Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 1988 November

1988 January

However, the strength of the fierce eagle is not strong. Although it can be regarded as an ancient super beast, it is not yet an adult, so its strength is naturally relatively weak. At least for the current Chen Yang, the fierce eagle actually does not pose much threat, and It is not enough to suppress all the wild snakes.

And the reason why Chen Yang went to Lie Ying was to provide Lie Ying with training resources, so that Lie Ying could improve his strength in a short period of time. It happened that Chen Yang had a lot of fire-attributed Wannian Ling in his hand. Grass, and the effect of these ten-thousand-year spirit grasses is excellent, and the absorption effect is much better than other spirit grasses. It should be able to make the strength of the fierce eagle get a qualitative leap in a short period of time.

After Chen Yang and the patriarch found Lie Ying, after some exchanges, Chen Yang handed over the fire-attributed ten-thousand-year spirit grass to Lie Ying. After making a plan, he and the patriarch returned to the land of the Hong Clan. , if you estimate the time, it will take at least a month for the Fierce Eagle's strength to improve significantly, and it will not be too late to do it by then.

After staying in the land of the Hong Clan for a few days, it turned out that there was a lot of movement in the underground. Basically, there were earthquakes every day, and the earthquake was very violent. If you think about it, you know that it must be the three wild dragons fighting underground. The man couldn't help smiling wryly, but there was nothing he could do about it. Fortunately, the three wild dragons didn't fight too fiercely, not to the point of landslides, otherwise, the entire ancient secret realm would probably be destroyed by them .

Naturally, Chen Yang was not idle here, but was practicing with Xia Luoluo. He had to wait until Chen Yang, but he had prepared a lot of training resources for Xia Luoluo, among which there were five spiritual grasses of the ten-million-year level. , Even when Xia Luoluo first saw these spirit herbs, her face was full of surprise: "The spirit herbs here are too precious!? Why don't you use them on your body? I'll just use some ordinary spirit herbs. Grass is fine!"

"It's a waste to use it on me. It's not like you don't know that I don't have any cultivation aptitude at all. The current cultivation base and strength are all due to luck, but you are different. Your cultivation aptitude is not good enough. Excellent, it would be a pity if these resources were used on you!"

Naturally, Xia Luoluo was also moved. Chen Yang's heart towards her had always been like this, which made her feel that she was right with the wrong person, and she didn't think too much about it, so she accepted the five baht million-year-level spirit grass , but the medicinal power of this spirit herb is too strong, and for Xia Luoluo, I'm afraid it can't bear it, so the best way is double cultivation, and Chen Yang will bear part of the medicinal power. After Xia Luoluo adapts, Then transfer the burden of the medicine to Charlotte.

Anyway, they are both old couples and old wives, so naturally there is no problem with dual cultivation, and the two of them also have a tacit understanding, everything went smoothly, and in the blink of an eye, it took more than ten days before Chen Yang walked out of the room , Xia Luoluo has now absorbed the medicinal power of the five baht tens of millions of years of spiritual grass, but it will take a while to buffer it, at least ten days or so, which should just catch up with the speed of Fierce Eagle's cultivation.

However, Chen Yang is also very tired. After all, he has to bear part of the medicinal power. For Chen Yang, this is naturally a test. The medicinal power is very fierce. If you are not careful, you may go crazy, so these days are not only a test for Xia Luoluo, but also a great test for Chen Yang. Fortunately, all of these have been overcome, and there are no major problems .

After Xia Luoluo absorbed the medicinal power of these five spiritual herbs, Chen Yang didn't have much idea how much his strength would increase, but after thinking about it, he knew that with Xia Luoluo's aptitude, the strength improvement would be very fierce. Perhaps it is also possible to take this opportunity to directly step into the Yuanshen Realm. As for what the situation will be, we only need to wait and see after ten days.

