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Chapter 2095 Return of the Demon God

Chapter 2095 Return of the Demon God
Of course, it's not that Chen Yang didn't think about throwing the Infinity Stone into the void space and using the void space to hold this guy back for a while, but this idea was quickly rejected by Chen Yang, because Chen Yang couldn't afford it!
When Chi Gu is driven into the void space, there is no guarantee that he will not come back again. After all, even the Infinity Stone cannot trap this guy. To be honest, even if it is the void space, it is not a big deal to trap this guy. possible.

Just a Chi Gu avatar has gathered the entire star sea, and even the strongest power in the star field to deal with it. When Chi Gu returns, the situation will actually be the same, and he still has to face this guy, and now In this situation, it is also possible to take advantage of Chi Gu's ignorance of the situation and carry out a strong attack. If this guy returns again, he will find a way to defeat them one by one, and then it will be even more difficult to deal with Chi Gu.

All in all, while everyone is gathering together now, let's find a way to work together to deal with this guy!
Chen Yang didn't dare to hesitate at all, and immediately sent a message to Hong Qiye and others: "Everyone, the situation has changed, the Endless Stone has started to tremble, and Chi Gu's body will appear soon!"

"What!? At this time!?" He Chu's voice trembled: "Then can we still resist?"

Jianying's voice was low: "The catastrophe of the star field, it seems that no one can escape?"

"What are you talking about now!?" Hong Qiye said loudly, "We have no choice but to work together to deal with that guy! Otherwise, you all know the consequences!"

"Now we have no choice!" Qing Daozu's voice sounded immediately: "Now everyone is gathered here, everyone works together, maybe we still have the ability to deal with him!"

"Chen Yang, what do you think!?" The Purple Dragon King asked hastily.

"I'm also in a bit of a mess now, let me calm down first!" Chen Yang pondered for a moment, adjusting his mentality while evacuating the Ice and Fire Labyrinth. This guy has a very clear understanding of his strength!?"

"Well! This guy is much stronger than I imagined. Even I can't do anything to him!" Hong Qiye said in a deep voice, "But it's not like there's no chance, this guy's body should not have fully recovered. When I fought against him, he seemed to have room, so if we are united now, there is still hope!"

This is also one of the main reasons why Chen Yang didn't throw the Infinity Stone into the void space, that is, Chi Gu should still be injured and has not fully recovered. If he is thrown into the void space, his injuries will recover by then. Returning to the star field again, it is truly invincible!

"We must do our best to take advantage of this guy's injury before he fully recovers!" Chen Yang said coldly: "But to deal with this guy, ordinary methods may not work, and even if we want to fight, we must keep ourselves as much as possible!" strength! Qi Ye, Luo Luo, Xun Er, and Senior Wu Ji, the four of you join forces and find a way to hold that guy down first!"

Sima Wuji was stunned: "I, I'm afraid I don't have the ability!?"

"Senior Wuji doesn't need to face the enemy head-on. What you have to do is to use the Yin-Yang mirror to change the positions of everyone at any time, so that Chi Gu can't capture the attack range of everyone, and provide the greatest life guarantee for Qiye and the others!"

Sima Wuji hesitated for a while: "Understood, I will do my best!"

"Lolo, although your nihilistic powers haven't stabilized yet, you can set up a passage into the nihilistic world, but you must not release this move unless you have to!" Chen Yang said quickly: "Although you can help us win When the time comes, but once Chi Gu is sent into the void world, he will definitely take this opportunity to recover from his injuries, and the void world may not be able to trap him. When he returns again in the future, the star field will definitely be destroyed, and we can only can become dust!"

"I see!" Charlotte's voice came.

"Besides, void space supernatural power is your housekeeping skill, are you sure you can trap Chi Gu!?" Chen Yang asked again.

Xia Luoluo hesitated for a while: "I'm not sure, I can only try!"

