Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 223 Flower Appreciation Poetry Party

Chapter 223 Flower Appreciation Poetry Party
Three days later, Chen Yang had returned to the school and continued to live his leisurely life.

However, there is still a problem now, that is, the injury of the soul seems to have aggravated a bit. In the past three days, Chen Yang will have a headache from time to time.

But the Taishang Laojun hadn't approved the friend application for a long time, so Chen Yang seemed a little depressed.

Of course, Wude Xingjun and Erlang Zhenjun both asked, and as expected, Wude Xingjun didn’t have any goods, because he didn’t know how to make alchemy, so he had to ask others for it, but Erlang Zhenjun had it, but it was used to restore Yuanshen , The elixir is too high-grade, Chen Yang can't use it, and dare not use it, if the medicine is too powerful, and the soul explodes, then Chen Yang will die and can't die anymore, even if the gods come, they won't be able to save him.

The gods who should ask also asked, about the low-level medicine of restoring the soul, it is estimated that only the Taishang Laojun can make it, but this kind of great fairy, although he is a good person, but Naihe often dives, and he is basically not there when looking for people.

However, there are many benefits to this battle!

One is the Tianmen Token that can order the six hermit families. Now that Chen Yang is holding it, it is considered a good thing. With a thousand-year history of the Great Hermit Family, they basically claim to be as rich as an enemy.

The second is to destroy the big devil Yun Batian, and the merits obtained are actually more than a million!
Simply put, compared with this Yun Batian, those villains who were killed in the past are nothing short of nothing!

The current Chen Yang is not dissatisfied with this merit, as much as he has, but how should he pay back the 8000 million merit that is still owed?

Since being tricked by the God of Cookery last time, Chen Yang's merit income in the fairy world has basically disappeared. This is also a very painful thing. Until now, Chen Yang has not found a new way to earn merit.

Being idle is also boring, why not go to the fairy wechat group and chat with the gods, maybe you can find some business opportunities.

It's also been a long time since I saw the Fairy Water Group, so I went in and took a look, and it seemed that there was some activity going on again.

Third Prince Nezha: "The Flower Appreciation Conference to be held in the near future, ah, I am so sorry, I would have read more books back then, but now I want to write poems, and I don't know anything!"

Giant Spirit God: "Oh, the Queen Mother is really interesting, too bad, I can't write poetry!"

Fairy Chang'e: "(Smiling) I need to read a lot in the future, otherwise, I will only be greedy!"

Taibai Jinxing: "Everyone, if you want to participate in the Flower Appreciation Conference, hurry up and send your masterpiece, and I will present it to the Queen Mother tomorrow."


Flower viewing festival! ?
write poetry! ?
Chen Yang was taken aback, and hurriedly flipped through the chat records.

It turned out that the queen mother held a flower viewing conference, and there was also a poetry meeting, and the top three prizes were set up!

No.1 can get a mysterious prize, No.2 can get 5000 million merits, and No.3 can get a Nine Gods-level treasure clothes!
Fuck!There is such a good thing?
Chen Yang couldn't help but gasp, give me No.2!

I don't want anything else, just give me No.2!
The problem is, I can't write poetry!

Chen Yang smiled wryly, and at this moment, Zhenjun Erlang sent a message in the chat group.

"Taibai, look at my poem, the blue sky is like water, the silvery sky is clear and shallow, and the golden waves are clear... Every year tonight, Yulou is completely prosperous."

Taibai Jinxing: "Erlang's literary talent is really excellent, I will write it down immediately!"

Lu Dongbin: "Envy, Taibai, I also have a song. Look, the autumnal equinox stops overnight, and the ghost is the most beautiful... He has no similarity at night, and he can't be heard in the morning."

Taibai Jinxing: "Okay, not bad, not bad, I also wrote down this song!"

Giant Spirit God: "Although I can't understand what is written..."

Third Prince Nezha: "Eh...me too..."

Yuelao: "I have to say that Erlang and Dongbin are both great talents among the gods! These two poems have a very good artistic conception, not bad, not bad, really good poems!"

Crouching Tiger Arhat: "I have one too!"

Subduing Dragon Arhat: "Fu Hu, don't make trouble, I'm afraid you will be ridiculed by the gods if you say it."

Crouching Tiger Arhat: "Ah..."

Shunfeng Er: "Is there any more!?"

Lei Gong: "If you want, I will write one too!"

Mother of Lightning: "Don't be ashamed."


Chen Yang frowned tightly. It seems that when these people became immortals, people like Li Bai, Du Fu, and Su Shi hadn't been born yet, right?

