Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 16 Wishful Control Talisman!

Chapter 16 Wishful Control Talisman!
The two took a taxi and stopped at the gate of a residential area after a while.

"This community looks pretty good!" Chen Yang followed Du Jia into the community, and found that the surrounding environment was really good.

"The environment is good, but the house price is too expensive!" Du Jia shrugged: "The monthly rent is more than 5000, and my monthly salary is only [-]. After paying the rent, I basically have to eat dirt!"

The topic of the two was realistic, and they didn't talk about any hobbies in life in the car. They just talked about the past, and Chen Yang had a little understanding of Du Jia's past.

In her own words, she is not good at studying, and she is also playful, so she didn’t get into a good high school, but went to a medical school. She has worked for several years, and she is basically stable. Her parents are Chinese medicine practitioners in their hometown, so Nothing against her work.

Before they knew it, the two came to the door of the house. Chen Yang smiled and said: "It's getting late, so I'll go back first, you should rest early!"

Du Jia was taken aback for a moment, feeling somewhat disappointed in his heart. After thinking about it, he asked to stay: "Why don't you go in and sit for a while, take a rest before going back?"

"No, let's do it another day!" Chen Yang smiled, thought Du Jia was being polite, waved his hand, and left.

Du Jia sighed, this elm head is really not enlightened at all, he doesn't cherish such a good opportunity when invited by a beautiful woman, and he doesn't know what to say about him!
Shaking his head, Du Jia suddenly smiled again, really cute and cute.


After leaving the community, Chen Yang hurried back to school.

I just received the news from Mao Shi that Tiantian has disappeared, and I haven't found it after searching for almost an hour.

Chen Yang has to be anxious, that Tiantian is now his own Roaring Dog, and she gets along day and night, and her feelings have come out. If she is going to lose it at this time, she will not be so distressed. Besides, if Li Yanran finds out about this, she must be killed alive. You can't!
Chen Yang didn't take a taxi at all, and rushed back all the way, the speed was extremely fast, the taxi would take half an hour, but Chen Yang compressed it to 5 minutes, but he was still terribly tired.

"what happened?"

After entering the dormitory, seeing Mao Shi and others gathering in the dormitory with sad faces, Chen Yang asked profusely.

"Didn't I just see that the time was still early, so I took Tiantian out for a walk for a while, but I didn't expect Tiantian to disappear if I didn't pay attention!" Liu Yuan smiled wryly while holding the dog leash in his hand: "What the hell! , this dog chain is obviously not loose, how did Tiantian run away!"

nonsense!Tiantian has already become a genius, can a dog leash hold him?
Chen Yang rolled his eyes secretly, no one could be blamed for this matter, he took a breath and said: "Why are you still standing there, go find it!"

Then everyone left the dormitory with Chen Yang, and searched again, but the housekeepers of the dormitory had already asked one by one, and they all said that they didn't see Tiantian, and the security guard also asked, and they all said they didn't see her.

"Since the security guards at the gate said they didn't see them, then Tiantian must still be at school!" Chen Yang thought for a while, and then said: "Mao Shi, you go to the playground, Liu Yuan and Zhang Rui, you two go to the teaching building Look for it, I'll go to the small lake to have a look!"

Everyone nodded, and then they split up.

There is a small forest by the lake of the school, but now there is basically no one at this spot. With the flashlight on, Chen Yang called Tiantian while looking for it. According to Tiantian's character that only clings to himself, when he hears his voice, it should be There is a response.

After searching for a while, he really heard the voice of barking. Chen Yang was overjoyed, and walked towards the direction of the voice while shouting.


Chen Yang shouted hastily.

"Wang! Wang!"

Chen Yang couldn't help being stunned, why did the voice come from the sky? Looking up, he saw Tiantian crouching between the branches of a tree that was seven or eight meters tall beside him, crumbling.

"Fuck me, how did you get up there?"

Chen Yang couldn't help being a little dumbfounded. After becoming a spirit, can dogs climb trees?
Climb really high!
"You wait there obediently, don't move, I'll go up and save you right away!"

Seeing that Tiantian might fall down at any time, Chen Yang didn't dare to hesitate, and hurried up the tree. Fortunately, he had dug out a lot of bird's nests when he was a child, and his climbing skills were not bad. After a while, Chen Yang climbed easily Going up, she reached out and hugged Tiantian, pulling her into her arms.

"Why are you so naughty? If you run around again in the future, I don't want you!"