"This time we have no choice, so we have to try, Seventh Master, you can help Luo Luo, bring the Infinity Stone into the void space created by Luo Luo, don't let Chi Gu escape out of the void realm, where is Luo Luo If you go in and deal with that guy at that time, your chances of winning will be even greater!"

"Don't worry!" Hong Qiye nodded and said, "I will do my best!"

"Xun'er, the current power of your sky-shaking arm should be able to hurt Chi Gu, coupled with the emptiness of the power of death, Chi Gu won't be able to do anything to you for a while, so take this opportunity to hit him Unprepared, cooperate with Hong Qiye and attack as close as possible!"

"it is good!"

"All the others stay outside, first deal with all the big evil beasts, Seventh Master, Luo Luo, Xun'er and Senior Wuji, hold Chi Gu and leave it to you!"

"it is good!"

With a certain plan, Chen Yang didn't hesitate, and hurriedly set out to the periphery of Blast Wind Island, and sent Hong Qiye, Xia Luoluo, Xiao Xun and Sima Wuji into the Qiankun Ring together.

At present, these four people are the strongest combination. As long as they cooperate well, they can definitely hold Chi Gu for a period of time. This period of time should be enough to deal with the remaining evil beasts!
After the four of them entered the Qiankun Ring, Xia Luoluo created the realm of nothingness on the spot, and Hong Qiye directly grabbed the endless stone and rushed into the realm of nothingness, Sima Wuji and Xiao Xun entered immediately.

Chen Yang's face was gloomy. This was the best solution he could think of right now, but he was not sure how long he could hold it off!

"Brave, Xuan Yan!"

Chen Yang gave a soft drink.

"Your honor!"

"Chen Yang!"

Man Lie and Xuan Yan immediately responded to Chen Yang's response.

"It's up to the two of you!" Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "I know the pressure will be greater, but we have no choice!"


"All the others cooperate with Man Lie and Xuan Yan to kill the evil beast, and resolve the battle within the shortest time!" Chen Yang gave an order, and everyone responded one after another, all of them looked nervous, knowing the current situation, there is no For other choices, even if you are afraid, even if you are worried, you can only bite the bullet in the end!

However, fortunately, Chen Yang's plan and arrangement were not in vain. The Promise Wind Belt, the Ice and Fire Labyrinth on Gale Island, the six magic circle at the exit of the maze, and the alliance of many powerful people outside the magic circle formed a total of four lines of defense. It has already dealt a fatal blow to the Great Evil Beast!
The number of evil beasts brought by the Chi Gu avatar is almost [-], and half of them are three or four generations of evil beasts. These evil beasts are quite powerful, but facing ice and fire The suppression of the labyrinth is still somewhat powerless. As for the great evil beasts after three generations, they have basically been wiped out without much resistance. There are only about [-] great evil beasts that are still struggling!
And the rest of the evil beasts are already the elite of the evil beasts, the second generation of evil beasts and the third generation of evil beasts are in the majority, and they have already broken into the fourth line of defense!

The strength of these evil beasts is already very strong. Before Hong Qiye and others guarded them, the pressure was not too great, but now that Hong Qiye and others withdrew, the situation immediately became bad. The great evil beasts poured out from the magic circle, and everyone's strength was almost at their limit.

However, at this moment, seven figures suddenly appeared in the distance from the horizon, which cheered Chen Yang up.

"Huang Yi is here!"

On the side of the ground gate, loud shouts rang out one after another.

"Let's continue to stabilize the situation!"

Before this, the Seven Demon Gods were entrusted by the Lord of the Earth Gate to exterminate the evil beasts that were randomly sent to various places. Now that the Seven Demon Gods have returned, it proves that the evil beasts everywhere have been killed. Exterminate!
Seeing Huang Yi coming, Chen Yang showed some relief on his face. To be honest, this woman is the key now!
The power of the eternal giant's supernatural power is definitely not weaker than that of Hong Qiye!
(End of this chapter)

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