Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 2216 Confirmed Eyes

Chapter 2216 Confirmed Eyes

The trembling of the enchantment caused everyone's expressions to change.

"These guys really wanted to force their way in! Fortunately, we expected it!"

Xue Li snorted coldly: "Block them, the yellow sandstorm will come soon, as long as the barrier is not broken during this period, these guys will have nothing to do!"

The people outside seemed to be bombarding the barrier, and there seemed to be a large number of opponents. The trembling of the barrier became more and more violent, making everyone pink and pink. Knowing that the opponent was forced by the situation, they had to do their best up.

Looking at the current situation, it seems that the enchantment will not last long. Everyone has released mana as much as possible, but it seems that there is not much change.

"No, the opponent has at least twice as many people as us, and the enchantment may not last!" One of them shouted coldly: "We have to think of other ways!"

"What else can I do? Just start fighting and kill them!" One person shouted in a deep voice: "I don't want to die in the yellow sandstorm!"

Xue Li hesitated for a moment. Now that the enchantment can no longer hold on, a big battle is inevitable, and there is a yellow sandstorm outside, and there is only one way to die if exposed, so he quickly said: "Right now, we can only fight one battle." Now, everyone is ready, after the enchantment is bombarded, immediately remove the enchantment, and take advantage of their unpreparedness to kill them by surprise!"

"it is good!"

The barrier trembled violently again. At this moment, Xue Li yelled loudly, and everyone quickly removed the barrier, revealing a dozen or so people outside, and these people did not expect that the barrier would suddenly Withdrawing, naturally there was not much defense, Xue Li rushed forward without saying a word, followed by the others, and directly rushed into the crowd.

The two gangs began to fight like this, while Chen Yang hid in the corner and didn't intend to make a move. He silently watched the two gangs start to fight,

It's not that Chen Yang doesn't want to do anything, but that Chen Yang is observing the situation, and fighting is of little significance. In fact, Chen Yang thinks that although the space for people is small, it's okay to squeeze in, but whether it's Xue Li and others Or is there another group of people who are more selfish and just want to monopolize such a safe area.

What's more, as long as the people are shrunk down, the place is actually very spacious, but I don't know what these guys think, they can coexist peacefully, but they insist on fighting.

At this time, Xue Li saw that Chen Yang didn't make a move, and he was anxious for a while: "Why are you standing there!? Why don't you make a move quickly, otherwise, you will be the first to die later!"

Chen Yang frowned: "It doesn't make much sense to do it."

"What do you mean, boy!? Didn't you agree to help?"

"My so-called helping is not like this!" Chen Yang naturally had his own choice, and he didn't like fighting in the first place, and the two groups had no grievances or enmities, so there was no need for swords to confront each other.

Seeing that the battle was getting more and more intense, at this moment, Chen Yang suddenly shouted: "Okay, stop!"

Accompanied by a terrifying aura of suppression, everyone couldn't help but stop, and looked towards Chen Yang in astonishment.

"Why are you bothering? If you give in to each other, nothing will happen. What's the point of fighting?" Chen Yang frowned, scanned the crowd and said, "I see How about this, there is no need for everyone to continue fighting, just squeeze, this place should be able to accommodate everyone!"

Chen Yang's voice could not be rejected, and no one dared to speak at this time, because Chen Yang could calm everyone down with just a breath, as if there was an invisible mountain pressing on everyone's chest, making people feel a little breathless Come on, this is not coercion, it's just momentum!

There is such a great power just by the momentum, if Chen Yang really makes a move, I am afraid no one here will be able to survive!

Complete strength crushing!
Everyone knew this well, so under Chen Yang's deterrence, everyone stopped their hands and looked at Chen Yang's eyes...


I checked my eyes, he is the one who will kill me...

The leader of the other party coughed and said: "Since this Da Neng has said so, let's give Da Neng a face and stop beating him!"

