Chapter 2109
Chen Yang's release of the colorful auspicious cloud just now was actually just a deception. Chi Gu would have thought that he would be temporarily defenseless after releasing the colorful auspicious cloud. However, Chen Yang had already hidden a colorful auspicious cloud in his chest!
No matter how powerful you are, you can't escape Lao Tzu's tricks!
Even the cunning and cunning can slip you to death!
Chi Gu had no way to avoid it, he was directly hit by the five-colored divine light, his whole body was directly submerged in the five-colored divine light, and at the same time he yelled very sadly, after a while, when the divine light dissipated, Chi Gu had already He was already bruised and gasping for breath, and Chen Yang naturally wouldn't give this guy any chance to breathe. As soon as the divine light fell, he immediately waved his hand, and all the colorful auspicious clouds were under Chen Yang's control. Chi Gu gathered together, and in the blink of an eye, Chi Gu was completely surrounded!


With Chen Yang's order, all the multicolored auspicious clouds spewed out multicolored divine light, and all shot towards Chi Gu!

Chi Gu was once again submerged in the colorful divine light!
Everyone's expressions were shocked, and they were even more excited to see Chi Gu submerged in the colorful divine light.

"This time, Chi Gu will definitely be severely injured!" Luo Fang couldn't help shouting excitedly.

He Chu also nodded involuntarily: "The five-colored divine light just now made him so embarrassed, and now all the five-colored divine lights are pouring out together, he must not be able to bear it!"

The Purple Dragon King also showed some excitement, but Hong Qiye frowned slightly: "Don't be too happy, this guy will not die so easily!"

"Withstanding such a heavy attack, how could he still be able to withstand it!?" Qing Daozu was slightly taken aback.

As soon as the words fell, a figure suddenly appeared in the colorful divine light, and it was expanding rapidly!

Chi Gu Avatar!

Chen Yang snorted coldly, finally showing his real body!
"Everyone get out of here! Chi Gu is about to show his real body, and then he will be as huge as a star, and his strength will be increased several times!" Chen Yang immediately sent a message to everyone: "Leave as soon as possible!"

Everyone's expression was shocked, they didn't dare to be careless at all, they hurriedly withdrew and retreated, and when they retreated, they saw that Chi Gu's body was getting bigger and bigger, as if there was no limit, in the process of growing continuously, it was only a blink of an eye, and it was already gone. Up to hundreds of meters.

"My God! This, how could this guy's real body be so huge!?"

Luo Fang looked astonished, after all, he had seen many great evil beasts, but Chi Gu's real body completely overturned Luo Fang's cognition, unexpectedly there are great evil beasts as huge as stars!
He Chu was also shocked: "After all, this guy is the son of Duanyin, the first generation of the Great Evil Beast. It is reasonable to say that his real body is so huge, but with such a huge body, how can Chen Yang fight against him? Those colorful lights fell on it It seems that I can't do any damage to it!"

"It's no wonder that even the Taishang Patriarch was seriously injured when dealing with this guy, such a terrifying real body, his strength has been increased by more than several times!" Jianying's face was ugly: "This guy, I'm afraid even the Dao of Heaven may not be able to stop him !"

Everyone retreated, but even in the distance, they could see clearly that Chi Gu's body was already unimaginably huge, and Chen Yang that everyone could see was nothing more than a colorful starlight. Compared to Chi Gu's body, it can't even be called an ant, it can only be regarded as a wisp of dust!

"How should Chen Yang deal with him!?" The Purple Dragon King's face was extremely ugly: "Under this body, any attack is probably ineffective against it!?"

Hong Qiye also frowned: "If it were me, there really is nothing I can do!"

Although Chen Yang has seen Chi Gu's real body long ago, it is the first time that he is so close to Chi Gu's real body. The oppressive feeling is self-evident, and Chen Yang's breath is directly suppressed. difficult.

At this time, Di Qing's message came: "Since this guy has shown his real body, it is actually easier to deal with him!"

