Chapter 1344

Soon, Chen Yang came to the vicinity of these buildings, poked his head out secretly, and looked at these buildings from a distance. They were some very primitive buildings, not even considered buildings. After digging a hole, the whole piece of rocks surrounded a lake, and Chen Yang saw a lot of people playing in the water while still in the lake.

Chen Yang took a closer look, and found that the appearance of these people was similar to normal people, but there was a huge gap in their size, some were three or four meters tall, while some were less than one meter tall, and there were a mix of men and women. It's just because Chen Yang can't use his consciousness, so he doesn't know whether these men and women are monks or monsters. The most important thing is that Chen Yang can't understand what they are saying, and they chatter non-stop, but Chen Yang But I can't understand the meaning.

"Magic pen, can you understand this?"

"I haven't heard of it either. It's probably the language of the prehistoric period, but I don't know whether these are people or monsters, but they may also be prehistoric people like Pan Gu!"

"People from the wilderness?" Chen Yang was taken aback. This was the first time he had heard of this term: "It's the human race that lived in the wilderness, right!?"

"It's not a human race, it should be a human form that evolved from a monster. For example, God Nuwa, God Fuxi, and God Pangu, they are the earliest human forms, and the human race created by God Nuwa is based on the prehistoric people. The appearance is fabricated!"

"Isn't this a little nonsense? Darwin's theory of evolution says that humans evolved from apes, so these prehistoric people should be apes, right?"

"Darwin's theory of evolution? What the hell is this?" Taiyuan Magic Pen asked suspiciously: "But what he said is indeed true, the current human race did evolve from apes, but this is a process of reincarnation. The first is the human race, and then the human race evolved into an ape due to the change of the environment, and then it alternates repeatedly like this!"

"Fuck, can you still explain it like this?" Chen Yang couldn't help being stunned: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to entangle these things, anyway, now I see that these are all people from the wild, right?"

"I'm not sure either! I only know that there are people from the past, but I really don't know if they are people from the past. Why don't you find someone and see if you can absorb his memory?"

"I thought so too, but the weird thing is, look over there, there's someone wearing modern clothes!"

Chen Yang quickly pointed to a two-meter-tall man on the shore, who was indeed wearing modern clothes.


The Taiyuan magic pen couldn't help being stunned, Chen Yang suddenly thought of something, and said quickly: "Since there are people in the demon cave who have been in and out of modern society, it is not uncommon to have modern products, and judging by the appearance of that guy, he seems to like it very much." The clothes on my body, how about I take a few sets of clothes out and try them on?"

"Isn't this a little too risky?" Taiyuan Magic Pen said a little nervously.

"Shouldn't it be risky? Let's go and have a try now!"

After saying that, Chen Yang immediately walked out of the grass, and then headed towards the lake. The men and women playing in the lake had very sensitive senses. As soon as Chen Yang came out, he couldn't help but look over. After Yang Gang took two steps, this group of people rushed ashore quickly, and then rushed towards Chen Yang.

Chen Yang frowned, but there was no movement, because he felt that these prehistoric people did not have any malicious intentions. Sure enough, these prehistoric people quickly surrounded him, pointing at the clothes on Chen Yang's body, and chattering They kept talking, and Chen Yang immediately understood what they meant. It turned out that they planned to ask for the clothes on Chen Yang's body.

"Looks like I was right!"

Chen Yang smiled slightly, and with a big wave of his hand, he quickly took out the change of clothes in his treasure chest, as well as the clothes he bought for his daughter-in-law before, and took out all the clothes that were stored here. As soon as these prehistoric people saw the clothes There was no resistance anymore, and they rushed up one after another, planning to grab the clothes.

Before Chen Yang could react, he was hit hard, and he flew seven or eight meters away. He hurriedly stabilized his figure, stared at the prehistoric man who was looting clothes.

"How the hell is this possible? I'm in the physical body of the heavenly realm after all! I was knocked away with just such a bump!" Chen Yang swallowed dryly: "Yes, it is definitely the power of the wild, otherwise, How could their physical bodies be so terrifying?"

When Chen Yang was surprised, all the clothes he took out were looted in an instant, and he left happily with several sets, leaving only Chen Yang standing there alone, wondering why he didn't even have a word of thanks?
But looking at the situation, it seems to be very good. It seems that because of the clothes Chen Yang gave them, these Honghuang people didn't seem to have any malice towards Chen Yang, so Chen Yang bravely came to a Honghuang man. Yang's waist was completely a dwarf, he smiled when he saw Chen Yang, said something that Chen Yang couldn't understand, and then dragged Chen Yang into his cave.

Chen Yang didn't know what he was going to do, and after waiting for a while, he saw that the prehistoric dwarf quickly took out a lump of meat, and then put it in front of Chen Yang, smiled at Chen Yang, and made some movements with his hands, It seems to let Chen Yang eat.

This seems quite polite, but it is really embarrassing to not be able to communicate. After thinking about it, Chen Yang secretly cast a body-holding spell to see if he could control this prehistoric dwarf, and then read some memories. But who would have thought that the Primordial Dwarf was completely uncontrollable after the body-holding technique was released, and he still looked at Chen Yang with a smile, signaling Chen Yang to continue eating.

"By the way, this body fixation technique is too low-level. If this guy really has the power of the wild, then he can be immune to many magical powers!" Chen Yang frowned, and quickly released the Fudo King Formation. Seeing if he could control it, as soon as the Immovable God Formation came out, the prehistoric dwarf continued to move unaffected.

Nima!He couldn't even control the Immovable God King Formation!
Although he knew that the power of the prehistoric is indeed very strong, Chen Yang really did not expect that it would be so strong that it would not even be affected by the Immovable God King Formation!

The fuck is playing with a watermelon!

"Damn, this guy can't control it at all, so how can I read the memory? Even if I can control it, I'm afraid the soul secret method to read the memory is useless?"

"This is really tricky, because with the power of the wild, you can indeed be immune to most magical powers. I think you may not be able to read the memory!"

Chen Yang frowned tightly. Seeing that Chen Yang didn't eat, the prehistoric dwarf became unhappy for a while, and chattered a lot again, which made Chen Yang's head swell, but Chen Yang suddenly had an idea, With a slip of his hand, he took out the Zhihuan. Since he couldn't use magic to communicate, let's see if he could use the black technology of Zhihuan to communicate.

Chen Yang quickly handed the Zhihuan over, the Honghuang dwarf took the Zhihuan and looked at it curiously, then Chen Yang took the Zhihuan in his hand in a dignified manner, the Honghuang dwarf looked at it and grinned He also put the ring on his hand.

"Activate the voice communication ability!"

Chen Yang thought about it quickly, and soon heard the voice of the prehistoric dwarf: "What the hell is this? I have never seen it before."

It really works!
Chen Yang was overjoyed. He didn't expect the wisdom ring of the Barrem galaxy to come in handy here, and then Chen Yang also opened his mouth: "This is a gift from me? How is it? Do you like it?"

Of course, these words are all babbling, but Chen Yang already knows how to use the language of the wild, and he is glad that he has the wisdom ring with him, otherwise he would not know how to get along with this group of wild people in the future.

Seeing that Chen Yang spoke the language of the wild, the Honghuang dwarf quickly smiled: "I thought you couldn't speak our words, but you can, and I explained so much!"

Chen Yang laughed dryly in his heart, he just learned it...

(End of this chapter)

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