Chen Yang taught with a straight face.

Tiantian seemed to understand, and kept pushing Chen Yang's chest, as if she must never hit me.

Seeing that it would act like a baby, Chen Yang was also helpless, shook his head and sighed, and was about to go down, but saw Tiantian screaming again, as if trying to break free from his embrace.

Chen Yang frowned slightly, and could tell at a glance that something was wrong with Tiantian, subconsciously looked in the direction of Tiantian's yelling, and couldn't help scanning.

Looking at it, there is really something hanging on the small tree fork, emitting a faint light. If you don't look carefully, you really can't see it.

Curious in his heart, Chen Yang stretched out his hand to take a look, and found that it was a ring with a very simple shape and some patterns on it, so he couldn't help being taken aback.

Tiantian began to shout again as if claiming credit, as if besides, it was the first to discover this thing.

Chen Yang scratched its head, thinking that this ring should not be that simple, otherwise why would Tiantian spend so much effort climbing the tree?
When he climbed down the tree, Chen Yang didn't see any special effects of the ring, and there was no reaction when he put it on.

Although he felt that the ring was definitely not that simple, Chen Yang didn't bother to worry about it, so he put the ring away for the time being, and then called his roommate to tell Tiantian that he had found it.

When he got back to the dormitory, Chen Yang said that he ran into the woods and got stuck in the crevices of the rocks. Fortunately, nothing happened, and everyone was so happy that they didn't want to get entangled, as long as they found it.


The next day, the Welcome Cup started. In order not to make Mao Shi and others suspect, Chen Yang continued to pretend that his hands hurt and acted as a cheerleader.

On the first day of the game, against sociology, he lost without any suspense.

Chen Yang also felt that it didn't matter, so he went back to the dormitory to comfort him, and at night he thoughtlessly prepared to grab the red envelopes again.

This morning, some gods in the fairy group said it was Taibai Jinxing's birthday, and Taibai Jinxing said that the big red envelopes would be distributed on time at [-] o'clock in the evening.

It was only 45:[-], and a large group of gods appeared one after another, swiping the screen to celebrate Taibai Jinxing's birthday.

Erlang God: "May the male god Taibai be promoted to the Great Luo Jinxian as soon as possible!"

Giant Spirit God: "I wish the male god Taibai to be promoted to Daluo Jinxian as soon as possible!"

Third Prince Nezha: "I wish the male god Taibai to be promoted to the Great Luo Jinxian as soon as possible!"


Basically, the whole screen is filled with the phrase 'May the male god Taibai be promoted to Daluo Jinxian as soon as possible', and many diving parties have also appeared.

This Taibai Jinxing is considered a leader in the Heavenly Court. When someone celebrates his birthday, everyone who knows him or not will naturally come out to celebrate his birthday.

As for what kind of ghost this Da Luo Jinxian is, Chen Yang doesn't know, and he doesn't want to be entangled, his only purpose is to grab the red envelope.

It was almost eight o'clock, Taibai Jinxing finally erupted: "Thank you all my friends, Xiaoxian is very happy, so I will send out a big red envelope for everyone to have fun together!"

Chen Yang was ready. As soon as the red envelope appeared, he clicked it immediately, and a barrage popped up immediately.

"Congratulations, you have obtained three Wishful Object Control Talismans, which have been stored in the treasure chest and can be withdrawn and used!"

Chen Yang immediately opened the treasure chest.

【Wishful Object Control Talisman】

Description: You can control the items you want to control as you like.

Um! ?It looks like it's awesome!

Giant Spirit God: "The male god Taibai is really generous. He actually gave out red envelopes of wishful object control charms. Haha, I grabbed two of them!"

Erlangshen: "This wishful object control talisman is the patented product of the Taibai male god. You know that when the Taibai male god fought against demons, he used this wishful object control talisman to kill the army of demons!"

Fairy Chang'e: "I've never heard of it, Erlang, can you tell me in detail?"

Third Prince Nezha: "Sister Chang'e, I've heard about this too. Back then, the Taibai male god had not yet become a fairy, and the world's demons made trouble. The army is completely wiped out, it is really domineering!"

Taibai Jinxing: "Ahem, Nezha and Erlang's words are full of water. The casting of this wishful object control talisman also depends on one's cultivation level. I couldn't do such things as stealing the sky and changing the sun. Mana support, at most it can control some gadgets..."

(End of this chapter)

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