Chapter 2262
Everyone didn't expect that Bai Yuncang would make such a suggestion, and Chen Yang immediately vetoed it: "This is not possible, the guy now has six witch corpses and his strength is too strong. He was your demon in the first place, and his strength is not much different from yours. , now that there are six more witch corpses, you are definitely no match for him, if you go to find him, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"There's no need to talk about this matter anymore, it all started because of me, since it's my inner demon, then I should figure it out myself!" Bai Yuncang patted Chen Yang's shoulder with a smile: " Brother Chen, I also hope that you will find me a chance and stop obstructing me!"

Chen Yang's words stuck in his throat, he didn't know how to say it, he hesitated for a while before saying: "Since Brother Bai has made up his mind, I won't do anything to stop him, but I hope Brother Bai can Promise me, delay as long as you can, and run if you can't fight, don't fight this guy head-on!"

"After I send everyone out, I will immediately find someone to help!" Chen Yang hurriedly said: "The people I brought here definitely have this ability, so Brother Bai must promise me!"

"Okay, then I'll wait for you!" Bai Yuncang smiled slightly, but he didn't seem to be a little bit nervous. Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his face, this is the demeanor of a great god.

After making a plan, Chen Yang also had to consider who to bring over. Now he not only had to deal with the demons, but also had to deal with six witch corpses at the same time, so people with wild power must be brought along, Bai Santong definitely I want to bring it, but I'm not sure if that guy has already cultivated, and I'll have a look when I go back.

Di Qing also had to look for him, this guy should have almost cultivated, after devouring Chi Gu's primordial spirit, his strength must have become very terrifying, if he was found, it should be almost the same, but just to be on the safe side, Xiao Xun also I have to bring it. In addition, Queen Poltan should also help. That woman is very powerful, and it should be no problem to deal with a witch corpse. In addition to Queen Poltan, there are also eight knights of Sebastian, and the eight teamed up The fighting power is not weaker than that of Queen Poltan!
After considering the candidates, Chen Yang also decided that it was time to leave. On this day, Bai Yuncang made preparations and left the place of hiding first, while Chen Yang and others were waiting for news from Bai Yuncang.

Not long after, Bai Yuncang sent news that he had already fought the heart demon and held him back.

"Everyone, let's leave this place immediately. The place where the two of them are fighting is in the northwest direction of the center of the spirit land. If we run to the southeast direction, there shouldn't be any problems. It's just that the monsters on the road may be tricky. Everyone must be careful cautious!"

After the explanation, everyone immediately headed towards the southeast. They encountered many monsters along the way. If they could avoid them, they should try to avoid them. If they couldn't, they could only kill them on the spot. There are a large number of people, and the strength of everyone is not weak, and what kind of multicolored light is there as a guarantee. Beast spirits, and the number completely surpassed what I collected, anyway, all of them were handed over to Dizou, and let Dizou devour them.

In a blink of an eye, everyone finally came to the boundary of the center of the spiritual land. The periphery of the spiritual land could be seen from the surface of the beam of light. Chen Yang immediately took out the monument of the spiritual land, and directly shot a ray of light from the monument, falling behind the surface of the beam of light That is, the channel is opened.

"Come on!"

Chen Yang led the way, leading the crowd, and rushed out of the center of the spirit land. It didn't take long for thousands of people to come out. Chen Yang immediately put away the spirit land tablet, and the passage disappeared immediately.

"Wuwu, the outer part of this spiritual land is your territory, so everyone will be placed in your hands!"

Carefree, the Heishui Empress and the three nodded, and then Chen Yang tapped his finger, and the power of nothingness flickered between the fingers.

Before, just to be on the safe side, Xia Luoluo left some power of nothingness for Chen Yang. If there is any situation, he can use this power of nothingness to inform Luoluo of his own position. After Xia Luoluo senses it, he will be the first to Time came to Chen Yang's side, and with the power of nothingness, ignoring the laws of space and restrictions, it can also be used even in Infernal Hell.

Soon, the power of nothingness in this hand continued to magnify, trembling slightly, proving that Xia Luoluo had sensed it. Chen Yang was overjoyed, and after a while, a beautiful figure walked out of the void, and Chen Yang rushed to meet it: "Lolo!"

"What happened?" Charlotte asked quickly.

"I have encountered some difficult situations, and now I need your help!" Chen Yang said quickly: "Take me out of the hell first, and I will go back to find help!"

"Everyone, wait for me for a few days, and I will be back soon!" Chen Yang looked at the center of the spiritual land, hoping that Bai Yuncang would persist until he came back.

Then Chen Yang and Xia Luoluo escaped into the void together, Xia Luoluo asked: "Then who do you plan to go to first?"

"Let's go to Di Qing first! You should know his location!?"

"Of course it's not a problem, I can feel his breath!" Xia Luoluo waved his hand, and the power of nothingness gathered in front of him. After a while, a hole appeared, and the two came out after going out of the hole. To an unknown region.

"Huh!? What are you doing here?"

As soon as Chen Yang came out, he heard Di Qing's voice. It turned out that Di Qing had already stared at the crack in the void after feeling the energy instability.

"It seems that you have finished training!" Chen Yang grinned: "How is it? Does your strength explode instantly now!"

Di Qing frowned: "It's definitely not good for you to find me, did you meet some troublesome guy again?"

"You know me better, and you did meet a difficult guy. You should know Bai Yuncang, right?"

Di Qing was slightly taken aback: "Bai Yuncang? Of course I know this guy. Didn't he realize Taoism under the ancestor Hongjun? I heard that he is also a great person, but I haven't seen it yet! Could it be that you and this guy Are you having a conflict? No! You are all descendants of the ancestor Hongjun, strictly speaking, that guy is still your senior brother, as long as you tell him your identity, he should not bother you!"

"Of course it's not Bai Yuncang, this time we have to deal with Bai Yuncang's inner demon!"


"Yes, and this time I was almost pissed off. This demon in the dog's heart actually robbed me of my things. Originally, I found the six witch corpses that Houtu left for me, but that guy followed me and took the witch corpses away. The command flag has been snatched!"

"What!? Witch Corpse!?" Di Qing was stunned: "Fuck, that thing is very powerful, and there are six witch corpses!? You are mentally retarded, such a good thing was snatched by others !"

"Don't you usually like to rob others? Why did you get robbed this time?"

"It's useless to say these things now. It shouldn't be a problem to deal with the witch corpse with your strength?"

Di Qing frowned: "I don't know either! Because I have never fought against a witch corpse, have you ever fought?"

"We fought, and then I was no match at all. At that time, I didn't have time to release the Phoenix Feather. If I just use the multicolored auspicious cloud magical power, I can't last ten rounds at all!"

"Then it looks like these witch corpses are quite difficult to deal with!"

"So you can't say I came to ask you for help?" Chen Yang smiled wryly: "You can't escape this!"

"Okay, you don't need to be a rascal with me, I'll help you with this, but after the matter is resolved, you have to give me the Wu Ling Banner!"

Chen Yang couldn't help cursing: "Damn it, you're a lion! No way, I'll keep that thing for use!"

"All right, all right, let me use it for a while!"

"Why did you borrow the Wuling Flag?"

"Stupid! Use witch corpses to practice! You can improve your fighting ability!"

Chen Yang was taken aback: "Your training method is too special, isn't it? Looking for abuse!"

"You know what! Since you want to practice, you must get the effect from a desperate situation!"

"Okay, I can lend you the Wuling Banner, come with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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