?"

Chen Yang didn't know how to explain to Xue Wusheng, it was impossible to directly say that I wanted to subdue this nine-headed ghost snake, then Xue Wusheng would definitely not agree, so Chen Yang hurriedly said: "Brother Wusheng, do you believe me?"

"I believe it, of course I believe it, but I don't know why you did this, I really don't understand it!" Xue Wusheng asked with a puzzled expression.

"I'll explain it to you when the time comes. Anyway, you just listen to me now, ok?"

"Okay, what do you mean again?"

"Okay, stop asking, let's fight!"

With Chen Yang's low growl, the two of them rushed out of the cold wind. Chen Yang directly used the Tai Chi Diagram and threw it at the group of guests.

Facing the sudden attack, the customer group reacted in a timely manner, and immediately shouted: "Back!"

A group of Tiemu people suddenly dispersed and directly avoided the Taiji diagram, while Chen Yang followed closely behind him. When he saw the crowd disperse, he grabbed the Taiji diagram without saying a word. With the power of the Taiji diagram, It came directly to the vicinity of the nine-headed ghost snake. The nine-headed ghost snake seemed to know the power of the Taiji diagram, so it didn't dare to bear it at all. After screaming, it suddenly dodged.

"Brother Silent!"

Chen Yang roared immediately, Xue Wusheng moved, and immediately blocked the path of the nine-headed ghost snake, and then Chen Yang trembled all over, suddenly raised his hand to move forward, it was Xue Wusheng who urged it to move With the supernatural power of transfiguration, he switched his position with Chen Yang, and Chen Yang's hand happened to touch the Hydra's body, and in an instant, the Hydra disappeared in place. The son was taken into the Qiankun Ring by Chen Yang.

As long as the nine-headed ghost snake is put into the Qiankun ring, even though there is Guteng Jingwang to deal with it, Chen Yang can be regarded as relieved. As soon as it landed on the ground, Xue Silently came to Chen Yang immediately, with a look on his face. The people who looked at the guest group gloomyly, and the group of guests in the guest group also stared at Chen Yang and the two of them gloomyly.

"Xue Wusheng, you are quite courageous, quickly return the nine-headed ghost snake, otherwise you will die without a place to bury you!"

The faces of the customers were all ferocious, and their eyes were squinted with murderous intent.

"The nine-headed ghost snake is not yours. Why do you ask me to return it? Besides, we caught the nine-headed ghost snake!" The people and horses immediately surrounded Chen Yang and the two of them, looking at each of them as if facing a formidable enemy.

"I warn you, if you don't return the nine-headed ghost snake today, both of you have to stay here for me!"

"Stop talking nonsense with them, let's go!" Chen Yang immediately stretched out his hand and grabbed Xue Wusheng's shoulder. With a thought, the two of them suddenly disappeared in place, and returned to Baidi City in the next second. It is undoubtedly the air piercing technique.

Seeing that she suddenly appeared in Baidi City, Xue Wusheng was a little dazed for a while, subconsciously looked at Chen Yang, and couldn't help but exclaim: "Chen Yang, what kind of supernatural power is this? How can it be so powerful? Just now our area was nearly a thousand miles away from Baidi City, but we came back in the blink of an eye!"

"It's just a small skill, don't worry about it!" Chen Yang grinned, but at this moment, the Guteng Jingwang in the Qiankun Realm immediately sent a message, saying that the nine-headed ghost snake is very difficult to deal with, so Chen Yang hurriedly Come and help, otherwise, the nine-headed ghost snake is very likely to escape from the Qiankun Ring!
"Chen Yang, what about the nine-headed ghost snake?" Xue Wusheng asked again hastily.

"I hid it in a secret realm, but now the hydra is destroying my secret realm, so I have to go back quickly!"

Xue Wusheng's expression was shocked, and he said quickly: "I'll go over to help too!"