On the contrary, Xue Li and the others were a little stunned. They thought Chen Yang, no matter how powerful he was, was just an ordinary character, but they didn't expect him to be a super powerful character. Well, then they naturally don't want to do anything, and the most important thing is that they don't want to provoke Chen Yang. After coughing, Xue Li also said: "Then according to what Brother Chen said, it's better for everyone to coexist peacefully!"

The picture instantly became friendly. According to what Chen Yang said, everyone squeezed into this small safe zone, but this place is indeed relatively small, so everyone began to shrink down one after another. No one in the time safety zone spoke, and everyone's eyes would fall on Chen Yang from time to time, because now Chen Yang is the big boss, if he can't be provoked, he can only act according to Chen Yang's face.

Seeing that the crowd didn't continue to fight, Chen Yang didn't say anything. He sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes, and the entire safety zone fell into silence, only the sound of a yellow sandstorm approaching could be heard.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, just now you were living and dying, and now everyone is staring at each other, although they are upset, but they dare not say anything, just like this, until the yellow sandstorm hits, the whole The sky above the iron forest was full of yellow sand, and at this time, everyone also released a barrier to block the falling yellow sand, and finally passed it safely.

About half an hour later, the yellow sandstorm finally disappeared. The other group of people planned to leave, but seeing that Chen Yang didn't make a sound, they didn't dare to move. They were a little embarrassed for a while, while Xue Li and the others The same is true, everyone is looking at Chen Yang's face.

Chen Yang won't let you go, you dare to move! ?

So everyone looked at Chen Yang silently. After a long time, Xue Li coughed and asked in a low voice: "Chen, brother Chen, can we go now?"

Chen Yang didn't speak, which made Xue Li a little embarrassed. There was no way, everyone had to wait. After a while, Chen Yang opened his eyes and said, "Okay, let's go!"

Everyone seemed to be pardoned, another group of people saluted Chen Yang and left in a hurry, while Xue Li and the others looked at Chen Yang and did not take any action.

"What's wrong!?" Chen Yang was stunned and asked.

Xue Li smiled awkwardly: "Chen, Brother Chen, shall we continue walking now?"

"Otherwise!?" Chen Yang smiled: "Just follow your previous thinking, I will still follow you!"

Xue Li smiled wryly in his heart, can the situation be the same?

Now you are a boss, I can afford it! ?
But now that Chen Yang has said so, Xue Li has nothing to say, and continues to lead the team towards the lake of resentment, and there is no problem along the way. The most important thing is that those lonely and arrogant guys are now instantly cowardly. When they got down, they didn't dare to approach Chen Yang casually, and they still walked their own ways, but when they saw Chen Yang's eyes turning towards him, they either smiled quickly to show their friendliness, or lowered their heads quickly, pretending not to see Chen Yang's eyes.

At least it was kind.

The closer he got to the lake of resentment, Chen Yang could naturally feel that the resentment around him had indeed increased a lot, and he could also see resentment spirits flashing in front of him from time to time.

This slowed down everyone's progress a bit, because they had to be on guard against the sneak attacks of the wraiths at any time. These wraiths were not ordinary ghosts, they were extremely resentful and murderous, and if they were not careful, they might be directly buried in the hands of the wraiths .

Chen Yang was full of righteousness, so he was naturally not afraid of the threat of resentful spirits, but Xue Li and others were different. Without full of righteousness, they could only use mana to stop them.

When the weather became dark, the team had to stop. At night, the number of resentful spirits increased sharply. It is best to find a safe place to rest and continue until dawn. In addition, there is no moon in Infernal Hell, and you can't see your fingers at night. , the action is also more difficult.

When everyone was resting, Chen Yang felt the resentment around him, and suddenly thought of walking.

"The resentment in this place is so heavy, it seems that it is quite suitable for you to practice! And it has been left in the sea of ​​consciousness for too long, just let me come out for a walk!"

(End of this chapter)

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