Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 2112 Wannian Single Dog...

Chapter 2112 Wannian Single Dog...

When Chen Yang woke up again, it was already the second day.

"I really miss the days of this mortal body, it's so refreshing to sleep in!"

Chen Yang stretched his waist, and then got up from the bed. After returning to Jiangnan yesterday, he didn't contact anyone. He was so sleepy that he found a hotel to sleep.

After opening the curtains, looking at the high-rise buildings in Jiangnan City, in just a few years, the development of Jiangnan City has also made Chen Yang very unfamiliar. There have been huge changes in many places. Chen Yang stared out the window for a long time, Then he took out his cell phone and presumably called Sun Zizai.

After a while, the phone was connected, and Sun Zizai's voice sounded: "Yang, Master Yang!?"

"Why, are you surprised to hear my voice?" Chen Yang smiled slightly.

"You have disappeared for several years! How could you not be surprised!" Sun Zizai asked quickly, "Are you in Jiangnan now?"

"Well, I just came back yesterday. I didn't dare to call my parents. I was afraid they would scold me. I haven't heard from me for a few years. I think I will be beaten to death when I go back, hahaha!"

Sun Zizai couldn't help smiling: "Indeed, my uncles and aunts ask me about you all the time, and I don't know how to tell them. This time you are back, it's best to spend time with the elders!"

"Of course, I miss them too!" Chen Yang asked again: "How is the situation at Lantian Hospital!?"

Sun Zizai paused: "Are you asking about the situation in China or abroad!?"

"Huh!? Overseas!? What do you mean!?" Chen Yang didn't realize it for a while.

Sun Zizai smiled: "You haven't been here for a few years, so I really don't know the situation. Right now, there are sixty or seventy branches of Lantian Hospital, all over the country's major provincial capitals and second-tier cities. It is currently developing third-tier cities, so it probably won't be used." In a few years, Lantian Hospital will directly enter the county level, and even the township level. Of course, this is only the domestic situation. Overseas, [-] countries have signed contracts with our Lantian Hospital, and our current hospitals are directly open Went abroad!" Sun Zizai couldn't help laughing: "We used to use foreign technology, whether it was medical equipment or various advanced medicines, we had to import from abroad, but now, foreign countries have to beg us to open the hospital there. !"

Chen Yang grinned. This kind of thing was already expected. After all, the automatic medical bed is a Chinese high-tech in another world. It is at least hundreds of years ahead. The medical level of foreign countries is naturally incomparable!

"However, I have something very important to tell you!" Sun Zizai smiled bitterly: "Because of the growth of Lantian Hospital and the low fees, many private hospitals have been closed down by us. At the same time, we opposed our Lantian Hospital, and the incident was not small. At that time, you were not there, and I couldn't do anything, so I had to agree to the request of the country, and the fee was changed from a private hospital to a public hospital. With the help of the state, the Lantian Hospital can develop to the size it is today, but our Lantian Hospital has now become a formal unit, so we can't make decisions about many things at will!"

Chen Yang didn't expect so many things to happen, but it's okay, with the support of the country, those young people don't dare to be presumptuous. What's more, the original intention of the Lantian Hospital was not to make money at all. , is to let the people have a safe place to go when they are sick, so the current result has no effect on Chen Yang at all: "What should I do! Haha, it's okay, it's okay, it's for the country For the sake of the people, isn’t it better to have the support of the state now? Besides, it’s tiring for you to do this by yourself, but it’s even better if you have other people to help you!”

"So, I'm completely alone now! Take Xian'er around if you have nothing to do. By the way, Lord Yang, are you bringing anyone else with you when you come back this time?"

"I'm the only one who comes back this time. Everyone else has something to do. If I can't come back for a while, you don't have to worry about it!" Chen Yang smiled: "Come and pick me up! I haven't been back for a few years. I just happened to take a stroll around Jiangnan, by the way, I just happened to go to the hospital to see some of my old classmates!"

"Okay, I'll come pick you up right away!"