Well, for the reward, I'll have to try!
Thinking of this, Chen Yang immediately sent a sentence: "There is moonlight in front of the bed, it is suspected to be frost on the ground, raise your head to look at the bright moon, and lower your head to think about your hometown."

After posting, I watched the fairy's reaction silently.

If someone said they heard about it, or heard it somewhere, Chen Yang immediately gave up, otherwise he would be found plagiarized or embezzled, and he would be in big trouble.

However, not a while after this sentence was sent out, Erlang Shen replied: "I didn't expect Shaoyang to stop singing, and it was a blockbuster! Good poems, really good poems! It exudes a strong sense of thought, which reminds me of The days in the mortal world were lost!"

Yuelao: "It is indeed a good poem, but reading it makes me feel a little inexplicably melancholy..."

Taibai Jinxing: "Shaoyang Xianyou, the poem is a good poem, but can I change it? I read this poem, and there is such a tinge of melancholy! During the flower appreciation meeting, I'm afraid it will be..."

Chen Yang was taken aback, I'll fuck it up, you really don't know Li Bai?
This Jingyesi is now memorized by kindergarteners, okay?

The corners of Chen Yang's mouth twitched. If that's the case, then I'm not going to be polite. After thinking about it, I quickly wrote a song: "When will the bright moon come? Ask the sky for wine... I hope you will live a long life and share the beauty of the moon."

Chen Yang posted the title of Su Shi's water melody, and the fairy wechat group was suddenly quiet.

Fairy Chang'e: "Shaoyang Fairy Friend is really talented, it makes Xiaoxian feel ashamed!"

Zhenjun Erlang: "Shaoyang, we are ashamed of ourselves!"

Lu Dongbin: "I'm envious, I'm also ashamed of myself!"

Yuelao: "Good poetry! Good poetry!"

Giant Spirit God: "Good poetry! Good poetry!"

Third Prince Nezha: "Giant Spirit, do you understand?"

Giant Spirit God: "No..."

Subduing Dragon Arhat: "Then why are you making fun of me?"

Giant Spirit God: "Isn't it okay to say good poetry? (Crying)"

Taibai Jinxing: "Shaoyang Xianyou, I have already written down this poem, and I will present it to the Queen Mother as soon as possible tomorrow, and the Queen Mother will definitely be full of praise!"


Chen Yang couldn't help but blush.

It's not written by him. If people praise him so much, even Chen Yang has a thick skin, and he feels a little embarrassed.

No one should know, right?

Chen Yang felt a little nervous, like the feeling of being afraid of being caught by the teacher when cheating, but he really couldn't resist the temptation of the top three rewards, no, No.2 to be precise!
As soon as he gritted his teeth, Chen Yang held back his shame and replied, "You Lao is so white!"

No matter, for the sake of those 5000 million merits, I don't need moral integrity!
Anyway, this group of gods don't know Su Shi and others!I gave you a chance to cheat for free, don't take it for nothing!

Taibai Jinxing: "It doesn't matter, if the poems of Shaoyang Xianyou are selected, then you can come to the Flower Appreciation Conference to have a look!"

Zhenjun Erlang: "Will Shaoyang come too! Good news! Shaoyang, come to my Zhenjun Palace when the time comes, and let's have a drink!"

Wu De Xingjun: "@少阳, Shaoyang Great Immortal, do you want to come to Heaven? Yes! I've wanted to see you for a long time!"

I'll go, even Wude was blown out!

Addresses like Brother Yang are naturally called in private, but in the group, Wu De would still call Daxian.

However, in the face of this situation, Chen Yang already seemed relatively calm, and he didn't panic. After thinking about it, he replied: "@太白金星,太白上仙, I'm currently practicing in seclusion. I'm afraid this flower viewing conference is coming. It’s over, if the empress asks, please tell me for me, lest the empress blame me, and when I leave the customs in the future, I will go to the empress to apologize!"

Zhenjun Erlang: "That's right! Shaoyang is refining Dao artifacts! I forgot about it!"

Taibai Jinxing: "It's okay, when the time comes, I'll tell the queen mother, the immortal friends of Shaoyang don't have to worry about my mother's blame! With this poem, I'm afraid it's not easy for my mother to blame me, haha!"

Yuelao: "That's right! The Queen Mother has always liked lyrics, I'm afraid it's to blame, and I just have to find Shaoyang Xianyou to write more poems!"

Chen Yang grinned, I'm not afraid of that!
There are three hundred Tang poems here, I can't help it~!

(End of this chapter)

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