Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 192 Urgent Call Order

Chapter 192 Urgent Call Order


Is it true or false?

The seven members of the Anti-Yang Alliance came back to their senses and looked at each other, doubting the truth of the matter in their hearts.

After all, in their impression, Huo Lei is a real superpower, and even listed as a person with a very high risk factor in the headquarters. Generally speaking, no one dares to provoke him at all, not to mention, he is still a member of the Fenglin Sect. The head of the sect has countless masters!
But what the hell is it now?

Being slapped by Chen Yang?
Are you fucking kidding me?
Not to mention them, when Chen Yang confessed, apart from Lin Manman, Sima Qing and the others all looked horrified.

"Huo, Huo, Huo..."

Chen Yang thought that Jin Maier, who was dressed as a little princess, was going to say something about Huojiaquan's flexible moves, but when he came back to his senses, he heard Jin Maier say, "Huo Lei was really beaten by you?"

Chen Yang smiled slightly, and directly acquiesced.

In fact, Huo Lei was not beaten by Chen Yang, but hanged and beaten!

And it was directly slapped into the soil by a simple and rude slap, and it is estimated that it is still hanging at the Iron Fist Gate Mountain Gate, becoming a "beautiful" scenery.

Lin Manman smiled slightly: "Chen Yang, I have to say that I was also quite shocked when I heard the news. So, back to the topic, how old are you now?"

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously said, "23, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Lin Manman waved his hand: "Do you want to order something to eat?"

Although they did come to see Chen Yang with some sort of pursuit, every woman here is a proud person who jokes casually in private, but when faced with a real situation, they should be cold and arrogant If you are cold, you should be reserved.

A nympho girl, not many men would like it.

At least for now, Lin Manman and the others think so.

However, Jin Maier can rely on her age advantage to be infinitely cute.

"Brother Yang, may I ask you a question?"

Kim Maier asked playfully.

Chen Yang smiled slightly: "You say."

"I heard from Sister Sima that you are the owner of the king's attribute." Jin Maier smiled slightly: "Then how many abilities do you have?"

"This, a secret."

Chen Yang smiled softly, thinking I would tell you that I don't have any supernatural powers?

This ordered something and chatted happily while eating.

Anyway, Lin Manman and the others had a tacit understanding, never mentioned anything about girlfriends or partners, just chatted with Chen Yang, after all, Lin Manman and Li Qinqin were indeed not young, one thirty, one 31 , Naturally, there are also people who have had boyfriends, so, in this regard, the emphasis is on routines.

As for Jin Maier, it is true that she has never been in a relationship, but it seems that Lin Manman and Li Qinqin don't say anything, they are just joking there, and they don't mention it at all, and they ask about it when they come up, which will really scare Chen Chen. Positive.

Chen Yang really didn't think too much about it. He thought that Sima Qing came to these beauties just to get to know each other, and to say hello if there was something to do in the future, so he didn't speak cautiously, and joked when it was time to joke.


The seven members of the Anti-Yang Alliance, listening to the words in the bug, didn't know what to say for a while.

"Is there something wrong with this atmosphere?"

Peng Xi frowned.

"There is indeed something wrong." Tan Zebu said in a deep voice, "Could it be that we misunderstood? In fact, the goddesses came here to make friends with Chen Yang?"

"Impossible, things are not that simple!" Chen Bo said coldly: "If it's just to make friends, do you need to go to the south of the Yangtze River so hard? What's more, my undercover agents in the group have told me, This Sima Qing introduced her boyfriend to them!"

When the rest of the people heard this, they were all taken aback: "Do you have an undercover agent in the group of goddesses?"

Chen Bo coughed dryly: "Well, no, I spent a lot of money to buy it."

"I'll just say it!" Ran Hong waved his hand: "I also spent 20."

"Fuck, I also spent 20!" Wang Haolin exclaimed in surprise, "Zheng Siman sold it to me!"

"Me too!"