After Sun Zizai hung up the phone, he drove directly to the hotel. When Chen Yang saw Sun Zizai, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback: "Damn!? Did the fairy in the painting cast a spell on you!? What the hell did you do? Turned into Shuaibi!?"

Chen Yang remembered that when he first met Sun Zizai, although he was young, he was close to his 30s, and he had a fat head and big ears, and he also looked quite wretched, but he hadn’t seen him for several years, and now he has a strong figure. Said, and the face shape has also changed, looking like a handsome man, you must know that this guy is in his thirties, he looks like he is in his 20s, Chen Yang feels younger than himself!

"Hey, you know, it's nourished by love!" Sun Zizai grinned: "I'm saying that I'm free now, so I must pay more attention to my personal life. Dress up a little, it won't affect it!"

"You are considered a winner in life, right!? Under 40 years old, the director of Lantian Hospital, and a beautiful fairy wife!" Chen Yang raised his eyebrows: "I don't know how many people envy you!"

"Aren't you embarrassing me? How can you compare with your Lord Yang!?" Sun Zizai rolled his eyes: "Let's go! Aren't you going to visit Jiangnan? Anyway, it's okay, it's okay to take you around !"

"Okay, let's take a look at my old classmates first!" Chen Yang smiled slightly.

"Wait a minute, you just wear this outfit!?" Sun Zizai looked at Chen Yang's dressing style: "You have the same style as a few years ago, are you still wearing it!?"

Chen Yang felt a little helpless: "Is there any way, I only have some clothes on me, and they are all new, so don't waste them!"

"Fuck you, you don't even know how much money is on your card!" Sun Zizai said in a low voice, "Let me tell you, the money on your card is dozens of times more than the richest man in the world!"

"Fuck? Is it true!? Chen Yang was taken aback.

"Of course it's true. The country found out that such a large sum of funds has been checked long ago, and even asked someone to ask me, but it's also strange. I just confirmed your identity, and then didn't ask anything!" Sun Zizai looked puzzled: "It feels like someone from above suppressed it for you! Logically speaking, with such a large sum of money, it is impossible for the state not to intervene, but just come down to confirm your identity and you will be fine. Lord, it seems that the people you met at the top are not young!"

"It's okay!" Chen Yang smiled slightly: "Let's go, go change your outfit first, I'm not yet 30 years old, so I can still spend some time!"

"Haha! Let's go!"

Chen Yang followed Sun Zizai and drove away. After changing his outfit, he came directly to Lantian Hospital.


"I've been a little busy at work these past few days! Why are you two so idle!? Are you still free to come here to talk nonsense!?"

Zhang Rui frowned, looking at Mao Shi and Zhang Rui who were drinking tea, with a look of helplessness on his face: "Aren't you working?"

"You don't know me, the captain of the security brigade, but I just came to check on the security issues of your science and technology department!" Liu Yuan grinned.

"Mao Shi, what about you!?" Zhang Rui curled his lips: "Your accounting department won't come to check the accounts!?"

Mao Shi stretched out his finger and shook it, and said with a sullen expression: "I just came to the bathroom, and I stopped by to see the daily life of the otaku in our dormitory. If you go on like this, you will definitely be single for thousands of years!"

"What's the hurry!" Zhang Rui raised his eyebrows: "I look so chic and suave, I'm afraid I won't find a girlfriend!?"

"What do you look like, don't you have any clues in your heart!?" Mao Shi curled his lips: "Stop talking nonsense, the blind date this weekend, the other party is a university tutor, young and beautiful, Mo Nan praised you well, when the time comes you Why, if you wear work clothes again, you are going to be a fool for the rest of your life..."

Liu Yuan also nodded hastily: "Brothers are doing it for your own good. We are almost thirty, Mao Shi and my child are almost two years old, and you are still single. Does it make sense?"

Suddenly, a voice came from outside the door.

"You don't have to think about it, Zhang Rui is gay, or iron gay, how did he find a female ticket!?"

The three of them were taken aback, and looked at the door in unison.

Chen Yang grinned: "Hey, sons, do you miss Dad!?"

(End of this chapter)

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