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Chapter 1411 Who Allowed You to Be the Dragon Emperor! ?

Chapter 1411 Who Allowed You to Be the Dragon Emperor! ?
"The audience is silent! The enthronement ceremony begins now!"

With the announcement of the beginning of the ceremony, Zi Yan couldn't help showing a smile on his face. She was originally a rare beauty among the Dragon Clan, but now that she has dressed up, she is even more glamorous and moving. In the hearts of many people, every step is so enchanting.

Ziyan slowly went up to the top of the high platform, the audience was silent, no matter what kind of mentality they had now, but the enthronement ceremony was already underway, and Ziyan ascended the throne in an orthodox way, as long as she completed the ceremony , all the golden demon dragons have to admit that she is the new Dragon King. After all, this is a rule passed down from their ancestors, even the Dragon King himself has to abide by it.

Zi Yan's face also showed a bit of excitement. She never thought that she would actually ascend to the throne, and would soon become the overlord of the entire dragon clan. She will usher in a new era, and this moment must be immortalized in the history of the Dragon Race.

But who would have thought that when Zi Yandang was about to step on the top of the high platform, there would be a soft shout from afar.

"Wait a minute, who allowed you to be the Dragon Emperor!?"

Although the sound was not loud, it was clearly heard by everyone. Everyone's expression changed slightly, and they couldn't help but look around for the speaker, but they didn't see the speaker's figure after searching in all directions. !

"Master, it's Master!"

The third princess naturally recognized the voice, and her expression was filled with excitement.

Zi Yan's face darkened in an instant, and she was naturally familiar with Chen Yang's voice, but she never expected that Chen Yang would come to disrupt the situation at this time!

This guy is not dead yet! ?

Zi Yan clearly remembered that Chen Yang was out of breath at that time, shouldn't he be dead already?How could it suddenly appear?

In fact, Zi Yan didn't know that Chen Yang had already escaped at that time, and those few golden demon dragons were also secretly cleaned up by Chen Yang, so Zi Yan didn't know what happened at that time, and she was also overwhelmed by joy. Dazed, he thought that those monster dragons should have already torn Chen Yang into pieces, so he didn't ask about it later.

But it's useless to regret now, Chen Yang has obviously been resurrected, and wants to stop her enthronement ceremony!
"Chen Yang, get out of here, don't play tricks!"

Standing on the high platform, Zi Yan shouted softly, staring closely at her surroundings with her two eyes.

"Then I'll come out and see what you can do to me?"

As soon as the voice came out, a figure suddenly appeared in the distance, looking at Zi Yan indifferently: "You woman dare to rape me? Now you have to pay for it!"

Zi Yan had a ferocious smile on his face: "I didn't expect you to be so hard-pressed. You are still alive. You came just in time. My enthronement ceremony seems a bit boring. Killing you will also add some color to my enthronement ceremony." !"

"If you said these words to me before, I might still be a little afraid, but now, to me, these words are just a joke!"

"Then let me see if you have the ability!" Zi Yan sneered: "I just happened to give you a gift, would you like to take a look?"

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows: "What gift!?"

"Soon you'll find out!"

Zi Yan clapped his hands immediately, and saw that the evil dragons under the high platform had already started to chase people away, and the countless golden demon dragons were suddenly driven into the corner, and then saw many people from the evil dragons flocking Gathered under the high platform, and their hands have a layer of jet black film.

Chen Yang's face changed slightly, and Zi Yan grinned: "It seems that you already know what these things are, that's right, you are a monk, no matter how high your cultivation level is, as long as you encounter Wuling Shi, you are useless, so I specially created such an army, originally to prepare for a rainy day, but I didn't expect you to appear, so I just came to try the effect!"

"It's ridiculous to say that you told me about the spiritless stone. Otherwise, I really don't know that this thing is so useful. Now, I have an army of 500 people without spiritstones, and I want to kill them." Isn't it easy for you?"

"Nonsense, your math seems to be taught by the physical education teacher, there are only more than 200 people here, where are the [-] people!?" Chen Yang curled his lips: "Okay, okay, whatever tricks you have Come on, today I came here specially to teach you how to be a dragon!"

"I see how arrogant you are going to be later, kill me!"

Following Zi Yan's order, the spiritless stone army of the evil dragon tribe rushed towards Chen Yang, but Chen Yang showed no fear on his face, his mouth grinned, and his whole figure suddenly moved, unexpectedly directly Killed towards the Wulingshi army.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Chen Yang submerged in the team, and then screamed again and again. A member of the dragon tribe was thrown into the sky, or was directly sent flying into the surrounding mountain walls. The sky was filled with dust. Everyone is covered in dust all the time.

Zi Yan's eyes were fixed on the battlefield, feeling a little unbelievable in his heart.

Why is Chen Yang not afraid of Wulingshi?
This is impossible, as long as it is a monk, it will be afraid of Wulingshi, but now this guy, why, why did he become like this?Moreover, he could directly fight against the monster dragon with his physical body, and even crush it completely!

What happened in the past half month?
For a while, everyone could only hear screams coming from the dust. With every scream, the monster dragon would fly out, either flying directly into the sky, or directly smashing into the rock wall. All kinds of ups and downs, so everyone was surprised, thinking what kind of guy has such a strong fighting power?

After a while, there was no movement of fighting in the dust, and the only thing left was screams. At the same time, a figure gradually became clear, and Chen Yang came out slowly, clapping his hands, While looking at Ziyan on the high platform: "I said, today I am here to teach you how to make a dragon. You are such a vicious woman, you are not suitable to be a dragon emperor at all! You should be honest, I don't have to kill you!" You, but I want to take away all your power, this power does not belong to you at all!"

As soon as the words fell, the dust gradually dispersed, and I saw that Chen Yang was lying down densely behind him, and everyone was screaming and wailing...

Seeing this scene, everyone's scalps were numb, and their eyes widened involuntarily.

Whether it's the golden monster dragon or the evil dragon clan, all that's left in my heart at this moment is horror.

To kill all the monster dragons in such a short time! ?

And just one person!

"Hey, this is not a joke, is it?"

"It was killed in one go!?"

"What's the origin of this guy!? Why haven't I seen it before!? Haven't heard of it?"

Naturally, not many people here recognize Chen Yang, because Chen Yang has basically never shown his face in the Dragon Palace, and all actions are basically carried out underground. Even after helping the Dragon King restore the country, Chen Yang is still secretly The only people who know about him are some high-level members of the Dragon Clan. Others don't recognize him at all. Even if they are from the Evil Dragon Clan, there are only a few hundred people who have really seen Chen Yang.

Of course, when these people saw Chen Yang, they were naturally full of surprises, because they saw Chen Yang die with their own eyes, but now they are standing upright in front of everyone, which really makes them a little unbelievable, and this As soon as he appeared on the stage, he was even more crazy and cool, killing two or three hundred people in one shot, and he didn't use any magic weapon or supernatural power at all, and he was fighting with his body the whole time!

It seems that only Bai Santong can do this kind of thing, right?

Everyone didn't know what happened to Chen Yang. In just half a month, Chen Yang's strength skyrocketed?You can even fight against the demon dragon directly with your body! ?

This is too unbelievable!

Of course, Zi Yan was the most surprised among them. She knew Chen Yang's strength well, but seeing that Chen Yang had dealt with so many people so easily, she couldn't help but widen her eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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