Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 1420 Selection

Chapter 1420 Selection
Chen Yang heard the words, and immediately looked at the figures walking in the distance, and found that they were all elderly guys.

"Huh!? The physical strength is quite strong, and they have all entered the realm of the holy way!" Chen Yang grinned: "No wonder you can become the boss, but you really have some skills!"

Jayne couldn't understand what Chen Yang was talking about. He focused all his attention on the leaders of the shark organization, and even showed a bit of admiration on his face. Recently, several leaders of the shark organization A big guy, in this underground world, he is a real figure who calls the wind and rain, even the royal family has to give face, and they and Sickles are both figures of the same era. In the underground world, they are true legends, countless People's dreams when they were young, even Jayne is no exception.

"These four are the four brothers, Ludong, Lunan, Luxi, and Lubei. They jointly founded the Shark Organization. After hundreds of years of evolution, the Shark Organization has become what it is today!"

"The name is quite easy to remember, southeast, northwest!" Chen Yang smiled slightly: "Not to mention, it looks like a big boss, that kind of temperament is not something that ordinary people can have, let alone they themselves The strength is quite strong, and it is normal to have this kind of temperament!"

"Master, didn't we come here to find Statham? The problem is that there are so many people, how do we find it?" Jayne asked in a low voice.

Chen Yang thought for a while, then suddenly smiled and said: "I will naturally have a way to make this guy Statham show up later, you don't need to worry, anyway, neither you nor I have participated in this summit meeting, maybe you can hear something in it Interesting news? So let's listen slowly!"

Jayne nodded repeatedly, but didn't say anything more.

When the four Ludong brothers came to the high platform, everyone around them sat down one after another, and the four Ludong brothers also sat down immediately, and then they heard Ludong say: "Everyone, this summit meeting is mainly about It is because of two things. The first thing is that the conflict between our Shark Organization and the Hungry Wolf Organization is deepening day by day. Many people must be distressed by this. I know everyone must be very dissatisfied with the behavior of the Hungry Wolf Organization, but everyone We must consider that the reason why our shark organization has come to this point is all because there is no war. If we fight with the hungry wolf organization, then other organizations may take advantage of it and even break us up! "

"Uncle Lu Dong, what do you mean? Are we just watching the people of the Hungry Wolf Organization arrogant in front of us? Even hurting our interests!?"

Dissatisfaction soon came from the crowd.

"Everyone, don't worry, let me tell you slowly, to solve this matter, it is easy to say, and the reason why the hungry wolf organization targets our shark organization is mainly for the mine star, but I have already found the evil The person in charge of the wolf organization talked about this matter, and after research, we have set a rule that we have won the country today by force, so this matter will naturally have to be resolved by force. When the time comes, we will Both organizations have found representatives from their own organizations, and put our mine star on them, and whoever wins, the mine star will belong to him!"

"That's a good idea!"

"I think it's okay. Does Uncle Ludong already have someone in mind?"

Doubtful voices came from the crowd.

"Let the third brother talk about this!"

Lu Xi nodded, looked around, and said: "Our shark organization has a large number of people, and naturally there are many masters among them, and everyone must have understood what I mean. The reason why I let all of you bring your own power The best players among them came here for today, and we will hold a selection ceremony later, you invite your own people to participate, and whoever wins in the end will be our representative, this should be fair, right?"

"Of course, we won't treat you badly. If anyone wins in the end, he can become my son-in-law. This is the second thing. As long as he wins, he can marry my daughter, and this person will take over. my position!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Everyone was so excited, what does this mean?
As long as he can win everyone, he will become Lu Xi's fast son-in-law in the end, and he will also become one of the top four leaders of the Shark Organization in the future. He will enjoy endless glory and wealth!
"Lu Xi's daughter, she is an extremely beautiful woman. If she wins, she will make a lot of money. Wealth, honor, status, beauty has everything, it can be said that a salted fish has turned over!"

"The most important thing is that no matter what happened before, if you really win this game, all the stains from the past will be erased, and you don't have to worry about other people staring at you anymore!"

The crowd was full of excited voices, and soon someone urged: "Uncle Lu Xi, can we start directly now? We are eager to try!"

"Don't worry, I want to declare first that your final opponent will be Bills!"

Some looked in one direction as they spoke, and then saw a young man stand up, nod indifferently to everyone, and immediately sat on the seat.

As soon as the name of Biers came out, many people's faces changed slightly. Their faces that were originally excited turned into wry smiles in an instant.

"That's right! Why did you forget that there is this guy? This is Lu Xi's adopted son, and his strength is unfathomable!"

"It is said that his strength is enough to fight against the generals and marshals in the royal guard. I don't know if it is true or not, but after all, he was cultivated by Lu Xi, so his strength is definitely not weak!"

"And it is said that this guy has a deep affection for Lu Xi's daughter. I'm afraid he will go all out this time. This guy is a murderer without blinking an eye. If we go, we may not be able to survive!"

As soon as Bills appeared on the stage, many people began to smile wryly, and suddenly lost the desire to participate, but under the reward, there must be a brave man, and there are still many people who want to try, and these people have two brushes Yes, I definitely want to prove myself here.

"Then I'll be the referee, and if you want to compete, in order not to hurt everyone's peace, the best way is naturally a virtual arena!" Lu Xi smiled slightly, and then saw someone hurriedly carrying it. Several virtual arenas were placed on the high platform, and immediately Lu Xi looked around: "Anyone who wants to try can come up!"

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows. He hasn't played this virtual arena for a long time. Chen Yang is short of money. If he wants to do a research project, he will definitely spend a lot of money. If he becomes the dragon of the Shark Organization Quick son-in-law, aren't all these problems solved?

Chen Yang smiled slightly, and this was also the best chance to find Statham, so he simply went directly to the high platform.

"Young master, you are..."

Jayne was stunned for a moment.

"You can just stand here, I'll go over and play!"

Chen Yang smiled slightly, and continued towards the high platform.

"There are a total of eight virtual arenas here. Bills will defend the ring in one of them. If he succeeds in defending the ring in the end, he will compete again until there is only one person left. Are you clear about this rule?"

"It's clear, Uncle Lu Xi, let's start!"

"We can't wait, hahaha!"

"Okay, let's start now, who will be the first to defend the ring?"


A group of people immediately raised their hands excitedly, and then Lu Xi picked a few people and started to be the first team of defenders, and on this virtual arena, a big screen was naturally derived, and the competition All the processes will be carried out under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Soon, the beating began.

Everyone was in high spirits, and the fight was naturally extremely fierce. In less than 10 minutes, one or two groups of people were changed, and the defenders were constantly changing. Only Bills was as stable as Mount Tai, and he continued to defend the ring. Basically, the opponents you encounter are spikes!

Chen Yang, who was in the audience, looked at Bills with a grin: "Young people are interesting..."

(End of this chapter)

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