Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 232 Acquaintances

Chapter 232 Acquaintances
Black and White Wuchang took Chen Yang back to find the judge.

Chen Yang was quite calm, and quietly followed behind, actually checking whether there was any abnormality in the function of Taiyuan mobile phone in his mind.

I clicked on the treasure chest and checked it out, but it wasn't that I couldn't take out anything.

Real objects cannot be taken out, such as various spirit stone materials, Taiyuan mobile phones and Taiyuan magic pens, etc., cannot be taken out. The only thing that can be taken out are various spells.

Fortunately, being able to take it out means that these spells can still be used, but having said that, these spells may not be of much use in the underworld. Play for it!

After all, people don't fight with their bodies at all, but directly use their power or magic weapons to kill you!
Anyway, the current Chen Yang has no intention of running away at all, and can only follow the black and white impermanence honestly for the time being.

On the fairy wechat group, the flower appreciation poetry meeting has already started, and photos have begun to be posted in the wechat group.

It's true that food and sex are also sexual, and gods are no exception, especially those single dogs who have been single for hundreds of years. The entire WeChat group has various pictures, and all of them are pictures of fairies!

No wonder, many people use the word "fairy" when describing a beautiful woman, and the actual situation is exactly the same. Chen Yang clicked on one of the photos, and there were at least a dozen fairies in it, all dressed in colorful gowns, one by one. Whether it is appearance or figure, they are all off the charts.

No wonder so many people want to go to the fairy world. In this environment where a fairy is randomly pulled out and placed in the world as a beautiful woman, it must be a good time!

And they are all natural and pollution-free beauties!
No wonder it is so difficult to find a girlfriend in the fairy world, all of them are so beautiful. As for those male gods, they are not very good-looking. In contrast, Chen Yang feels that after he goes to the fairy world, it seems that his looks can have some advantages.

Now Chen Yang could only have fun while suffering, but after a while, the Flower Appreciation Conference started, and the group gradually became quiet, and everyone said they didn't want to chat anymore, and they were going to the Flower Appreciation Poetry Conference.

After a while, Black and White Wuchang led Chen Yang to the sacrificial place.

The entrance of the sacrificial place is guarded by the bull's head and horse face, because after passing through the sacrificial place, the fate of the ghost will be judged, and the person inside is the judge. After confirming the mistakes you have made in this life, the verdict will begin , nothing more than three situations.

If you have serious crimes, go to the River of Life and Death, and enjoy the [-]-level hell tour, but if your sins are not serious, you can report to the Department of Reincarnation, and wait to go to Naihe Bridge to drink Mengpo soup and be reincarnated. Of course, if you have a lot of merit, you are a good person If so, congratulations, you can even choose to join the underworld and become a glorious underworld official.

But as soon as Chen Yang was escorted over, the bull head said: "Old Hei, where did you catch him? 8000 million karma! It's like a beast!"

The corner of Chen Yang's mouth twitched, you are the fucking beast, okay!
Heiwuchang shrugged his shoulders: "Human world!"

The horse face on the other side also followed suit: "Where's the Nielu? Show it to me, and see what a big crime this kid has committed!"

Bai Wuchang shook his head slightly: "There is no evil record, and for some reason, the evil mirror platform cannot detect what this kid has committed."

what! ?

The bullheads and horses looked at each other.

"what happened?"

"You ask me, I'll ask who to ask, why don't you ask the judge to see the situation!" Hei Wuchang waved his hand: "Okay, stop talking, send this kid in first!"

The bull's head and horse's face uttered a cry, and the black and white impermanence walked into the sacrificial hall.

After passing the sacrificial field, we came to the judge. As usual, there were a bunch of ghosts in line, but Black and White Wuchang continued to jump in line, and came directly to the entrance of the judge, but two errands quickly blocked it.

"Second Master Hei, Second Master Bai, the Judge is currently interrogating one of the ghosts! Wait a minute, wait a moment!"

Black and White Wuchang nodded, but didn't move on, just waited at the door.

Chen Yang smiled wryly, his whole body was tied up with soul-hunting ropes, and it was really ugly. The ghosts and ghosts waiting for trial behind him all had strange eyes. This feeling is really uncomfortable!
However, at this moment, there was a wild laughter.

"Haha, you have today too!"

