Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 1480 Gifts

Chapter 1480 Gifts
But it's useless for Chen Yang to think too much now, because Meng Qiangwei doesn't know where it is at all, and we have to wait until we meet in the future. The most important thing right now is to help Yueji improve her level. If Yueji's strength Being promoted, the benefits to Chen Yang are self-evident. If Yue Ji becomes the king of a generation, then at least Chen Yang will get a lot of help in the next things.

It didn't take long before Yueji woke up, and her aura had changed a lot from before. Her strength and aura had almost increased by three primordial stars. If she kept going like this, Yueji would soon be able to break through to Dao Realm 30 Primordial star, after reaching 30 primordial stars in the Dao Realm, there will be a qualitative change in strength.

This made Chen Yang on the side envious. He had cultivated for such a long time before he reached the heavenly realm. As a result, Yueji devoured the essence of space and easily broke through three primordial stars. This kind of cultivation speed is probably the same in the star field. It's unimaginable.

"How do you feel?" Chen Yang asked with a smile.

Yue Ji showed an excited look: "The strength has indeed improved a lot, much better than before, I can really feel the change in myself!"

Chen Yang nodded with a smile: "That's good. If you continue at this speed, your strength will make a qualitative leap soon, and you will become the leader of the younger generation!"

"Thank you!" Yue Ji smiled sweetly: "Without you, I'm afraid these things are just fantasies, but I'm really curious, what happened to that monster just now? How did it suddenly become like that?"

"I just used some tricks, and it seems that the effect is not bad!" Chen Yang immediately said: "I didn't have much confidence in going to the seventh floor before, but now I have it, and let your strength be as strong as possible today." Raise it up, at least let him King Punk know that we are not the ones he can knead at will!"

Since Yueji got on Chen Yang's thief ship, she could only follow Chen Yang all the way to the dark, she nodded slightly and said: "But I think the passage to the seventh floor has not been opened yet, we still have to You have to wait a while!"

"Well, then find a few more monsters, and first raise your strength to above 30 yuan stars in the Dao Realm, um, that is the limit of the eighth floor!"

Yueji was naturally excited, because she didn't dare to think about this kind of thing before, even if she came to the eighth floor, she would always form a group to kill monsters, and the space essence she got didn't belong to her, at most she could only It's just a little bit, but now following Chen Yang, the space essence of a whole monster belongs to her, which makes her strength continue to rise. This feeling is really exciting.

She believes that according to what Chen Yang said, she will soon reach the limit of the eighth floor, and she will also become a leader among the younger generation. You must know that Spielke is already considered a strong person among the younger generation, but his The realm of strength has not yet reached the Dao Realm 30 yuan star, and the current Yueji is almost equal to Spielke. If she swallows some space essence, she can directly surpass Spielke and be included in the ranks of the real strong!

After all, nowadays, the strongest powerhouses on the entire Yuanling Island are only at the level of about 40 yuan stars in the Dao Realm. If they are above 30 yuan stars, they can already be considered strong on Yuanling Island. The strong men who led the team before are already at the same level, which is of great significance to Yue Ji. Although she was famous in the past, it was not because of her strength, but because of her appearance, as well as herself and Sri Lanka. The relationship between the Pi family, now, Chen Yang helps her rewrite everything, and Yueji will soon become one of the strongest on Yuanling Island!

The passage to the seventh floor has indeed not been opened yet. It seems that no one has planned to eliminate the few elite monsters guarding the passage. In order to save trouble and not reveal his identity, Chen Yang does not plan to go to the seventh floor for the time being, but Accompany Yue Ji to continue to sweep away monsters.

The actions of the two of them completely avoided everyone's sight and searched for monsters in remote places as much as possible, but even so, someone still noticed the abnormality. You can see the surrounding situation.

"What's going on over there?"

A team of hundreds of people flew into the sky, ready to find the next hunting target, but at this moment, a guy with sharp eyes saw strange movements in the distance.

"Why does that monster look so weird? It seems crazy!"

A group of people couldn't help looking into the distance, only to see a monster struggling in place, rushing in all directions with the power of space magic, but there was no pattern at all.

This strange situation has won everyone's attention. Although they don't know what's going on, everyone can tell that something is wrong with this monster. How could they miss the opportunity to take advantage of the fire?

"Go, go and see what's going on!"

A group of people came rushing from the sky, Chen Yang's sky eyes naturally observed the movement of this group of people, and seeing the crowd flying towards him, Chen Yang couldn't help but frowned: "Ghost, hurry up!" , otherwise after those guys come over, there will be some troubles!"

"Yes, young master!"

The ghost looked quite leisurely at first, but after hearing Chen Yang's voice, it immediately launched a crazy attack. The monster in front of him struggled even harder, and Yue Ji beside Chen Yang couldn't help but look gloomy, looking at the distant place The crowd gradually approaching in the sky said coldly: "If they come here, they will definitely get a share!"

Chen Yang sneered: "I won't give them a chance, and this is a gift I prepared for you, how can these guys enjoy it?"

Yue Ji blushed slightly, and looked at Chen Yang with some excitement: "This is the first time I think you are a real man! And this gift from you should be the best gift I have ever received in my life Already!"

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help grinning: "Are you confessing your love to me?"

"It's not a confession, but a bit of a heartbeat!" Yue Ji was relatively calm, so she wouldn't be at a loss by Chen Yang's words, and said with a slight smile: "It's just not enough to like it, but if you If you are willing to work hard, maybe you can also win my heart?"

"Then I'll do my best!"

Chen Yang smiled slightly. In fact, he had never thought about developing a relationship with Yue Ji, but after getting along day and night like this, it is really impossible for you to say that there is no relationship, but this relationship cannot be sublimated into love. After all, Chen Yang and Yue Ji is not an active type, but now that Yue Ji has taken the initiative, it depends on what Chen Yang does.

Observing it for a while, Yueji is still a good woman, and has a lot of personality, and is very responsible for certain things. Although the expression of emotions is very flat and not as vigorous, Chen Yang feels that this woman It's still pretty good, and it can develop and develop. Anyway, he has a lot of girlfriends now, and one more girlfriend will give him more help!

The crazy attack of the ghost strongly suppressed the monster. After a while, the monster turned into a white light and disappeared from everyone's sight. Chen Yang and Yue Ji looked at each other; "Go and get the space essence first." , leave the rest to me!"

"No problem?" Yue Ji asked quickly.

"Don't worry, this group of guys won't make me feel too much trouble!"

Without saying a word, Yue Ji immediately took down the essence of space and devoured it immediately. Immediately afterwards, Chen Yang also came to her side to protect her, while his eyes were looking at the hundreds of people who landed nearby.

"Friend, what happened just now?" The leader quickly asked, "Is it because of you?"

Chen Yang's voice seemed indifferent: "Of course it was the monster I killed. If you have no malicious intentions, please leave as soon as possible. My friend needs to practice with peace of mind. There is another monster not far away. You can go find it!"

A group of people immediately looked at each other in dismay, thinking that although Chen Yang said it easily, it seemed arrogant to everyone.

However, everyone really did not dare to trouble Chen Yang, because they saw that two people took down a monster just now, and they were all surprised in their hearts, thinking that Chen Yang and the two must be not simple characters , naturally there is no need to provoke.

"Thank you!"

After the leader said a word, he led the crowd away. Chen Yang secretly heaved a sigh of relief. In fact, he was still a little guilty in his heart to deal with so many people. If there was a real fight, the situation might be very bad.

(End of this chapter)

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