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Chapter 2182 Decoy

Chapter 2182 Decoy
There is indeed no special situation with the Wuhuang Axe, it should just be full, and the huge strength will definitely increase uncomfortable, so it probably takes some time to digest it.

"By the way, there is one more thing to discuss with you!" Chen Yang quickly said to Charlotte: "I want to capture King Honig, and now you are the only one who can help!"

"King Honig, what is this?" Naturally, Charlotte had never heard of it.

After Chen Yang explained something, Xia Luoluo couldn't help being stunned: "With such a powerful strength, it is not a beast of evil!? Isn't this incredible?"

"The world is full of wonders. There are no strongest creatures, only stronger creatures. Great evil beasts are really nothing. When I was on the Honig star, I even found that these Honigs were even more powerful than the great evil beasts." As food, I can even see the remains of many great evil beasts!"

"I feel that the support of Sebastians is far from enough. If I can still get King Honig, then I will truly have a terrifying power in my hands!"

Xia Luoluo couldn't help frowning: "Since King Honig has such a strong strength, I am afraid that even if you and I work together, we may not be able to win him?"

"If we only fight with strength, it is really difficult for the two of us to win him. Of course, I think head-to-head is not a good way, so if you think about it carefully, you might as well trap him in the void, after all, it is just A creature should not have the ability to break free from the void!"

"What about after trapping it? Even if it is within my empty space, with its defensive ability, the two of us may not be able to deal with it!" Xia Luoluo shook his head and said, "I'm afraid this method won't work for you?"

Chen Yang quickly shared his thoughts with Xia Luoluo, and Xia Luoluo nodded slightly after listening: "This may be feasible, then when shall we go?"

"Don't worry about this matter. You should divert all your efforts as soon as possible. Tomorrow, Sebastian's eight knights will come to the base of the Poltans to negotiate with the Queen Poltan. I have to be there to help watch, so as not to The two parties fight, after all, their conflicts have been accumulated for a long time. To be honest, it is really difficult to coexist peacefully. As long as they agree, as time goes by, I believe that the two races should be We can live in peace!"

"It's all up to you."

Xia Luoluo continued to transfer the slaves, and the next day, after Chen Yang and Queen Poltan waited for a long time, a space portal appeared above the Poltan base again, and then the eight knights came from the space portal Get out, and there are only these eight people!
After seeing the eight knights, Queen Porta believed Chen Yang's words and stopped questioning. After the eight knights came to Chen Yang's side, they all had a somewhat respectful attitude. It's hard to imagine, but Queen Poltain had to believe it. It turned out that Chen Yang had really turned himself over and became the leader of the Sebastians!

"Then, it's time to negotiate next, but since we want to negotiate, it's better to be able to communicate with each other!" Chen Yang took out his wisdom rings and distributed them to the eight knights. After each took them, the core figures of the two races came together Start negotiating.

It's just that when everyone was sitting together, no one spoke, and the whole room was extremely silent. After all, this situation was rather embarrassing for Queen Poltin or the Eight Knights. Enemies are already immortal, but now they want to get rid of the previous hatred and become new friends. This change in the situation is really hard to accept.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Chen Yang coughed: "I have already agreed to the negotiation, so should I say something?"

"If you don't know what to say, then I will speak first!"

In order to enliven the atmosphere, Chen Yang first told Queen Poltain and the Eight Knights about his thoughts. The content is actually very simple. From now on, the two races will give up fighting each other and coexist peacefully. It is best to share resources. Everyone grow together.

It’s just that Chen Yang’s proposal just came out, and Queen Poltan was a little dissatisfied. Regarding the issue of sharing resources, she would never agree. After all, the number of Poltan people is huge, and the current resources can only maintain the continuation of the race. If the race is to prosper, more resources are needed. If they are allocated to the Sebastians, then the situation will not be good for the Poltans.

But Chen Yang has already guessed this point. Since he is not willing to share resources, then Chen Yang will take a step back. The Sebastians don’t want resources, they just need to coexist peacefully. The Eight Knights have nothing to say, after all, Chen Yang is now He is their leader, so they naturally dare not refute Chen Yang's opinion.

And since Chen Yang agreed not to share resources, but to give all the resources to the Boertan people, the queen really has no objections. This is a nod to agree to the peaceful coexistence of the two races in the future. Not only that, Chen Yang felt that the two races needed to be changed, so he asked the two races to supervise each other, and never harm innocent creatures in the future.

On this point, the two sides have no objection. Queen Poltan has promised Chen Yang before, and the Poltan people are indeed changing now, and to be honest, it is unnecessary. The bad habit of the Poltan people cannibalism, It is purely left over from the past, and the cannibalism doesn't get any benefits to be honest, they just want to taste a special taste.

Naturally, Chen Yang can help with this. Since the Poltan people like to eat so much, it is better to pass on the culinary skills of the Three Realms. Lack of materials, there are all kinds of monsters in the base of the Boerta people, most of them are delicious meat, coupled with the hundred flavors provided by Chen Yang, they can instantly become a delicacy, which is not as attractive as poor people.

Negotiations went smoothly. At least the core figures of the two races have decided to coexist peacefully in the future, but it is of course impossible for the two races to contact each other now, but Chen Yang believes that as time goes by With the passage of time, this situation can be changed after all, just let time change everything.

After a while, Xia Luoluo finally transferred all the slaves, and then went to Honig star with Chen Yang, and when they arrived near Honig star, the two discussed the next step However, when the two were discussing, Wuhuang Ax suddenly said: "Boss, do you want me to participate?"


Wuhuang Ax quickly said: "There is too much energy now, and it can't be digested for a while, so it's better to release it, maybe it can help you catch that house!"

"Alright, if my plan doesn't work out then, I'll let you try!"

After deciding on a specific plan, the two of them directly entered the Honig star, and then they looked at each other, Xia Luoluo directly escaped into nothingness, and began to arrange around Chen Yang, while Chen Yang sat cross-legged, Suspended in mid-air, it began to activate the Taiyuan Core.

To attract King Honig, a huge energy of vitality is necessary. To Chen Yang, this is not a problem. Not long after, a majestic energy of vitality was released from Chen Yang's body. Under Chen Yang's control, the power of vitality slowly spread towards the surroundings!

Countless Honigs on the ground, after feeling this strong force of vitality, suddenly became irritable and moved towards the force of vitality released by Chen Yang. , Not long after, a large number of Honigs gathered under Chen Yang's feet, and even kept yelling at Chen Yang, but because these Honigs couldn't fly, they couldn't do anything to Chen Yang for the time being.

Seeing that so many Honigs had been attracted, Chen Yang knew that this matter should be a sure thing, and King Honig would definitely appear in a short time!

A few minutes later, a huge roar suddenly came from a distance, as deafening as thunder, and Honig under Chen Yang's feet became quiet instantly after hearing the roar.

Chen Yang looked happy, and finally appeared!
(End of this chapter)

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