Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 2391 Sword in the Cloud

Chapter 2391 Sword in the Cloud

Hearing this guy's tone, Chen Yang felt that there must be something tricky about this matter, and this seal must have attracted Digal's attention, which must have a huge attraction in itself.

Although he didn't fight against each other, Chen Yang could tell through his own perception that this guy's strength is indeed quite strong. Coupled with the space talent he has mastered, if there is a real fight, the outcome may still be [-]-[-]. !

After all, this guy is a veteran powerhouse, and he must have much richer combat experience, and his combat effectiveness must be extremely strong.

Chen Yang was curious in his heart, what is this seal?
What made this guy so obsessed?
But looking at this guy, he definitely won't tell him. Of course, Chen Yang doesn't need to ask too much, because if he wants to crack the magic circle, he must do it himself. After all, this guy doesn't know anything about the seal at first glance.

Naturally, what Chen Yang was more curious about was, where did this guy see the seal?

Is it a void world?

This is amazing, there is a seal made by monks in the nihilistic world?

There were a lot of doubts in his mind, but Chen Yang resisted asking, and thought of a way to break the seal first.

But the sophistication of this seal completely surpassed Chen Yang's level of deduction. With his own ability, it would take too long to break the seal. Chen Yang didn't want to waste so much time on it. Come to think of it, it seems You can try to let the system of the royal frigate help.

Because the system of the royal frigate has read Chen Yang's own memory and has learned it efficiently, Chen Yang naturally feels that his IQ must not be as high as the system's, and the system's deduction speed must be hundreds of times, or even thousands of times faster than his own. times, maybe you can let the system try it out and deduce it, maybe it will really have a miraculous effect.

So Chen Yang immediately informed the system in the treasure chest of the content of the seal. After the system received it, it began to simulate and deduce, trying to crack the system. The speed really surprised Chen Yang. Chen Yang could only deduce twelve times at the same time. , but the system can deduce thousands of times at the same time. Not only that, the error rate of the system is extremely low. Chen Yang may make a lot of mistakes during deduction, but for the system, it seems that there is no such concept of error. Thousands of deduction did not make any mistakes!

This made Chen Yang very happy. He didn't think the system would be of much help before, but now it seems that the system is a truly powerful existence. The combination of cultivation and technology, coupled with a super brain, whose deduction ability will Better than the system! ?

Maybe, you can also let the system deduce the magic power of time!
Fuck, yes!I only need to provide ideas, and the system can help me deduce it. In this way, it saves time and effort, and is quite efficient, and the simulation deduction itself only needs energy consumption, which is not a problem at all for Chen Yang.

After solving the problem of the seal first, Chen Yang tried to let the system deduce the supernatural power of time, maybe it can really deduce the supernatural power of partial time acceleration, and then it will be really powerful!

In just a few hours, the system has performed hundreds of thousands of deduction. However, because the degree of sophistication of this seal is unprecedented, even after hundreds of thousands of deduction, there is still no way to crack it. However, Chen Yang feels that the world There is absolutely no seal that cannot be broken, because as long as it can be manufactured, there must be a way to break it!

Of course, if this is done by Chen Yang, it will take at least ten years to complete hundreds of thousands of deduction. This is the premise of Chen Yang's rich experience and a lot of research on magic circles. If it were someone else, it would take hundreds of thousands of deduction times, and it might take hundreds of years. The most important thing is not to make mistakes. If the deduction is wrong this time, you have to continue the deduction again, which will definitely take longer. of!

Chen Yang became excited. Letting the system read his own memory was just an imaginative attempt, but he did not expect to create such a terrifying immortal cultivation system. It is a speed unmatched by the brains of creatures!

And this time the seal deduction is just an attempt to test the system's functions. If it succeeds, it means that Chen Yang has really made a lot of money, because in this way, if he wants to create or improve magical powers in the future, he will not be able to do so. It takes a lot of time to deduce by yourself, you just need to hand it over to the system, and the chance of error is so low!

God-defying artifact!

Chen Yang almost laughed out loud, his face was full of smiles.

"Hehe, hehehe, hohohoho..."

Digar on the side looked confused, how could this smile be so weird?
With the help of the system, the deduction speed has been accelerated by thousands of times. In just one day, the number of deduction has reached millions, and the system has found the direction of cracking, and is continuing to deduce along this direction , As a result, in less than a day, the system really cracked the seal that even Chen Yang felt was unlikely to be cracked.

According to the results obtained from the system, Chen Yang also tried to deduce it once, and this deduction was full of astonishment.

I'll go, it's still possible to deduce like this!

The way of deduction here is really special. Not to mention the reverse thinking many times, even touched the forbidden area of ​​the seal. If it were Chen Yang, I am afraid that there would be such a way of deduction.

Of course, this deduction method itself is extremely complicated, and the result given by the system, its own front line passing method is as high as 680 times!
You know, in this step, any mistake will become another deduction method, that is to say, the number of deduction in it can be increased without limit, just like buying a lottery ticket, you will be given a few numbers, And how many possibilities can the sorting of these numbers create for you?
The cracking of the seal is exactly the case. If it is the kind that has been seen before, it is good to have a foundation, but if it is not seen before, and the structure is extremely delicate, it is extremely difficult to crack it!

"I have found a solution!" Chen Yang suddenly raised his head and looked at Digal: "Moreover, the probability is very high, there should be no problem!"

Digal's expression was shocked: "Then come with me immediately to break the seal!"


Chen Yang went through the deduction according to the system, and he could indeed crack the magic circle, so he was naturally confident, so he followed Digard without any hesitation.

This guy's power of space is really strong, and he can easily walk in various space worlds. At this moment, he led Chen Yang out of the void world and came to a place of stars.

Chen Yang looked around, and found that this place was really desolate, and the sky was dark, the environment was extremely harsh, and there was an extremely pungent smell everywhere.

It turns out that this seal is not in the void world, but another world.

"Where is the seal?" Chen Yang asked quickly.

"You'll know if you come with me!" Digal hurriedly set off to look for the seal, followed by Chen Yang, who became even more curious in his heart. After a while, the two came to the edge of a cliff. Looking under the cliff, his expression changed immediately, and he saw a six-meter-high body standing on the spot with his eyes closed, holding a big sword in both hands, and the big sword was stuck on the ground. And this giant's body seems to be wrapped in mud, like a majestic statue, and there is indeed a seal that seals this giant.

"Who is this!?" Chen Yang asked quickly, after careful inspection, he found that this seal was indeed the one that Digar wanted to break by himself.

Digal said excitedly: "Didn't you find that his clothes are somewhat similar to yours?"

Chen Yang nodded slightly: "He is wearing a cassock, so the big sword in his hand may be a magic weapon!"

"The world I brought you to now is full of strong men!" Digal's eyes fell on the giant: "And this man is the most pinnacle existence in this world, named Jian Zhongyun, and the magic sword in his hand can Easily cut a star!"

"Then why was he sealed here!?" Chen Yang wondered.

"I have investigated the information, saying that he challenged the Heavenly Dao, and was sealed here by the Heavenly Dao after losing." Digal asked suspiciously: "By the way, what is the Heavenly Dao?"

(End of this chapter)

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