Chapter 152
"I saw the white-faced man!" Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "But no one else is here."

Sima Qing knew that Chen Yang had clairvoyance, but she didn't care about it. After thinking about it, she said, "Then what is your plan?"

"No hurry, wait a little longer, it's not the time yet."

Chen Yang said in a deep voice, carefully watching the situation on the white-faced man's side.

The researcher in the white coat kept talking non-stop, Chen Yang couldn't help frowning, why did this guy talk so much.

Sima Qing also looked puzzled: "What are you going to do?"

However, as soon as the words fell, Chen Yang saw the white-faced man waving his hand, the researcher went out, and used the ground escape talisman without saying a word, and the whole person escaped into the ground at once, making Sima Qing unable to help but stunned.

All the way down, Chen Yang successfully came to the underground of the research room, and wandered to the feet of the white-faced man.

At this time, the white-faced man was standing there with his hands behind his back, not knowing what he was thinking.

Chen Yang grinned, and walked up another Shadowless Talisman. When the scene in front of him gradually slowed down, he immediately stretched out his hands and grabbed the white-faced man's feet!
Come down for me!
The body of the white-faced man fell into the ground when Chen Yang grabbed and stabbed it like this. Chen Yang immediately accelerated and swam quickly towards the depths of the ground.

No matter how powerful you are, let's see how you can surf hundreds of meters underground!
It has to be said that this earth escape talisman is much easier to use than the magic power talisman, not only an escape artifact, but also a ghost artifact!

Chen Yang dragged the white-faced man all the way to the ground, and in a blink of an eye, he came to a place two or three hundred meters away from the ground. Feeling that the distance was almost the same, Chen Yang let go of his hand immediately, and saw that the white-faced man suddenly looked like a fossil Usually embedded in the ground.

Feeling happy, Chen Yang hurried up.


Under the ground, when the white-faced man regained his senses, he found that his eyes were pitch-black, and his limbs could not move at all.

! ! ? ?
what happened! ?
Rao is a strong man like the white-faced man, and he suddenly finds himself trapped, and he can't help but feel a little confused.

He was obviously still in the room just now, thinking about the problem, why he came to this dark place inexplicably.

The most deadly thing is that the white-faced man has fallen into a state of complete hypoxia!
Whoosh, whoosh...

The white-faced man's complexion changed drastically, and he adjusted his breathing, gradually slowing down his body's operation speed, and even slowed down his breathing speed.

One of the top ten traditional martial arts in the legend, Turtle Suction!

This turtle sucking method is similar to the hibernation of animals. It enters into a state of suspended animation by adjusting breathing, so that the body's dependence on the outside world is minimized, and it can continue to survive even in an oxygen-deficient environment.

"What exactly is going on!?"

The white-faced man who fell into a state of suspended animation sank in his heart, completely confused, he didn't even know where he was.

Fortunately, he has the unique skill of turtle suction power, which can survive in water or soil, otherwise he might have to die here for no reason.

One can imagine the state of mind of the white-faced man at this time.

"No, I can't stay in this place for too long, I need to get out immediately!"

Although he doesn't know what's going on, the white-faced man already has a very ominous feeling in his heart. Someone must be playing tricks!

At this time, Chen Yang had already changed into the appearance of the white-faced man. He came to the place where the white-faced man was before, and hurriedly put on the mask of the white-faced man.

But the clothes and hairstyle are a problem, Chen Yang smiled wryly, damn it, I forgot!

Originally, Chen Yang wanted to pretend to be the white-faced man, and then give orders to let the rest of the members of the Black Clothes Club come back, but then he came to his senses and realized that he was not fully prepared!
Chen Yang couldn't help scratching his head in embarrassment, Sima Qing had already said enough, so he couldn't go back and say no, could he?That would be a bit embarrassing!

Glancing at the surrounding environment, Chen Yang saw the bathroom, and hurried in to have a look, there was a bathtub.

