Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 155 Nizi, you don't even know your father?

Chapter 155 Nizi, you don't even know your father?

Chen Yang didn't know if he could fool the Water Dragon King, the flower demon Baiyue and others, and his heart was beating violently.

Once it is exposed, the plan will fail, and then they can only smash the cans and fight directly.

But obviously, although the three Water Dragon Kings outside were in shock, they knew the temper of the leader in their hearts.
Suspicion and fear collided with each other, and finally the three retreated.

Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief, touched his forehead, and found that there was still a lot of sweating!
Slightly exhaling, Chen Yang suppressed the panic in his heart, and silently observed the situation outside, and the three Water Dragon Kings were staring at the movement inside the room!

The beast cat's hearing was indeed very sensitive. After listening for a while, it seemed that there was only one person in the room.Why can't I hear the movement of these two people?
Seeing that the animal cat's expression was not right, the Water Dragon King couldn't help asking in a low voice: "What did you hear?"

The beast cat's expression was a little confused: "It seems that the leader is alone in the room!"

"Huh!?" The flower demon Bai Yue frowned slightly: "Just the leader?"

The beast cat smiled wryly: "I don't know what's going on, anyway, the sound I heard was just like a person." Looking around, the beast cat said in a low voice again: "Besides, there is no voice at all, only footsteps can be heard Voice."

After all, these three are S-rank powerhouses with rich combat experience and a lot of consideration, so they are more suspicious.

Hearing what the beast cat said, the Water Dragon King and the flower demon Bai Yue were also puzzled for a moment.

Didn't everyone say that Tan Shiyi and Shifang were talking to the leader inside?How could there be no movement?

Generally speaking, the hearing of animal cats is infallible, so this situation seems a little weird.

"Why don't you go over and have a look?" The Water Dragon King couldn't help but said: "I always feel that something is wrong. Think about it, the leader suddenly called us back, but now he is asking us to wait. There is something wrong in itself. Now, He was also talking to Tan Shiyi and Shifang, and the only sound the problem animal cat heard was a person's footsteps..."

"It's better not to go, the leader may really have something to do inside, don't touch his brow!" Compared with the water dragon king, the beast cat has no such courage: "Since the leader asked us to wait, there must be his intentions So, let's continue to wait!"

The flower demon Baiyue was also well aware of the leader's temper, so she waved her hand and said, "I think we should do as the beast cat said, we'll continue to wait!"

Although the Water Dragon King really felt that something was wrong, seeing that neither of them wanted to go over to find out, he had no choice but to continue to wait.

One after another, the remaining two A-level powerhouses also arrived. Seeing that the three Water Dragon Kings were waiting, the two were also puzzled for a while, and asked what was going on.

"Wait! The leader will call later!"

The flower demon Baiyue waved her hand, and the two A-level powerhouses had no choice but to wait.

Seeing that everyone else was here, Chen Yang, who had been nervously watching the situation outside in the bathroom, didn't dare to hesitate at all. He immediately grabbed the big backpack full of time bombs, went underground, and began to hide under the base. Swim around and plant a ticking time bomb.

Timed for 1 minute, after a while, these twenty or so time bombs were placed in all corners of the base. After finishing these things, Chen Yang grinned, left the base immediately, and quickly returned to Sima Qing's side.

"How's the situation? I saw everyone go in!" Seeing Chen Yang appearing, Sima Qing asked quickly.

Chen Yang lay on Sima Qing's side, and took a breath: "It's almost there. I've buried all the time bombs under the base. The countdown is 1 minute, and ten seconds should have passed by now!"

Sima Qing was taken aback for a moment, then sighed.

Chen Yang frowned: "Why are you sighing inexplicably?"

Sima Qing naturally wouldn't say, I will mourn in silence for the Black Clothes Society.

Met someone like you, it's like eight lifetimes of bad luck!

"It's nothing." Sima Qing shook her head slightly: "This time, the Black Clothes Club may really be wiped out!"

Chen Yang shrugged his shoulders: "Who made them lose money? There are many ways to make money! What kind of drugs are they selling? They harm others and themselves!"

