Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 1840 1 Kiss

Chapter 1840 A Kiss

Seeing that the palm was about to fall on the second young lady, Fang He was already shocked, and his face suddenly became much paler.

But I never expected that at this critical moment, a figure suddenly flew over, and in an instant, it came to the second lady, hugged the second lady in his arms, and at the same time slapped the second lady, It just forcibly counteracted the black-robed man's palm strength!

The void trembled suddenly, and when the two palms collided, waves of air were rolled up.

The air wave made Chen Yang's long hair flutter, and the second young lady in her arms just stared blankly at Chen Yang who suddenly appeared, and was a little stunned for a moment.

"I know I'm a bit handsome, but you don't need to stare at me like this, do you? I'm so embarrassed!"

Chen Yang blocked the black-robed man's palm, and then looked at the second lady with a smile. The second lady's face turned red, she temporarily avoided Chen Yang's gaze, and said in a panic: "No, that's not the case. !"

Not to mention, this second lady is really cute, but now is not the time to tease others, Chen Yang let go, let the second lady stand behind him, and then looked up at the man in black robe.

The black-robed man stared at Chen Yang closely, feeling a little unbelievable in his heart for a while, because Chen Yang's cultivation was only at the 26th Yuanxing Dao Realm, how could this kind of cultivation be able to block his palm just now? Woolen cloth?

But now is not the time for me to think about this, the man in black immediately shouted in a cold voice: "Boy, I don't care where you came from, get out of here quickly, or I will kill you together!"

"Since I have intervened in this matter, I will take care of it to the end. If you can kill me, then go ahead!" Chen Yang sneered, without saying a word, he just slapped out with a palm. But with the blazing power, feeling the rushing heat, the black robed man's complexion suddenly changed, and he dodged hastily, but the black robe on his body caught fire directly, and his heart was even more unbelievable!
You must know that this black robe is also a powerful magic weapon. Even if you didn't touch this palm force, you were actually burned by the heat. It can be seen how terrifying Chen Yang's palm just now was!
The black-robed man hurriedly extinguished the flames on his body, knowing that Chen Yang was not easy to deal with, but at this time, the other two black-robed leaders rushed over, and looking at Fang He, he had already been knocked down from the sky, and he was directly heading towards that It fell to the ground.

After all, it was two against one, and the level of cultivation was about the same. Fang He couldn't resist for a long time. Now Chen Yang was directly facing three people, but there was no overly nervous expression on his face, but the second lady behind him But he was a little flustered, and said in a low voice: "Can you beat them?"

"I don't know yet!" Chen Yang shrugged and stared at the three of them: "However, there is a way for me to defeat them! And this way is something you can do!"

"What way!?" The second lady hurriedly asked, "Is it my pocket flower!?"

"No, no, it has nothing to do with Tian Linghua!" Chen Yang said quickly, "If you let me kiss you, I will definitely win!"

The second lady immediately blushed and shyly said, "You, why are you still in the mood to joke around at this time?"

"I'm serious, if you let me kiss, I will definitely win!" Chen Yang asked seriously: "The exercises I practice are a bit special, as long as there are women's kisses, I can greatly improve my skills." Combat power!"

The second lady was slightly taken aback, but she didn't expect to believe it: "Really, really?"

"Do you think it's necessary for me to joke now?" Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "There is no time to hesitate now, these three guys will call later, if you don't agree, both of us may die here!"

"Okay, okay, I'll give you a kiss!" The second lady nodded quickly.

Chen Yang succeeded in his treachery, he stretched out his arms and hugged the second young lady, hugged her and kissed her deeply, this made the three men in black robes stupefied!

What the hell! ?
You kid is really lecherous!
Now it's a fight!How dare you take advantage of other girls like this in front of us! ?
His mother doesn't take us too seriously, does he?

The three black-robed men were immediately angry, but they really didn't dare to rush forward, because one of the black-robed men had already tasted Chen Yang's strength just now, and knew that Chen Yang was no small matter, and he absolutely couldn't treat Chen Yang with the eyes of ordinary people. He secretly sent a message to the two of them: "This kid is very weird, don't underestimate him, you two hold this kid later, I will find a way to snatch the odd flower!"


After making a plan, the three men in black robes immediately flew towards Chen Yang. The journey was full of strong wind and lightning, and they began to use their magical powers, ready to beat Chen Yang!

Only then did Chen Yang quickly let go, one arm hugged the girl, and the other hand suddenly hit Taiyuan Nirvana Palm!
Intense blazing power rushed towards his face immediately.

There were flames constantly stirring in the void, and Chen Yang's Taiyuan Nirvana Palm actually blocked all the supernatural powers. The three black-robed people were shocked, knowing that Chen Yang was indeed a big deal, and they didn't dare to be careless , One by one, they rushed forward, not planning to use supernatural powers, but preparing to fight Chen Yang physically.

The movements of these three people are also very fast, Chen Yang naturally did not dare to be careless, since he does not intend to fight against supernatural powers, he can simply crush them with his physical body, but the second lady in the arms is a bit in the way, Chen Yang's figure flickered , it flashed directly on the ground, and after releasing the second lady, she quickly released the energy shield and moved to the second lady: "You just hide in this shield, don't come out!"

The second lady also did not doubt that it was there, she nodded repeatedly, and then Chen Yang put up a posture, and then the three men in black robes in the sky descended one after another, just in time to surround Chen Yang.

"Are you going to come three together, or one by one?" Chen Yang grinned: "But I have to tell you first, my physical body is extremely arrogant, and if I punch you, it will be the realm of Yuanshen." Even the strong ones may not be able to bear it!"

"Stop bragging, brat! Suffer me!"

A person came suddenly, Chen Yang didn't dodge or dodge, with a ferocious expression on his face, he raised a fist, and above the fist was hot air!
"Get out of the way!"

The black-robed man who was attacking Chen Yang dodged in embarrassment. With a muffled bang, Chen Yang's fist landed on the ground, and the scorching force directly burned the vegetation within ten meters into ashes. People didn't dare to resist Chen Yang's fiery power, so they flew up one after another, and then avoided the terrifying power, with cold sweat breaking out of their foreheads.

"Why is the power that this kid possesses so terrifying? This is the 26th Yuanxing of the Supreme Dao Realm!?"

"I think this kid must be hiding his strength. Maybe he is already a strong man who has stepped into the realm of Yuanshen. Don't be fooled by this guy's appearance!"

"Then what should we do? We can't deal with this kid at all! If it weren't for the existence of that woman, this kid might have already chased us!"

"Shoot!" One of them shouted coldly: "Pretending to attack, I'll take that woman away! With this woman in my hand, that kid would never dare to do anything to us!"

"it is good!"

The three of them attacked again, and the momentum was huge, and this time they displayed their supernatural powers, which looked extremely powerful. Chen Yang frowned slightly. Naturally, he saw that this group of guys were strong on the outside and capable on the inside, because what they did just now The magical powers displayed are not loud, but they are indeed extremely powerful, and this time, the magical powers are so terrifying, but they may be bluffing!
This is what I want!

Chen Yang sneered in his heart, his gesture was to block the supernatural power, but this happened to hit everyone's plan. One of them took advantage of the situation and came to the second lady's side, and directly pierced through the energy shield. Clutching the second lady's neck: "Boy, this woman is in our hands!"

Chen Yang pretended to be surprised: "I didn't expect you to be a feint!"

"Hmph! What's the use of knowing now?" The man directly snatched the Tian Linghua from the second young lady's hand: "If you dare to chase after me, I'll kill this woman!"

(End of this chapter)

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