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Chapter 2001 Placement

Chapter 2001 Placement
Chen Yang didn't stay in Daji Iceland for long before leaving for Tianyu. The only things that should be dealt with now are the remaining matters of Tianyu. After these things are resolved, Chen Yang can return to the Hong Clan secret realm , continue to temper the body with Tianlei, the current physical body has not grown to the level that Chen Yang is satisfied with, maybe it has surpassed Tai Shumao, but there is still some distance from Xerga, but there is no need to worry too much now, as long as you fight steadily Now, Chen Yang believes that his physical body will eventually become as powerful as Sherga.

On Tianyu's side, Bimas, Patriarch Chiyi and others have actually been placed in the Taishu's family. Of course, because they were brought by Chen Yang, they have naturally been respected by the Taishu's family.

After experiencing the incident of Sherga, Bimas knew that he still had a long way to go, so he and Chen Yang asked to go to practice alone. After Chen Yang returned to his uncle's house, he and Bimas After some discussion, the star field or the sky field is not a suitable place for Bimas to practice. What is suitable for Bimas is the sea of ​​stars. After all, there are countless unmanned stars in the sea of ​​stars. And these stars are very desolate, just suitable for Bimas to practice the power of stars!
"Of course I support you in this matter. If you are willing to practice, of course I will not stop you, but you have to be careful along the way. After all, there are countless unknown dangers in this sea of ​​stars. Although I also want to go on an adventure with you, but I have a lot of things on my hands right now, so I can’t go with you!” Chen Yang laughed quickly: “In short, be as careful as possible along the way, if something happens, give I sent a message, and I will come to you as soon as possible!"

"Thank you young master!"

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense if there are too many, I will give you a ride to leave the star field!"

Bimas is indeed a good helper, and Bimas can help in many things, and the current Bimas is actually capable enough to deal with Tianqing, but if it is used to deal with Tianqing, it will be somewhat difficult. It's a waste, after all, Bimas' cultivation qualifications are very special. Even Serga thinks that Bimas has great potential, and even invites Bimas to join his team, which is enough to prove that Bimas is a real dark horse.

It would be a waste to keep such a person by his side, so Chen Yang must let him go and let him practice outside. When Bimas grows up in the future, it will be self-evident for Chen Yang's help.

After Chen Yang sent Bimas away and returned to the uncle's family, he naturally had to consider the fate of Patriarch Chiyi and others. In fact, staying in Tianyu is also a good way, but for Patriarch Chiyi As far as people are concerned, after arriving in Tianyu, they cannot act freely at all. After all, there are people from the Celestial Clan everywhere. The status of these monks in the Starfield is indeed a bit embarrassing. Although Chen Yang is covering them, they can at least be in the seventh Tianyu acted at will, but having said that, most people here are casual cultivators, and they never stay in the same place for too long, and Tianyu's rhythm is really not suitable for them, this is only half a month At that time, Patriarch Chiyi and others planned to leave Tianyu, so naturally they had to discuss it with Chen Yang.

"It's true that Tianyu is not as free as being in Starfield, but if you want to cultivate resources, Tianyu must be better. Of course, I respect your opinions. If you don't plan to stay here, you can naturally leave." Chen Yang Shensheng said: "It's just that the situation in the star field is more complicated now, and you must know in your heart that the conflict between the Seven Demon Gods and the Celestial Clan will last for at least several years, or even decades, mainly because you are afraid that you will enter the star field." After domain, it will get worse."

Patriarch Chiyi smiled lightly: "I know Chen Xiaoyou is worried about our safety, but I really don't want to bother Chen Xiaoyou anymore, not to mention Tianyu has a lot of things to deal with, and our stay here is also your burden, It's better to go to the star field and try to improve your cultivation as much as possible. If Chen Xiaoyou needs help in the future, we can do what we can, and we will be satisfied!"

"You don't need to be polite, the ancestors, meeting is fate, and our acquaintance is a kind of fate, not to mention that we were born and died together, this kind of love, boy, I take it to heart!"

For Chen Yang who pays so much attention to feelings, everyone is naturally moved, but they are more ashamed, because they couldn't help much at the beginning, saying that they were born and died, it seems that Chen Yang has been saving himself A group of people, feel that the existence of their own group is purely to cause trouble for Chen Yang, it is a strange thing not to be ashamed!

But now that Chen Yang has said that, everyone doesn't want to feel ashamed. The only thing they can do is to practice hard and repay Chen Yang for saving his life this time. In the hearts of everyone, they really regard Chen Yang as their friend. After all, in today's complicated society of cultivating immortals, Chen Yang was able to disregard past suspicions and rescue his group without asking for anything in return. This kind of affection is simply irresistible, and naturally there is a sense of sympathy for each other.

Since everyone planned to leave Tianyu, Chen Yang would not force it. Naturally, he sent the group back to the star field. If there is a situation in the future, they will contact each other.

The recruiting of Taishu's family is also going well, and the whole process is handled according to Chen Yang's intentions. After careful selection, a team of nearly hundreds of people has been recruited. These people are all from other Tianyu. , and there are no big families among them, all of them are small families. As for the big families, it will definitely have to wait for a while.

The reason is actually very simple. There are usually thousands of people in a large family, and the relationship among them is very complicated. It is a headache to manage. Although after entering the family, these people will all become members of the Taishu family , but the allocation of resources will also be a difficult task at that time. There will not be so many headaches in recruiting small families, because there are only a few dozen people at most, and because they are not strong, it is generally not a big problem.

Now there are three big families who can enter Chen Yang's eyes. The number of these three big families is very large. Incorporating it into the Taishu's family naturally needs to be carefully considered. In fact, Chen Yang is willing to include all three families under the Taishu's family. In this way, the power of the Taishu's family will rise instantly and crush other heavenly The Qing family, but with so many people, the distribution of resources is not even at all. If you give more and give less, other people will have opinions. Besides, Chen Yang does not have so many resources. Now there are not many in hand, at most it can be provided to nearly [-] people, and Chen Yang can't bear it.

Besides, the warehouse of Taishu's house was emptied by Taishumao before. There were nearly tens of thousands of years of resource storage there, but all of them disappeared in one fell swoop. It is not so easy to support people now, and Chen Yang must also I have to find a way to get more cultivation resources, but I can't find any better ideas for a while.

But just when Chen Yang was having a headache, an unexpected visitor suddenly came to the uncle's house.

On this day, Chen Yang was cultivating, and his subordinates came to report in a hurry: "Young master, the young master of the Huangji family, Huangjitian, is begging to see you!"

Heavenly Emperor! ?

Chen Yang couldn't help frowning, why did this guy suddenly come to see him?
"Who are you looking for!?"

"I'm looking for uncle!" The subordinate said quickly.

"Look for me!?" Chen Yang raised his eyebrows, and suddenly realized that Huang Jishang hadn't recovered yet, and his situation was very similar to that of Tai Shumao before. Now that he is recovering well, Huang Jitian must also want to come and find a way to heal his father.

If it was changed to before, Chen Yang would definitely refuse without even thinking about it. After all, the Huangji family and himself are life and death enemies, and they were still wanted by the entire heavenly clan before, but the situation is different now. Seeing that there are not enough cultivation resources, wouldn't Huangjitian come?
(End of this chapter)

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