Sima Qing secretly rolled her eyes, you are rich, of course you are a full man who doesn't know that a hungry man is hungry!

1 minute, it will arrive soon.

Suddenly, the ground felt a slight tremor, and Chen Yang let out a low voice: "It exploded!"

Sima Qing's expression was startled, and she immediately looked at the brick factory.

Under the ground, more than [-] time bombs detonated one after another, and the entire underground research institute was plunged into a sea of ​​flames. There were screams and explosions, and the flames completely covered everyone. The brick burning factory above the research institute also began to collapse because of the destruction of the underground research institute, and the whole ground suddenly fell into it, even the cars parked in the brick burning factory fell into it one after another!

All of a sudden, the sea of ​​flames and ruined walls came into view!
Seeing this scene, Sima Qing couldn't help but gasp, the entire Black Clothes Club was basically buried alive!
However, the explosion continued. Chen Yang glanced at it and shouted in a deep voice: "Go, there are still people who are not dead!"

As soon as the words fell, Chen Yang rushed towards the entrance of the brick burning factory.

Sima Qing suddenly got up and followed Chen Yang closely.

Sure enough, the people did not die, only a spray of water suddenly emerged from the sea of ​​flames, and after hitting the surrounding flames, the Water Dragon King grabbed the flower demon Baiyue and rushed out immediately.

However, the situation of these two people is not much better. Both of them are disheveled, their clothes are torn, and there are bloodstains. When they landed, the two of them gritted their teeth and looked at the sea of ​​fire behind them, their faces became ugly. extreme!

The sudden explosion caught everyone off guard. Only the two of them escaped by chance. The others were probably already annihilated in the sea of ​​flames.

"Tsk tsk, it's a pity that you two scumbags were not killed together!"

When the two were at a loss, they suddenly heard a cold female voice coming from behind them, they looked sideways immediately, and the two couldn't help shouting.

"Sima Qing!"

The eyes of the water dragon king and the flower demon Bai Yue were full of incredulity.

This is impossible!

Sima Qingming has already injected the second generation of ZT virus!

Even the first generation of zt virus has no antidote, let alone the second generation of zt virus!

"It's the goddess!" Sima Qing looked at the Water Dragon King and the flower demon Baiyue with a serious face: "Unexpected?"

The Water Dragon King had a gloomy face: "This is impossible, the second generation of ZT virus injected into your body has no cure at all!"

As soon as the words fell, another man's sneer came from the other direction.

"Who the hell told you there's no cure!?"

The water dragon king and the flower demon Baiyue looked shocked, and looked towards the direction of the sound, and saw a man holding hands and looking at the two with a serious face.

"You, who are you!?"

The Water Dragon King shouted coldly.

Chen Yang's eyes were serious: "Nizi, don't you even know your father?"

The Water Dragon King gritted his teeth immediately.

"You two seem to be seriously injured!" Sima Qing sneered at this moment: "Do you still have the strength to fight?"

"Hmph! Even if we are injured, you will not be our opponents!"

The Water Dragon King gave a cold snort, and the water splashed all over his body, covering the body of the flower demon Baiyue beside him!

Sima Qing frowned: "Chen Yang, do it, he wants to heal the injury!"

However, Chen Yang had already noticed something was wrong, he drank suddenly, and Chen Yang grabbed the trolley beside him, and threw it at the water dragon king and the flower demon Baiyue!
Sima Qing also immediately stretched out her hand, flying sand danced, a huge killer appeared, and punched the two Water Dragon Kings directly!
Even though the water dragon king was injured, he was still strong. With a cold drink, he raised a hand, and two water curtains appeared immediately. There was only a muffled bang, and the cart thrown by Chen Yang was directly blocked. , and Sima Qing's sand fist was also blocked!

At this time, the flower demon Baiyue, who was seriously injured, also coughed lightly, stomped her foot, and two thick vines burst out of the ground, stabbing at Chen Yang and Sima Qing respectively...

(End of this chapter)

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