Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 2134 You are surrounded by me

Chapter 2134 You are surrounded by me

After cleaning up one of them, Chen Yang immediately went to clean up the remaining two guys. Chen Yang didn't have much interest in the remaining two guys.

the reason is simple.

too weak!
What the hell! ?
It seems that one is more stingy than the other, but in fact it is still a weak chicken, unable to last a round at all.

Chen Yang felt that it was a waste of time to talk to them about this kind of role, so he dealt with the remaining two guys. In front of everyone, he slapped each of them to the ground alive, and couldn't move at all. !

If it wasn't for keeping these guys alive, Chen Yang had to control his own power, otherwise, these guys would have been beaten to ashes by Chen Yang.

After these three people are dealt with, the next armed terrorists are not a threat at all. They don't need Chen Yang to go out, and they can all be captured alive by relying on these supernatural beings. Originally, these guys planned to detonate explosives, but there is no explosives in the end. , those explosives buried underground have long been put away by Chen Yang.

The second location was finally settled, and someone came over to pick him up immediately, but when he learned that the battle in the remaining location had not been resolved, Chen Yang didn't think too much about it, and after he asked people to take the prisoners back temporarily, It is to take all the remaining supernatural beings to the third battlefield!
Chen Yang only hoped that this Skedas organization would be smarter, and quickly take advantage of this opportunity to infiltrate into England to accomplish his goals, otherwise, it would take a long time to delay.

However, the fact is just as Chen Yang thought, Skedas has indeed acted, and the destination is in England.

Royal Museum of England.

Relics about the history of England are displayed here, and each relic has witnessed a period of history. Compared with museums in other countries, England's Royal Museum is the most heavily guarded museum in the world, with a large number of soldiers 24 hours a day Patrols, not only that, but also England's most advanced defense technology!

"Is this the place? Mr. Huo Da!?"

Looking at the old man in a suit beside him, Fek Domon couldn't help asking softly.

"That's right!" Huo Da nodded, "I can feel the breath of the King's Sword! Now everyone's attention is on Princess Megaris. Taking advantage of this opportunity, we must win the sword as soon as possible. King's Sword!"

"The King's Sword!?" Fek Domon was taken aback for a moment, "You mean King Arthur's Holy Sword!?"

"That's right!"

"Isn't that a myth and legend? Could it be that the King's Sword really exists!?"

"It's not a myth, it's true!" Huo Da's frowning face showed a somewhat yearning smile: "That is a legendary artifact, as long as you have the King's Sword, you can get the blessing of the gods, Possess the power of a god and become the ruler of the entire world!"

"Mr. Hoda, I have a question..."

"what is the problem!?"

"If it's true as you said, if you have the sword of the king, you can get the power of the gods, then why is King Arthur, who has the sword of the king, still dead? After you have the power of the gods, can't you live forever?"

Huo Da smiled slightly: "Because, the King's Sword is not only a sword, but also has a scabbard. It has the power of a god, but without the scabbard, it is still a mortal body. Only with the King's Sword and the Only the scabbard can truly become a god and rule the whole world! King Arthur lost the scabbard, which is why he died!"

"I see, where is the scabbard now?"

Huo Da smiled slightly: "Naturally, I already have it in my hand, and besides, I already have the key to unlock the seal!"

I saw a necklace appeared in Huoda's hand at some point, and this necklace was the only token left to her by Princess Megaris' mother.


On the other side, the third battlefield.

Chen Yang has just rushed to the third battlefield, and Chen Yang has been here before, where Princess Megaris was imprisoned, but now the people have already transferred out.

And this third battlefield, where the fighting was the most intense, all the remaining senior members of the Skedas organization gathered here, so this place was also the hardest hit area.

When Chen Yang and others arrived, the flames of the entire battlefield had subsided. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, Chen Yang still let everyone land on the nearby high ground as before.

"Haduo, it looks like we have a new supporter!"

"That's right, I haven't killed enough yet!"

Haduo smiled grimly, sat on the corpses of several people, and looked at the high ground in the distance: "I heard that the other two places have been solved by people!"

"That's right!" The person opposite said with a sneer, "The information that was sent just now basically wiped out the entire army, and the one who caused this situation is the legendary Huaxia Yangshen!"

"It's just a mere mortal who dares to call himself a god. He really doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth!" Haduo sneered: "If he comes, let him sleep here forever!"

"Our mission is over!" Another person frowned: "Retreat now! Otherwise, Mr. Huo Da will blame us, and there will be no good results for us!"

"Don't worry, we will retreat as soon as possible, but don't you think it's a pity?" Hado glanced at the densely packed corpses underground: "These human beings are too weak to be happy at all. Very strong, such a strong opponent is something that can be met but not sought after! Such a rare opportunity, if you miss it, you will probably regret it for the rest of your life!? Even if Mr. Huo Da has already ruled the entire world by then!"

"Haduo's words are quite in line with my thoughts. They are retreating anyway, and it doesn't matter if you withdraw later! I also just want to see how powerful this legendary Chinese Yang God is, so that the alliance of supernatural beings Treat him like a god!"

"Then just wait and see!"

After Chen Yang and his party landed, they immediately observed the movement in the village with binoculars.

"The battle seems to be over!" One person said in a deep voice: "Those people are waiting there, and their eyes are still in our direction, as if they are waiting for us to pass!"

"Damn it, these guys don't pay attention to us at all!"

"Your Excellency Yangshen, next..."

Everyone looked at Chen Yang in unison.

"You wait here. These guys are in a weird situation. You are indeed not their opponents. Of course, they are not my opponents either. After I fire the signal flare, come back!"

As soon as the words fell, without waiting for everyone to react, Chen Yang jumped off the high ground and flew towards the village all the way.

"This speed is really amazing!"

Seeing Chen Yang flying all the way, and pulling a dust line directly behind him, Haduo's smile became more serious: "Only such an opponent can make us feel a little nervous!?"

"I hope this guy won't let us down!"

Not long after, Chen Yang stopped, and in the hazy dust, he saw seven figures, some standing, some sitting, and one of them even sat directly on the corpse. And all around them were the corpses of people with supernatural powers.

Chen Yang frowned slightly, feeling a little unbearable in his heart. Although Chen Yang had experienced battles that were hundreds or even thousands of times more tragic than this, this was not a society for cultivators. It was impossible for a person to come back to life after death. This is true even for supernatural beings.

"Did you kill these people?" Chen Yang's voice was low.

Haduo smiled subduedly: "Looking at your unfamiliar Huaxia face, and your fast speed, could it be that you are the legendary Huaxia Yang God!?"

Chen Yang glanced at the crowd indifferently: "You are already surrounded by me, and I don't intend to let you go, in order to express my pity for you, I will give you ten seconds to escape!"

"Ten seconds later, I will start a killing spree!"

Chen Yang looked sharply: "Ten!"



"Is this guy out of his mind?"

"Surround us? Hehe, he can't see the current situation clearly, is he the one who is surrounded!?"

"Still counting down? Hahaha! Are all human beings so ridiculous?"

(End of this chapter)

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