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Chapter 2009 The method of cracking!

Chapter 2009 The method of cracking!

After pondering for a moment, Chen Yang immediately asked, "Can you analyze the structure of this substance?"

"I can give it a try, but it's not necessarily guaranteed to be cracked!" the intelligent system said quickly.

"Okay, you try to crack it first!"

"Understood, if there is a result, I will notify you as soon as possible!"

Chen Yang nodded slightly: "By the way, where did the gods fail, senior?"

"He seems to be in the lounge!"

Only then did Chen Yang leave the main control room, and then came to the lounge. Sure enough, he saw that Shen couldn't be there, and he was playing with something with great interest. Looking carefully, it was a glass cup that Shen couldn't play with. , Of course, just drink water.

"Chen Yang, what is this thing? It's so crystal clear!" God couldn't see Chen Yang coming, so he hurriedly asked: "This thing must be priceless, right?"

Chen Yang laughed dryly. After all, this glass is a modern product, not even in the society of cultivating immortals. For these old antiques, it is naturally an extremely rare thing: "It's not really a priceless thing. If the senior likes it, I will buy it." Give it as a gift to seniors!"

Shen couldn't help but tremble slightly: "Then you gave me all the crystal cups on this table?"

Chen Yang almost couldn't hold back his laughter, and waved his hand: "Senior, just take it if you want it!"

"Thank you so much!" God couldn't seem to like the crystal clear glass very much, and immediately put it in the storage ring, and then asked with a smile, "Why did you go just now?"

"Just do something!" Chen Yang sat down and opened his mouth to ask: "Senior, do you want to leave this Endless Stone!?"

"Of course I want to, I want to leave this ghostly place even in my dreams!" God couldn't help but focus all his attention on the glass: "It's just that wanting to leave this place is just a dream. For millions of years, I have tried countless ways, and I have long since given up!"

"Actually, it's not impossible!" Chen Yang grinned suddenly: "I have seen a glimmer of hope now, maybe, we may leave!"

God couldn't help but frowned, and looked at Chen Yang with a strange expression on his face: "Don't dream, you boy, there is no so-called hope at all, and it is impossible for you to leave this ghost place! In the future, you should be honest Really stay here! We will have a companion in the future, so it won't be so boring!"

Chen Yang knew that what he said now was useless, and now Chen Yang was not completely sure, so he simply stopped talking, and waited for the answer from the intelligent system to see if he could analyze the structure of the Endless Stone. Look for loopholes through its construction.

Two days later, the intelligent system finally got news, and Chen Yang hurried to the main control room: "Is there any result yet?"

"Fortunately, the mission is fulfilled! The structure of the Endless Stone has been analyzed!" The intelligent system said quickly: "However, the structure is very complicated, and there is a lot of unstable space energy in it. After careful selection, I found that the loopholes are indeed There are a few places, as long as these unstable space energies are destroyed, space gaps will be created in a short time, and by using these gaps, you may be able to leave here!"

Chen Yang looked happy, but he heard the system say: "However, the risks involved in these loopholes are very high. If these unstable space energies overlap with other energies, they will instantly release terrifying explosive energy. ! Its power is no less than that of the earth's nuclear explosion when the stars are destroyed, and it is extremely dangerous for the master!"

Chen Yang's face couldn't help but change. The risk is really not small. If there is a big explosion, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my body. Although I won't die, but after rebirth, I will appear on the planet of the Long Ear Clan, and then I may Losing all memory and cultivation, the price is indeed too high.

But suddenly I thought, isn't there a ready-made helper right now?
That is beyond God's power!Both the physical body and cultivation base are very terrifying existences. Even if the stars are destroyed, it may not be able to hurt him. If this guy is asked to find a gap, Chen Yang will not have to worry about his own safety!
Chen Yang couldn't help grimacing, and hurried to the lounge, and when he opened the door, he shouted loudly: "Senior, I found a way to leave!?"

"Ah!? What are you talking about!?"

In the bathroom, God couldn't get foam all over his head, with a toothbrush in his mouth, and he was slurring his speech.

"I have found a way to leave!" Chen Yang hurried to the door of the bathroom: "But I just need the help of seniors!"

"Then don't worry, wait for me to finish this bath first!" Shen Fu could not close the door and said leisurely: "I didn't expect that there is such a place to enjoy in this magic weapon of yours. Let me enjoy it first. Nian almost smothered me to death!"

Chen Yang smiled wryly, this god's inability to accept is really strong, it only took two days, and he basically got a clear understanding of the various functions in the royal frigate, and he can be regarded as a person who enjoys it, not taking a bath , that is to do automatic massage, even more enjoyable than Chen Yang.

After waiting for a long time, God couldn't get it done, and even changed into modern clothes, and said as he walked, "This clothes are much more comfortable to wear than cassocks, and they look pretty good, just because of the quality. It's too bad, the clothes will be broken if you use a little force, can you think of a way to make this clothes into a cassock, let me prepare a few more sets of clothes for washing!"

"It's not important now, seniors hurry up and help me. After we go out, seniors can wear as many clothes as they want, and I will definitely help you refine them!"

God can't really be in a hurry, and he probably didn't take Chen Yang's words to heart. After all, it is impossible for him to leave the Endless Stone. Chen Yang is so excited now, it is just an illusion. Because he also had this illusion countless times at the beginning, thinking that he could leave this ghost place immediately, but after trying it, he realized that it was simply impossible.

Chen Yang quickly pulled Shenbu into the main control room, and then quickly told Shenbu the result analyzed by the intelligent system: "We only need to find these few loopholes, and then I can try to create space gaps, use Space gap, we can leave this ghost place!"

God couldn't help but look confused: "I still don't understand what the hell you just said? What is the space fragmentation program? Why does it sound so weird!?"

"You don't need to know these things, and you don't need to be curious. What you have to do now is to find these loopholes! As long as we can create a space gap, we can leave!"

God couldn't help but doubt: "Is it true!? Why do I sound so evil?"

"It's really complicated to explain to you, and to be honest, I don't really understand the details, but as long as you do what the system says, you may leave!" Chen Yang smiled wryly: "Seniors just believe I'll do it once!"

The main reason is that Shen Fu has long been in despair, and he doesn't believe that there is any way to leave the Endless Stone. Chen Yang is afraid that this guy won't cooperate, so he has to beg hard.

"It's destiny to meet each other, and it's idle anyway, let's try it!" Shen Fu hurriedly said: "But you have to take my clothes..."

"I see, I will definitely make this dress into a cassock. I will refine 360 ​​sets for you without repeating the same one. I change one set every day, and I won't bring duplicates for a year! Is that okay?"

"Hey, I just like how straightforward you are, okay, let's go and look for it!"

"However, seniors, don't be too anxious. Even after finding these loopholes, a big explosion will occur if you touch unstable energy. The power of this big explosion is no less than the destruction of stars. Can seniors withstand it?"

"I thought it was a big deal? Don't worry, it's hard for me to die!" God couldn't help but grinned, "I'm cultivating but I can't have a physical body. There is no one in this world who can hurt me! Otherwise, Ji Feng would The guy will not make me trapped in the endless stone!"

(End of this chapter)

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