"It's not necessary, just wait for my good news! Don't worry, since Brother Wusheng believes in me, I will definitely give Brother Wusheng a perfect explanation. By the way, Brother Wu Chun may have to go to Baidi, Tell him this matter, otherwise, we will not be able to deal with the Tiemu people chasing us. It is the best choice to let Baidi go out. Of course, you can also tell Qingdi directly that the nine-headed ghost snake has been killed. I caught it, I'll try to see if I can subdue it first, if I can't, then I will naturally hand over the Hydra's body to Baidi!"

Xue Wusheng naturally trusted Chen Yang unconditionally, nodded quickly, and left to find the White Emperor, and Chen Yang also disappeared in the same place, naturally entered the Qiankun ring, as expected , The nine-headed ghost snake was put into the Qiankun Ring, and the small world of the Qiankun Ring was turned upside down for a while. Although Baifa Danlao and others were all in the Qiankun Ring, their cultivation level was not high, of course they had to deal with it. There is no Hydra, so only the King Guteng Jing came out. Guteng Jingwang is also very powerful, and has temporarily suppressed the Hydra, but it can't be suppressed for a long time.

Chen Yang didn't dare to be careless. If the nine-headed ghost snake couldn't be suppressed, it would break through the space in the Qiankun Ring, and even the Qiankun Ring might be destroyed, so Chen Yang released it immediately. The Taiji Diagram was constantly rotating and expanding in his hand, and it didn't take long before the cooperation of King Guteng Jing captured the Hydra Ghost Snake.

Guteng Jingwang is a combination of offense and defense. In addition to being very strong in attack and defense, the auxiliary ability is naturally extraordinary. Chen Yang also tried the effect of this Tai Chi Golden Light Clock before. After both were trapped in it, they couldn't move at all. This Hydra Ghost Snake was no exception. Even though it was much stronger than Shuangshuang, it couldn't stop the power of the Tai Chi Golden Light Bell, and was trapped in it after all.

Only then did Chen Yang heave a sigh of relief, and came to the vicinity of the nine-headed ghost snake. The nine-headed ghost snake suffered a lot from the Tai Chi Golden Light Clock, so now it dare not resist, and can only stay in it honestly, Issued an unwilling wail.

"Okay, stop screaming, what are you unwilling to do, if I hadn't helped you just now, you would have been killed by the Ironwood people, and even your child would have been taken away "Chen Yang snorted coldly: "I'm giving you a chance now, recognize me as the master, and you can live in this place in the future and raise your children well. I guarantee that no one will disturb you, but occasionally you have to help me Just busy, of course, I will provide you with a good living environment, as long as you want, I can bring you anything you need!"

Since this ancient demon is spiritually enlightened, he can understand Chen Yang's words, but the nine-headed ghost snake obviously doesn't believe Chen Yang so easily, so he is still wailing in the golden light bell of Taiji, the wailing sound can be heard It's pitiful, it seems to be begging Chen Yang to let it go.

Although Chen Yang couldn't understand what the ancient monster said, he still understood the meaning, but he would not let the hydra go, and said in a deep voice: "It's useless to let you go, if you go out, the group just now People will definitely find you again, but no one will save you when the time comes, and you will understand the consequences yourself!"

"Don't think about yourself, you have to think about the child in your arms. I am the only one who can provide you with a good living environment!" Chen Yang said coldly with a gloomy face, "I am not a good person either. If you don't agree, I will kill you and your child right now, lest you have long nights and dreams!"

The nine pairs of eyes of the nine-headed ghost snake stared at Chen Yang fiercely, and the eyes were full of unwillingness. Chen Yang sneered, and confronted the nine-headed ghost snake fearlessly: "I will give you some time to think, you Think about it for yourself, whether you will be killed by me, or you will be taken care of by me from now on!"

"I've already shown mercy. You have killed countless people. I spare your life now to make you pay for your sins. If you don't know what to do, you won't be polite at all!"

"I'll give you some time to think about it. If you don't want to, then I won't hesitate!"

As Chen Yang was about to leave, the nine-headed ghost snake suddenly wailed, but something was wrong with the voice, Chen Yang frowned, and couldn't understand what the nine-headed ghost snake meant, but at this time the Bone Eater King appeared , hastily said: "He told you to save its child, as long as you save its child, it will be willing to recognize you as its master!"

(End of this chapter)

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