Then Chen Yang continued to hone his compatibility with the Taiyuan Pistol. The power of the Taiyuan Pistol should not be underestimated. If he wanted to display its true power, he had to improve his compatibility with the Taiyuan Pistol to the highest level. , if he reaches the state of unity of man and soldier, Chen Yang's combat power will surely double several times.

The fighting skills of the Barham galaxy are also constantly improving during Chen Yang's practice. Although Chen Yang's cultivation qualifications are not high, he does have a lot of ideas. Therefore, when practicing fighting skills, he will naturally think about some new moves , the strongest shooting technique in the fighting system is random shooting, which has extremely high requirements for all aspects, and basically there can be no slight deviation, otherwise it will be very dangerous for oneself.

This random shooting is a group attack skill, and its lethality is also the strongest. With the Taiyuan pistol, the power released is naturally terrifying, but the requirements are indeed very high, and the same thing that needs to be practiced is this random shooting skill. Of course, this random shooting is not the real meaning It's chaos, but the bullets are gorgeous, so there is a feeling of flurry, and these bullets are not fired in disorder, but are all aimed at the enemy's fatal parts, or the heart, or the head.

The technical content is extremely high. Even Chen Yang is not familiar with this skill so far, and he can't do whatever he wants at all, so this is what he needs to train now. Once this skill can be mastered proficiently, if it is paired with Phoenix Feather, the effect will be basically No one can stop it!

Of course, for the Hong people, pistols are also extremely rare. Chen Yang does not use the Taiyuan pistol for practice now, but uses a pistol of about the same weight. This pistol is just a very ordinary pistol, and its lethality It's not big, so it won't hurt other people when it's used for practice. When everyone was watching, they couldn't help being amazed when they saw Chen Yang's body move so gracefully, even though the physical skills of the Hong people themselves were extremely Powerful, but that was also for Chen Yang in the past. Even if Chen Yang is a Dharma cultivator, his physical skills are far superior to these Hong Clan fighters.

Of course, just this kind of training is actually not enough. When he first came to the land of the Hong Clan, Chen Yang asked the people of the Hong Clan how to use the Soulshang. After reaching an extremely high level, even a wooden stick can become a powerful weapon after receiving the blessing of the power of the soul, so Chen Yang has also used the power of the soul during the past few days of cultivation, It can be said that Chen Yang's grasp of combat skills is constantly maturing.

This dazzling, almost a month has passed. On this day, Lie Ying flew directly to the territory of the Hong Clan from afar, and came to look for Chen Yang. Got the fastest improvement, and now the aura and strength are several times that of last month!
"This breath should be enough to suppress the group of desolate snakes, but we have to wait a while. The situation on Charlotte's side is still a little unclear, so we can wait for a while!"

Originally, according to Chen Yang's expectation, Lie Ying and Xia Luoluo should have finished their training at the same time, but what they didn't expect was that Lie Ying's training had ended, but there was not much movement from Xia Luoluo's side, and Chen Yang also went to observe Fan, found that Charlotte was still sitting cross-legged in the void, as if she had entered a state of meditation.

Xiao Xun on the side couldn't help but said: "It seems that Sister Luo Luo has realized something!"

"It's possible that I'm about to enter the source god realm, but I haven't felt the blessing of the power of heaven!" Chen Yang frowned slightly: "It seems that our plan has to be postponed for a while, and we can wait until Luoluo wakes up." !"

After all, Xia Luoluo absorbed five ten-million-year-level spiritual grasses, and the energy contained in them is self-evident. For the stars of the Camille tribe, ten-million-year-level spiritual grasses are also extremely rare species , and it's not just the Camilles. For the entire universe, this kind of spiritual grass is very precious!

As long as the energy contained in these five spirit grasses can be absorbed, no matter who it is, they will gain a terrifying power, and at that time, these spirit grasses were obtained before Xerga, otherwise if they were caught by that guy If you succeed, I am afraid that Sherga will be even more difficult to deal with!

(End of this chapter)

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