Chen Yang was taken aback for a moment, followed the prestige, and saw an unkempt old man behind him looking at him and laughing loudly.

The corner of Chen Yang's mouth twitched, it's daytime, Yun Batian!

Damn it, he was killed just a few days ago, who would have thought that he would hit him so soon!
"Laugh at Nima!"

That Yun Batian looked at Chen Yang with resentment on his face, and was about to speak when the servant next to him whipped him up.

Yun Batian let out a scream, and quickly closed his mouth. The other ghosts and ghosts who watched the theater couldn't help laughing.

"Forgive me, forgive me!"

Even after taking three whips, Yun Batian was terrified and begged for mercy.

"Are you still laughing?"

The ghost asked coldly.

"Stop laughing!"

Yun Batian said quickly.

"If you don't want to eat the whip, just wait for me!"

Yin Cha snorted coldly, but the black and white impermanence became interested when he saw this scene.

"Why, boy, does that guy know you?"

Hei Wuchang asked.

Chen Yang smiled wryly and nodded.

"Then who, bring that guy here!" Hei Wuchang stretched out his hand and shouted.

Seeing Hei Wuchang pointing at him, the errand nodded hastily, grabbed Yun Batian's ghost and walked over.

"Second Master Hei!"

Hei Wuchang waved his hand and asked Yun Batian, "Do you recognize this kid?"

Although he has become a ghost, Yun Batian's arrogance is still there, looking at Chen Yang viciously: "I know him even if he turns into ashes!"

"Oh!?" Bai Wuchang was amused: "Boy, you are really lucky! You can meet old acquaintances here!"

Chen Yang laughed dryly.

"How did you die?" Heiwuchang asked indifferently.

Yun Batian looked at Chen Yang and gritted his teeth: "He was the one who killed me!"

"So it's an enemy!" Bai Wuchang smiled slightly: "Bring him his sins!"

Yin almost nodded, and with a flick of his hand, a book appeared, with Yun Batian's name and birthday written on it.

Bai Wuchang took it, opened it and glanced at it, and couldn't help but tsk-tsk: "It's really not a good thing, this will go to the eighth level of hell no matter what."

Yun Batian didn't dare to say anything.

"The cause of your death is quite strange. You were blown to pieces!" Bai Wuchang handed back the evil record to the underworld messenger, and then looked at Chen Yang: "How did you kill this guy? It stands to reason Said, his physical body is already considered the best among mortals, but it was blown up by you, which makes me quite curious!"

The corner of Chen Yang's mouth twitched: "Brother, I can tell you, but you have to promise that you can't whip me with the mourning stick in your hand!"

Bai Wuchang was slightly taken aback: "This is fine, just tell me!"

Yun Batian stared at Chen Yang with a gloomy face.

"Actually, I used Zhenjun Erlang's supernatural power, the sky-reaching eyes!" Chen Yang said quickly: "I shot him right away!"

As soon as the words fell, someone knocked hard on the back of the head. Chen Yang couldn't help but gasped, and when he came to his senses, Hei Wuchang winked at him and said, "I said you've already gone to hell, why don't you?" Are you still talking nonsense?"

"Give back Zhenjun Erlang's supernatural powers! Why don't you say that you killed this guy with Monkey King's golden cudgel!"

Chen Yang sighed helplessly, "Damn it, I knew it a long time ago, you wouldn't believe it."

Wait a minute, Erlang Zhenjun Talisman!
Damn, yes!If I use the invite talisman now, I can prove that I am a god!
Chen Yang's heart moved, and he quickly sent a message to Zhenjun Erlang: "Erlang, are you there?"

According to common sense, Erlang Zhenjun should reply the news immediately, but there was no movement for a long time.

Damn, isn't it, today's flower appreciation poetry meeting!

Chen Yang hurriedly came to the group and sent a message: "Which immortal friend is online!"

No one responded.

Depend on!
They all went to the Flower Appreciation Poetry Festival, and there was no one online at all!
Chen Yang hurriedly sent another message to Wu De Xingjun.

Still, no response!
Fuck!Can we not do this!
"You kid is really dishonest, hurry up and explain how you killed him, or you won't be able to intercede for you later!"

The corner of Chen Yang's mouth twitched: "I killed him with a grenade, is that okay..."

(End of this chapter)

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