"What do you mean!?" Chen Yang's expression trembled slightly, and he suddenly remembered something!
"Didn't you like to use that method before?" Di Qing curled his lips.


With such a large real body, it is difficult to attack from the outside to play a big role. At this time, attacking from the inside is naturally the best way!

"Come on then!"

With a movement of Chen Yang's body, he rushed towards the head of Chi Gu's avatar like a shooting star!

Chi Gu roared angrily immediately, and an extremely strong wave of air gushed out of its mouth!

Although it's just a wave of air, but gushing under such a huge body, its power has been increased by more than a hundred times!
This roar can even make a star fly hundreds of light-years away, and even disintegrate in the middle, how powerful the impact is!

"Auspicious cloud body protection!"

"Phoenix feathers come out!"

Chen Yang shouted softly, but he didn't dare to be careless. The impact of the air wave was too strong. Even his current physical body would probably be extremely difficult to bear, so he hastily released colorful auspicious clouds, covering his body in the auspicious clouds. Among them, at the same time, as soon as the ground walked out, the phoenix feather suddenly appeared, and the second layer of defense continued to wrap up!

Up against the odds!

The multicolored divine light is constantly flying in the air. Although it is weak, it is also full of dazzling looks!
Everyone held their breath and watched from a distance, silently praying for Chen Yang!
We have no chance of failure!

Everything, everything is handed over to you!

In the berserk air waves, the five-colored divine light headed straight up and headed against the wind. Although the speed slowed down, it did not restrain Chen Yang's figure. Under the protection of the five-colored auspicious clouds and Phoenix feathers, Chen Yang Protected from the impact of the air waves, Mana continued to urge frantically to keep his speed steady.

This time, I must not fail!

Chen Yang's eyes were extremely firm, looking at the huge and ferocious face of the Chi Gu avatar through the gap between the phoenix feather and the colorful auspicious clouds, he resolutely continued to rush forward!
But at this moment, Chi Gu's huge hands started to move, grabbing towards the figure of Chen Yang!

Although the speed is slow, but the huge size of the hands can't stand it, and it envelops Chen Yang as if covering the sky and the sun. Once it is photographed, even if it does not die, Chen Yang will definitely be severely injured!

Seeing such a scene, everyone couldn't help but feel anxious.

Zhang Qingshan frowned: "No, Chen Yang can't dodge at all with his current speed!"

Zhang He's face also changed drastically: "It's too bad, I will definitely be caught by Chi Gu!"

Hong Qiye frowned tightly: "Don't talk, I believe Chen Yang will never stay there!"

Di Qing snorted secretly in the distance, and said to himself: "Of course I won't stay there, I want to catch this guy!? How is it possible, like a loach, I probably already thought of a way! Otherwise, , how could you be so reckless and go directly against the wind!"

Di Qing naturally understands Chen Yang, everyone here will do stupid things, but Chen Yang will not, because Chen Yang is too insidious and cunning, he has already calculated everything, especially this obvious behavior of sending him to death, Chen Yang is definitely cheating!
It's just that no matter how fast the five-colored light is, it seems that it can't escape Chi Gu's hands that cover the sky and the sun. Gradually, the five-colored light is directly covered by Chi Gu's hands!
When the two palms were joined together, the space suddenly burst, and huge energy swept around, as if the stars were destroyed. The huge aftermath swept directly in front of the people in the distance, and they couldn't help but released magic shields one after another to block the aftermath!

"Chen, Chen Yang won't have already..." Zhang Qingshan's face was full of horror: "It's over, is it over?"

Zhang He also had a look of astonishment on his face.

"Not at all..." Hong Qiye suddenly smiled: "Look at that Chi Gu's mouth!"

Um! ?

When everyone reacted, they saw that Chen Yang had appeared beside Chi Gu's mouth at some point, and had already stabbed into Chi Gu's mouth!

"What, when!?"

"Impossible! Under such circumstances, how could it be possible to dodge, even with magical powers, it is impossible to dodge!"

It is naturally impossible under normal circumstances, but what Chen Yang uses is not supernatural power, but magic teleportation!

(End of this chapter)

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