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Chapter 1997 Strange Domain

Chapter 1997 Strange Domain
Although he had already released his consciousness, he didn't see anything, he could only feel the huge wind energy. This made Chen Yang wonder. Could it be that the wind from the outside world turned into wind after passing through the Gale Island? Wind Blade! ?
Then there will be something! ?
Natural magic circle! ?
But Chen Yang didn't notice the power of the natural magic circle at all. It was obviously not the sea breeze from the outside world, because if the sea breeze from the outside world wanted to become such a wind blade, it had to go through a series of changes, which is simply impossible in the current situation. thing, what is the reason?

Chen Yang thought about it, but continued to move his consciousness against the wind. There must be something tricky in it, otherwise it would never have become like this, and Chen Yang didn't believe that he couldn't find anything.

When the consciousness was walking against the wind, suddenly, the consciousness seemed to have entered another world, Chen Yang's expression was shocked, but when he recovered, he found that the consciousness was still on the island, but had left the blast Island only!

"I said that there must be a problem. These winds are not from the wind on Gale Island, but from the outside world! The feeling just now must be correct. The consciousness must have entered another world, but in such a short period of time, it should It's not a secret realm, but a crack in space, these winds should come from that space!"

Finally figured out what was going on, Chen Yang was not in a hurry anymore, and continued to stabilize the current situation until the wind blade disappeared, then Chen Yang immediately set off and headed for the place where the consciousness was just now, and waited until the wind blade disappeared. When I arrived at the place where the consciousness was, I found that there was no space crack at all, and the surrounding space was completely intact, and there was nothing strange at all.

"This space crack should automatically appear at a certain time, and it will disappear automatically after a period of time!" Chen Yang thought for a while: "If you guessed right, this space crack should be connected to another space. These wind blades all come from that space, and the cracks in this space are so strange that even the consciousness cannot pass through, it seems that it is not easy to enter it to find out!"

After much deliberation, Chen Yang decided to stay here, and wait until the space crack is formed again, then go directly to see what's going on!

Three or four hours later, the breeze blew again, and the densely packed tiny wind blades began to agitate Chen Yang's body. Chen Yang immediately released the energy shield, and then looked up. It is impossible to detect the existence of this space crack, even if it is divine consciousness, it can't actually perceive anything at all, but since the existence of the space crack has been confirmed, then Chen Yang doesn't mind taking a risk, now the mana reserve in his body is enough, Even if he was going against the wind, Chen Yang would not be threatened too much, so Chen Yang simply went against the wind, and rushed forward under the dense and terrifying wind blades!

This space crack is completely invisible, so Chen Yang doesn't know when he can touch it. I found that the picture in front of me changed, and I came to a whole new world!

There is indeed a problem!
Looking around, it was pitch black all around, as if in a cave, and could smell a very damp smell, Chen Yang continued to walk forward, intending to walk out of the cave, to see what was going on outside. What.

Walking all the way, it didn't take long for Chen Yang to see the light, and he couldn't help but speed up a little bit, and finally left the cave, but he never expected that it might be a green mountain and green water when he came out. What can be seen are countless pitch-black tornadoes sweeping across the earth, and the sky is covered with dark clouds. Compared with the situation on Gale Island, it seems to be even worse!
Moreover, the wind blade has not stopped, and it is even more violent than before, making Chen Yang almost unable to bear it.

"What the hell is this place? The wind blade of Gale Island should come from this world, but why is this place so terrifying? Even the wind blade has grown a bit stronger, and the number of attacks is so frequent. My energy shield is simply not enough. It won't last long!"

Originally, Chen Yang was able to hold on to the wind blade at the beginning. After all, the energy consumption is not too high, but now to maintain the energy shield, the consumption is more than two or three times that of before. Chen Yang's mana reserve is simply It was not enough to stay in this place for too long, after thinking about it, Chen Yang hurriedly waved his hand, and the magic circle mechanism beast appeared in front of him.

As soon as the magic circle beast appeared, there was a clanging sound on its body. Countless wind blades rubbed against the magic circle beast, causing the magic circle beast to be covered with sparks all of a sudden, and even the magic circle beast couldn't even touch it. It didn't last too long, and it was directly cut into pieces. As a result, less than 3 minutes after it was resurrected again, the magic circle mechanism beast turned into countless pieces.

Originally, Chen Yang wanted to try whether he could use the infinite resurrection ability of the magic circle mechanism beast to help him resist for a while, but now it seemed that it didn't make much sense, so he had to quickly take the magic circle mechanism beast back.

Chen Yang still has disciples of nature, but he hasn't used them for a long time, and even disciples of wind elements seem to have little effect, because these wind energies completely overwhelm the power of nature he has mastered. It is a disciple of the same element, and it is estimated that it will be blown away as soon as it comes out.

"There must be something in this place that evolved these wind blades and tornadoes!" Chen Yang frowned tightly: "It is necessary to investigate this place, but in the current situation, even self-protection is a bit difficult!"

For a long while, Chen Yang had no choice but to ask the power of the heavens to activate the Grandmist Taiyuan Kungfu, and the huge Phoenix Feather immediately enveloped him. Chen Yang is gone.

However, this state can't last long at all, at most about two hours, Chen Yang will leave immediately, and start looking for a safe place in this strange place, as long as he finds a safe place first, and then thinks It's much easier to find the secret of this place.

However, Chen Yang has no idea where this world is. It should not be a secret realm, and it is definitely not in the star field. Maybe what he is connected to is another world, or another universe. Chen Yang is now There are too many questions, but these questions are not important now, the important thing is to quickly find a hiding place.

Heaven pays off. After some investigation, Chen Yang finally found a safe place. This place is actually very obvious. The ground is completely bare, and there are flying sand and rocks everywhere. Only this area still has vegetation. , and the vegetation is still very luxuriant, it must be a blessed place, of course, to be on the safe side, Chen Yang first released his divine sense to investigate it, but he did not find any living creatures.

Although it was weird, Chen Yang entered it immediately. Sure enough, after entering this forest, the wind blade disappeared without a trace, and the whining sound that had been filling his ears also disappeared.

Um! ?

Chen Yang couldn't help being taken aback, he didn't expect such a magical place to exist.

"There must be something blessing this forest, right?"

Chen Yang couldn't help frowning, and searched carefully in this forest. Although he used his spiritual sense to search just now, it was only a rough search, and he didn't search carefully. Now he uses his Taiyuan Hongmeng used his keen senses to investigate, maybe he could find something.

After about a few minutes, Chen Yang came to the center of the forest and saw a huge plant!

This plant is two meters high, and it is covered in purple. The top of the plant is actually a flower bone. However, it can't detect the situation inside the flower bone. It seems to be shielded from any power's detection...

(End of this chapter)

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