Chapter 1773
"Huangjishang, you old fellow finally showed your face!" Huang Yi suddenly sneered, "Have we not seen each other for thousands of years?"

Huang Jishang's face was gloomy: "You are a dog who eats inside and out, I brought you from the sea of ​​stars and cultivated you carefully, but in the end you actually betrayed me, not to mention, you even became the Seven Demon Gods to deal with the Celestial Clan!" You are all to blame for what you are doing now, and you can't blame other people at all!"

"Tian'er, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and finish her now?" Huang Jishang snorted coldly, and Huang Jitian's expression turned ugly: "Father, there is no need to kill her, as long as she If you stay here, no one will be able to find her!"

"What? Don't you even listen to my words?" Huang Jishang's face was full of anger.

Huang Jitian couldn't help feeling a little flustered: "Father, that's not what the child meant, can father give me some more time? I will definitely make Huang Yi change his mind!"

Huang Yi suddenly laughed loudly: "Forget it, Huang Jitian, you don't need to be hypocritical anymore, I'm dead now, I don't have anything to worry about anymore, just kill if you want!"

"Anyway, no matter how much you persuade me, I won't change my mind!"

Huang Jitian frowned: "Huang Yi, what are you!?"

In the past, Huang Yi would not say such words at all, but now Huang Yi's smile is really sad, as if she is desperate for everything: "Stop talking nonsense, if you want to kill, you have to scratch, listen carefully Respect!"

Huang Jitian was silent for a while.

Huang Jishang snorted coldly: "Tian'er, since she has already made up her mind, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and do it, if it weren't for your multicolored auspicious cloud magical powers that could cure her, I have made her magical now. It's all gone!"

"Father..." Huang Jitian's complexion suddenly became ugly, and he looked at Huang Yi again: "Why did you become like this? Is it not good to live? And what happened to you? You Are you really disregarding Taiyuan's life and death!?"

"I'm hopeless with that guy!" Huang Yi closed her eyes: "Let's do it! I don't want to say anything more, if you die, it will be over!"


Chen Yang secretly looked at the situation in front of him from a distance, and his expression was a little complicated for a while.

Although I felt that Huang Yi was really unreasonable before, but now, I really feel sorry for her.

After all, think about it differently, if you are Huang Yi, you have waited for a thousand years, and the person you find disappoints you. Although it is not crazy, it must be dead.

But in the current situation, Chen Yang can't do anything.

"Did you see the place where Huangjishang came in just now!?" Taiyuan Magic Pen said suddenly: "It should be that place, as long as you leave that place, you should be able to return to Tianyu, and now is the best place to go!" Opportunity, Huangjitian and Huangjishang are here, and their attention is on Huangyi! You must not miss it!"

"What's more, this Huangyi is no longer the former Huangyi. She is so disappointed in you now that she will never recognize you. It is impossible for the two of you to be friends! So don't have any worries, take this opportunity and immediately leave here!"

Chen Yang looked a little complicated.

"What are you still thinking about? In the current situation, even if you help her, she will still kill you. What's more, she is already the Seventh Demon Divine Phoenix Art, and she is a demon who kills without batting an eye!"

"I, I see, let's go!"

Now is indeed the best opportunity, because both Huang Jishang and Huang Jitian are here, and all their attention is now on Huang Yi, so they will not even notice if they run away at this time!

Moreover, Chen Yang can easily escape from Tianyu, nothing will happen at all, and after this incident is over, the grievances between the Huangji family and himself have come to an end, and they will no longer deal with themselves because of Huangyi !

Chen Yang didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately turned into a speck of dust, and then flew into the sky, rushing towards the position where Huang Jishang appeared just now.


"Father, can I have a few words with Huang Yi!"

Huang Jitian was silent for a while, then raised his head and said.

"Speak! Send her on the road after you finish speaking. Time is running out now. The two of us still have things to do, just solve it!"


Huang Jitian took a deep breath, and then came to Huang Yi's side, Huang Yi clutched the scar on his chest with a cold face.

"Huang Yi, why are you doing this?" Huang Jitian said in a low voice, seeing Huang Yi's desperate look, he was naturally distressed: "Tell me what happened, okay?"

"Why did I tell you?" Huang Yi frowned and snorted coldly: "Huang Jitian, stop wishful thinking, I have never liked you, there is only one person in my heart, but now this person is dead , I no longer have any nostalgia for this world!"

"You just kill me! I have indeed received a lot of care from you for so many years. After you kill me, you can just help you stabilize the position of Tianqing. Maybe this is the last thing I can do for you It's over, you don't need to say thank you, you deserve it!" Huang Yi took a deep breath, and then closed her eyes: "Let's do it! I don't have any thoughts anymore, I am now I just want to leave as soon as possible and find my beloved!"

Huang Jitian's body trembled for a while, and his eyes were also a little red: "Huang Yi, you, why? Why do I treat you so well? But you don't have the slightest affection for me!?"

"Compared to that Tai Yuan, we grew up together and cultivated together! Is there anything I am inferior to him?"

"Why do you only have that person in your heart!?"

Huang Yi remained silent, as if she had nothing to say.

"Tian'er, are you done yet!?" Huang Jishang snorted coldly: "Just do it right after you finish speaking! Don't waste time!"

Huang Jitian clenched his fists tightly.


At this time, Chen Yang had already arrived in the sky. When Huang Jishang came in, Chen Yang indeed saw the entrance, but now, he really found the location of the exit. No wonder he hadn't found it before. It is completely invisible, unless it is nearby, it cannot be seen at all, it can be described as extremely concealed.

At this time, as long as Chen Yang plunges into it, he can leave this magical island smoothly, and then the sky is high and the sea is wide and the birds are flying, but Chen Yang can't help but stop, looking at the few figures under the sky , looks rather complicated.

"Don't hesitate any longer, let's go! It is impossible for Huang Yi to be alive. If you don't want to die together, you should leave here quickly!" Taiyuan Magic Pen said quickly: "Your fate should have come to an end Now, don't worry about it anymore, not to mention that she is only your wife in the previous life, and she is a demon god in this life, with serious sins! This is of no benefit to you at all, not to mention that this woman wants to kill you , there is no need for you to stay!"

Chen Yang is indeed very conflicted now. After all, he is not such a hard-hearted person, but what Taiyuan Magic Pen said is not wrong, and it is a fact. I can't help anything, and if I help, the consequences will be more serious. Ten dead but no life!

Because, Huang Jitian and Huang Jishang would definitely kill him, even Huang Yi wanted to kill him!
Then there is really no need for me to stay!
All of a sudden, a golden light shone on the ground, Chen Yang's expression changed, and he saw streaks of divine light rushing into Huang Yi's body in Huang Jitian's hand, Huang Yi immediately shouted There was a shrill scream.

"Now you have no choice, Huang Yi will definitely die, let's go!"

Chen Yang clenched his teeth, it seemed that his fate with Huang Yi could only end here. With a long sigh, Chen Yang immediately plunged into the entrance!
Suddenly, amidst the shrill screams, the name sounded.


Tears flowed from Huang Yi's eyes, heartbroken!
"If there is an afterlife, you must wait for me!!!"

A mournful cry resounded through the sky.

As soon as the words fell, black smoke billowed in the sky, and a huge black palm flew out, and suddenly smashed towards the position where Huang Jitian was!

(End of this chapter)

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