Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 1487 Going to Level 6

Chapter 1487 Heading to the Sixth Floor

The reason why I was with the people of the Phoebe family before was because the people of Baluru would be threatening, but now it is different. After walking with the ground, the people of Baluru can basically no longer threaten me. I don't have to worry about anything, I just show my identity openly, and there is no need to be with the Phoebe family.

But after all, they cooperated before, so Chen Yang will not leave without saying a word. After solving a monster, Chen Yang said to Phoebe Ryan: "I may go to the sixth floor, but for the sake of To be on the safe side, I only intend to take my wife there, so let's leave here!"

Phoebe Ryan said quickly: "Brother Zorro, can you take me one? I also want to go to the sixth floor with you to have a look, even if I don't need the space essence, as long as you can take me to the sixth floor!"

"What's the point?" Chen Yang asked rather strangely.

"Of course it makes sense. If others know that I, Phoebe Ryan, have entered the sixth floor, then I can become a man of the Yuan Ling Island!" I am quite famous on Yuanling Island, but in the eyes of many people, I am just a person with a bright future, and because of my family status, the reason why others respect me is because of my status. Get the respect of others for your true ability, not because of my family!"

"Then aren't you cheating?" Yue Ji frowned and said, "It's not that you went to the sixth floor by yourself. Such a reputation seems meaningless to you, and it's not worthy of the name. I'm afraid not many people will believe it. of!"

Phoebe Ryan scratched her head embarrassingly: "Ma'am, the lesson is, but I really want to go to the sixth floor to see how terrifying the monsters there are. Of course, if Brother Zorro finds it troublesome , I don’t have to go, after all, I’m a burden on the sixth floor, but Brother Zorro, if you have time, you must come to the Phoebe family to find me, and I will definitely entertain you when the time comes!”

"I didn't ask about that. If I have time, I will naturally come to your Phoebe family!" Chen Yang smiled slightly: "Besides, my name is not Zorro!"

Phoebe Ryan was slightly taken aback.

"My real name is Lu Fei. As for my wife, you must know who it is, right?"

Phoebe Ryan stared: "Damn, you are Luffy? Is that Luffy who snatched a marriage?"

Chen Yang nodded slightly, showing his true face as soon as his appearance changed.

"Why are you telling me now? You are my idol! I always dreamed that one day I would be able to humiliate King Punk severely, but I don't have the ability at all, but you did it, and you Even King Punk dare not trouble you, really, I admire you so much!"

When Phoebe Ryan saw Chen Yang revealing his identity, he instantly became a little fan, and his eyes lit up: "Brother Fei, really, I really admire you, you must come to my family when the time comes, And my father has long wanted to see you, of course, we have no malicious intentions, just want to make a friend like you! Really, I swear on my conscience!"

Chen Yang couldn't help but smiled, stretched out his hand and patted Phoebe Lane's shoulder: "Understood, after I leave the Dark Dungeon, I will naturally go to your family to find you, well, I'll help you a lot anyway , your current strength is about to reach the limit of the seventh floor, you can actually become a man of the hour when you go out this time, just work hard!"

Phoebe Ryan nodded again and again, but Chen Yang didn't say much, and left with Yue Ji, while Phoebe Ryan silently watched the two leave with a look of excitement.

"Master, why did they leave?"

Lunk hurried to Phoebe Lane's side, and asked suspiciously, "Are you not cooperating with us?"

"Well, the two of them are planning to go to the sixth floor!" Phoebe Ryan said in a deep voice, "Unexpectedly, unexpectedly he is Luffy."

"Ah!? Luffy?" Lunk was stunned: "Isn't it? I know what Luffy looks like. He and Luffy are completely two people!"

Phoebe Ryan grinned, stretched out his hand and patted Lunk's shoulder: "Okay, our journey is over here, now we're back on the eighth floor, let's continue to kill monsters and improve the strength of others!"

Seeing that Phoebe Ryan didn't explain, although Lunke was puzzled, he didn't ask any more questions, and followed Phoebe Ryan and led the people away.


Baluru and the others woke up from their cultivation. Naturally, they also knew that the Phoebe family had come to the seventh floor.

"Lake, what's going on over there?"

Baluru asked in a deep voice.

Ryan closed his eyes, and said after a while: "The Phoebe family has already left, and they seem to be planning to go back. In addition, there are two figures heading towards the passage on the sixth floor. They should be a group before. Yes, but now they seem to have parted ways!"

"The sixth floor!?" Baluru frowned: "What are those two guys doing? How dare they go to the sixth floor?"

"I don't know what the situation is, but these two people have extraordinary means, and they can easily eliminate a monster!" Ryan frowned: "Let me see the true colors of these two guys first!"

Baluru nodded, and Ryan closed his eyes again. At the same time, Chen Yang, who was walking, suddenly stopped and frowned.

"What's going on?" Yue Ji asked quickly when she saw that Chen Yang stopped suddenly.

Chen Yang sneered: "Someone is spying on us, and I have noticed it with my divine sense, but it is quite a strange supernatural power, which is somewhat similar to my heavenly eye, but it seems to be much more powerful than my heavenly eye, and it seems to have seen through it." The identities of the two of us!"

Yue Ji couldn't help frowning: "Is it Baruru and the others?"

Chen Yang nodded slightly: "It should be them! But now we have nothing to fear, if they dare to come, I will let them come and go!"

"Go on!"

Chen Yang smiled slightly, and led Yueji to continue towards the passage on the sixth floor.


Lake suddenly opened his eyes, with a slightly surprised look on his face: "It's really weird that this kid can find out!"

Baluru frowned: "What's going on?"

Others also involuntarily looked at Lake, and Lake shrugged: "I glanced at these two guys just now, well, I really didn't expect it to be Luffy and Tsukihime!"

"Uh!? Isn't that right? Aren't the two of them at Krumah's now? We haven't received any news at all!?"

One asked with a frown.

"It's indeed the two of them, but their appearance and breath have changed, but they still can't escape my eyes. Of course, that guy Luffy has noticed that my eyes are watching him. This kid is really extraordinary! "Lake looked at Baluru: "Boss, although this kid and Throne are not against each other, but this kid's methods are extraordinary. Anyway, Throne didn't let us target them, so I don't think we need to go find these two guys, right?" "

Baluru frowned: "We came here mainly for cultivation, not for carrying out a mission. Of course, there is no need to target the two of them, and the throne didn't explain anything, but you said that the two of them are going to the sixth floor now." ?”

"That's right, their direction is the passage to the sixth floor, and Yue Ji's strength seems to have improved a lot, much stronger than before!" Lake frowned: "And I saw Luffy, this guy, can deal with monsters in a special way, throwing monsters into chaos, there is no need to do anything at all, and the monster will die naturally!"

"You mean that this guy has a way to target monsters? That's why he dared to go to the sixth floor?"

Another person asked.

Lake nodded: "Almost, that's what it means!"

"Boss, do you want us to follow this guy? After all, we have no hatred against him. Why don't we cooperate and go directly to the sixth floor? If we can solve the monsters on the sixth floor, it is equivalent to solving the seventh floor several times." monster!"

"It's a good idea, but I don't think Luffy will cooperate with us..."

(End of this chapter)

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