Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 2295: Passing 5 Levels and Killing 6 Generals

Chapter 2295 Passing five levels and killing six generals
What Chen Yang displayed was the national art of Tai Chi.

Perhaps many people underestimate this national art of Tai Chi, thinking that it is the existence of the "square dance" played by old men and women in the park, but it is not the case. The true power of Tai Chi should not be underestimated, it is the wisdom of the ancients. A set of national skills that sums up the achievements of the experience.

What I saw in the park is just a simplified version of Tai Chi, the main purpose of which is to strengthen the body, but the real Tai Chi emphasizes the four-two strokes of a thousand catties, using softness to overcome rigidity.

In the past few years, it is not that Chen Yang has practiced nothing. Tai Chi is one of Chen Yang's compulsory courses. This Tai Chi can be said to be one of the top physical skills in close combat. Of course, nature is also quite limited, and it is often difficult to perform it in real battles, and no one is so stupid that he does not use mana, but uses pure body skills to fight against you, so this Tai Chi is often a Chen Yang's entertainment, but under the current conditions, it is actually the best way to release Tai Chi. In a small space, the power of Tai Chi can naturally be released to the extreme, at least for those simple-minded and well-developed limbs. For humans, the effect is really good.

The Abu in front of him was dizzy from being played. At the beginning, he was just borrowed by Chen Yang, but when half of the time was exhausted, Chen Yang felt that he could not continue playing. The movements suddenly sped up a lot, and the strength suddenly became fierce.

Taijiquan is not just about using softness to overcome rigidity, but at the same time combining rigidity and softness, its power can naturally be raised to several levels. In addition, Chen Yang's physical body is already arrogant enough, but it is a powerful physical body obtained after the body is tempered by Tianlei. Not much weaker than the current guy. After a few rounds, Abu couldn't hold on any longer. Chen Yang leaned on him suddenly, and he was knocked into the air.

The people under the stage were stunned. It seemed that Chen Yang's brand new fighting style directly refreshed everyone's three views, but it allowed Chen Yang to show off a wave of operations, and it was not in the form of the five-colored light and the phoenix feather. completed.

The result of the competition came out immediately, Chen Yang won the championship, and as for that Abu, he was taken away. According to the rules, he has become a slave of the arena.

Next, Chen Yang continued to go through five stages and cut six generals, giving full play to the advantages of Tai Chi. Even in a head-to-head situation, Chen Yang was able to easily beat the opponent out of the ring. Just like this, he made great progress all the way, and soon reached the final .

"This guy is really strong!" A figure suddenly walked out of the void, it was the person sent by Nilba, silently looking at Chen Yang on the ring from a distance, his eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't There is no sign of impatience.

"But this last role is not something you can deal with casually!"

After arriving in the finals, one person slowly walked onto the ring, with a hostile look all over his body, his face was expressionless, and there was a very long scar on his face!

Chen Yang didn't seem to be so relaxed anymore, his face sank slightly, and he didn't dare to be careless when dealing with this guy. In the previous games, Chen Yang basically watched over him. Only this guy's strength, Chen Yang couldn't figure it out. Because the people who fought against him basically decided the outcome with one move, and there was no one present who could withstand his punch, and was directly thrown out.

With Chen Yang's current cultivation level, it seems that he can't find out the real strength of this guy. It seems that he is indeed a tricky guy, and the hostility is so strong that others may not be able to feel it, but for Chen Yang, Often it is not ordinary people who have this kind of hostility, but in Chen Yang's impression, there is only one person who can have such hostility, and that is Shatian.

This kind of hostility is not murderous, but violent. This kind of person is often extremely murderous, and likes to destroy things very much, and those who can condense hostility to this level have extremely terrifying strength or potential!

As for the person in front of him, his strength has long surpassed that of Shaking the Sky. It can be said that Chen Yang has encountered the strongest character in the ring. However, Chen Yang didn't have too many ideas. As long as this guy doesn't have a strong heart demon, Chen Yang has the ability to take it down.

At the beginning of the match, the opponent did not attack violently. It was obviously not the characters with simple minds and well-developed limbs. They should have observed Chen Yang's fighting methods, so they did not advance rashly, but approached Chen Yang slowly, looking for A chance to make a move.

Chen Yang is naturally not in a hurry at all, looking at this guy silently, constantly testing around him, the so-called enemy does not move, I will not move, the enemy wants to move, I will move first, as long as the opportunity is seized, even if the opponent takes the initiative An advantage can also be reversed in an instant, turning defeat into victory.

The opponent inquired for a long time, and suddenly made a swift and violent move, punching with a powerful punch.

Chen Yang's pupils shrank suddenly, and he clasped his hands on one side of his body, grabbed the opponent's arm and pushed it along the way. However, this method was obviously not of much use to the guy in front of him. The strength of the opponent seemed to be great. But in fact, he retracted freely. After seeing that the punch missed Chen Yang, he quickly withdrew his own strength, and finally dragged Chen Yang over.

Fortunately, Chen Yang reacted in time, and quickly got out of the way to dodge.

"This guy really shouldn't be underestimated. He can retract and release his strength so freely. There are not many people who can do this. What's more, it is such a terrifying power that ordinary people can't get it back when they hit it. Well, even I am like this! This guy's fighting skills are probably not inferior to Man Crack!"

This time, there was a hard problem, and the national art Tai Chi obviously couldn’t be used any longer, otherwise, Chen Yang would definitely suffer. Thinking about it, Chen Yang’s hands shone with colorful lights, confronting this guy, If you don't have supernatural powers, you will definitely have to work hard.

This time, the opponent came again, and in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of Chen Yang. With a punch, Chen Yang raised his hand to block it!
There was only a muffled sound, and the collision of energies formed an air wave, which swung towards the surroundings. This guy was really different. Most of the characters Chen Yang met before were pure body skills, and there were no other special forms of energy in his body. It exists, but this guy in front of him is different. There is invisible power in the fist, so this is one of the reasons why this guy is so difficult.

Seeing that Chen Yang had held back his own punch, the other party was a little surprised, and immediately launched a fierce attack again, and Chen Yang no longer used Chinese martial arts to fight, but instead used supernatural powers to fight back!
In just an instant, the two sides changed from a trial to a fierce battle, and the fight was in full swing. The waves of air kept shaking towards the surroundings, which made everyone look surprised. They never expected These two people actually possess such strong strength. Compared with each other, the previous battle was really child's play.

After several rounds, neither of them took advantage. Looking at the time, Chen Yang found that half of it had passed, which made Chen Yang feel a little anxious. If they lose, they will definitely be eliminated together at that time. Then, my situation will be really embarrassing.

It's just that this guy in front of him can't be taken down in a short while!
The opponent attacked again, and Chen Yang had no choice but to take the move. Seeing the passing of time, Chen Yang's chances were getting less and less. Seeing that the time had entered the countdown, Chen Yang had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and suddenly caught the opponent. hands.

The other party thought that Chen Yang was going to fight him, but he didn't want to. In a daze, the figures of the two suddenly came to the edge of the ring. Chen Yang grabbed the other party's hands and pulled them down suddenly. One foot landed on the ground, just outside the arena.

The other party glanced at his feet, and then raised his head to look at Chen Yang with a look of astonishment.

At this time, Chen Yang had no choice but to use magic teleportation to resolve the battle, and he grabbed the opponent's hands, and the opponent had nowhere to hide.

"Sorry, I won..."

(End of this chapter)

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