Chen Yang couldn't help blinking his eyes, and then grinned at the corner of his mouth, thinking he had a solution, he hurried into the bathroom and poured water into the bathtub, and at the same time he yelled vaguely to the outside: "Come on!"

The outside is actually the research room, relatively quiet, everyone is busy with the work at hand, suddenly heard a shout from the room, and the researcher who was talking to the white-faced man before hurried into the room: "The leader!"

However, after entering the room, there was no sign of the white-faced man. Instead, he heard the sound of running water from the bathroom. The researcher hurried to the door of the bathroom and shouted respectfully: "The leader!"

When Chen Yang heard the voice, he lowered his voice and mumbled, "Call everyone else back."

"Ah!?" The researcher was slightly taken aback.

"Ah what, go quickly, tell the beast cats to stop what they are doing, and come back to see me immediately, I have something important to explain to them face to face!" Seeing that there was no movement outside, Chen Yang said coldly again: "Hurry up!" Go, I'm brushing my teeth now, I'm going to take a shower later, don't bother me!"

The researcher didn't sound like the leader's voice before, but now he suddenly realized it when he heard it was brushing his teeth, but then again, the leader usually takes a bath at night on weekdays, why did he wash so early today?

Besides, on weekdays, the leader summoned other members, didn't he do it himself? Why did he change his mind today and let me contact you?

Anyway, the researcher always felt that something was abnormal, but he didn't care, so he complied and hurried out to make contact.

As soon as the researcher left, Chen Yang grimaced in the bathroom. I still have a way to get away with it.

Of course, it was mainly Chen Yang who trapped the white-faced man underground without a sound. The researchers outside knew nothing at all, so even if there was something abnormal, they would definitely not care.

After turning off the water, Chen Yang temporarily locked the door of the room, then immediately went underground, heading all the way to Sima Qing's position.

At this time, Sima Qing was always wondering what was going on inside, and she was both curious and worried, really tormented.

At this moment, Chen Yang got out from the ground, hurriedly came to Sima Qing's side, panted and said: "It's done, they have already contacted other members of the Black Clothes Club, but they don't know when they will come back. "

"Uh!? Done!?"

Sima Qing was startled when she saw Chen Yang appearing suddenly, but now she heard him say it's done, she was a little confused: "You're not kidding me, are you?"

"Do I need to joke with you!?"

"Then how did you do it?" Sima Qing was stunned: "You did it in 10 minutes?"

Chen Yang grinned: "Hey, why don't everyone call me Yangshen!"

Sima Qing couldn't help shaking her head, gasping for air: "What the hell did you do!? Could it be that you asked them to call and they called?"

Seeing that Sima Qing was extremely curious, Chen Yang didn't hide it from her: "It's actually very simple, I sneaked into the white-faced man's room, hid the white-faced man first, and then I pretended to be the white-faced man, Let the researchers inside contact the beast cats."

"I see." Sima Qing nodded subconsciously. This is indeed a good idea.

No, why did I feel something was wrong!

Wait a minute! ! !
Chen Yang hid the white-faced man! !

Sima Qing couldn't help saying: "You hid the white-faced man!?"

Chen Yang was startled, and hurriedly covered Sima Qing's mouth, and quickly shrank his head: "Damn, why are you so surprised!? You were almost discovered!"

Sima Qing quickly pulled Chen Yang's hand away, and looked at Chen Yang with disbelief: "You really hid the white-faced man?"

"Ah." Chen Yang subconsciously nodded.

Sima Qing felt that her head was not enough.

What kind of person is the white-faced man, a super strong man, Chen Yang can hide the white-faced man without being discovered by everyone?

Are white-faced people fools and idiots! ?

"You, where are you hiding!?" Sima Qing couldn't help swallowing dryly: "Isn't it because you have already solved it?"

"That's not true." Chen Yang shook his head: "I hid him at a depth of 200 meters underground, so it shouldn't be so easy to die, right?"

Sima Qing was stunned.

What! ?

(End of this chapter)

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