"Uh... Damn, why does Mao feel like being cheated!"

"This chick is really insidious, one piece of news has deceived so many people!"

Just as he was talking, Ran Hong's cell phone rang suddenly, everyone was taken aback, and Ran Hong quickly said: "I'll answer the call, the boss is calling!"

It was only then that he hurriedly connected the phone. Ran Hong had just called for a while before he couldn't help saying: "What!? Okay, okay, boss, I see, I'll be right back!"

After hanging up the phone, Ran Hong said with a gloomy face: "It's not good, the ground collapsed again in Guyan City!"

Everyone frowned, and then Peng Xi's cell phone rang. Undoubtedly, it was an urgent call, and the ground of the ancient city collapsed.

"Isn't the coordination with the underground people well?" Tan Zebu said in a deep voice.

"Probably, people like the underground people have never been black-hearted!" Peng Xi said coldly: "I guess you will receive an urgent order soon..."

As soon as he finished speaking, sure enough, other people's cell phones rang one after another.

On Sima Qing's side, the phones of Lin Manman and the others also rang.

All of them were urgent orders issued directly by the headquarters, and all Chinese S-level powerhouses went to Guyan City as soon as possible.

Seeing such a situation, Chen Yang was stunned.

"what happened?"

"I'm so sorry, Chen Yang, we have to leave now!" Lin Manman and the others didn't dare to have fun, and the headquarters urgently called for orders, which meant that something big was about to happen.

"We will meet again in the future!"

"Brother Yang, see you later!"

The four women left in a flash, and in the blink of an eye, they all slipped away.


Chen Yang scratched his head, not knowing what happened.


As soon as the urgent call from the headquarters of the Huaxia Special Investigation Bureau was issued, all the S-level powerhouses stopped their work and went to Guyan City immediately!
Huaxia Special Investigation Bureau, headquarters.

"What the hell are these underground people doing!? Demonstrating against us?"

"Okay, Boss, don't be angry, the urgent call has been issued, and the third child has already flown directly to Guyan City. Within two days, there should be a hundred S-level powerhouses."

"I'm even more curious, why would the underground people unilaterally tear up the covenant with us?"

"Fourth, go and see what's going on abroad. If there's nothing wrong with the underground people over there, I think it's very likely that their underground people instigated it!"

"These people just don't want us to become stronger in Huaxia, and try every means to make dirty tricks!"

"Okay, okay, the third child has passed, don't worry, the underground people won't make much noise!"

The so-called underground people are not aliens, but some human beings entered the underground tens of thousands of years ago, and they are also earthlings.

However, this part of human beings has been away from human civilization for too long, so they are still living the life of primitive people, extremely barbaric, but at the same time, because the underground environment is even worse, these underground people have undergone tens of thousands of years of changes. Extremely terrifying!

It was the English who discovered the underground civilization for the first time. Because of underground mining, they inadvertently opened a passage into the underground, and then brought human civilization to the underground people, such as language and writing.

Of course, the underground people reject the human beings on the ground. There must be some kind of racial discrimination. They feel that the ordinary human beings on the ground are too weak, so the relationship between the ground humans and the underground people is of course not very good.

In addition, there are not only ordinary humans on the ground and underground humans in this world, but also sea people and bird people. They are actually branches of humans, but after tens of thousands of years of evolution and different habitats, they have become several races.

Like the mothman in the top ten unsolved mysteries of the world, or the mermaid in fairy tales, they actually exist, but their habitats have no intersection with human civilization at all. After all, there are many places, too. undetectable by human civilization.

Of course, there are subterraneans in each region. For example, under the land of China, the people living under the land of Huaxia are the subterraneans of Huaxia, and the civilizations learned are also Chinese civilization.

Anyway, this world is not such a simple existence. Once a new cognition is opened, the original cognition will be completely overturned!
This earth is actually a very magical world!

`As for Chen Yang, he is still alive, pretending to be aggressive...

(End of this chapter)

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