Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 41 Raid

Chapter 41 Raid
Wang Sangou was stunned: "Who is so short-sighted, dare to provoke Young Master Yang?"

Picking the tendons of the hands and feet, basically this person will be useless. There are quite a few people with broken hands and feet, but that was in the past. He is living a good life now and doesn't need to work so hard, so this matter can't be agreed to casually.

"It's just a bastard who likes to pretend in front of me!" Yang Hui raised his head, "That kid has no background, he's just an ordinary college student. Can you help me with this?"

Wang Sangou chuckled: "Of course you have to help, but Young Master Yang, it's different now. If you get caught picking on other people's tendons, that's not a small trouble, although I have some relationship with you." ,but……"

"One hundred thousand!" Yang Hui said indifferently: "I will give you a deposit of one hundred thousand first, and after the matter is completed, I will give you an additional 20 thousand!"

Wang Sangou raised his eyebrows, and Yang Hui was willing to spend 30 yuan for one person.

After pondering for a moment, Wang Sangou grinned, revealing two big gold teeth: "Young Master Yang, why are you being so polite, but brother, I am also a sincere person, so respect is worse than obedience."

Yang Hui sneered: "However, don't underestimate him, that guy is not weak in fighting!"

"He can fight, and my subordinates can fight a lot!" Wang Sangou said with a smile, "Besides, I'm just playing with my life!"

"That's good, find someone to go up with me later, and I'll tell him who it is." Yang Hui said.

"Okay!" Wang Sangou nodded, and said with a smile, "Do you want me to get rid of his things too?"

Yang Hui's heart moved, and he nodded immediately: "Yes!"

Cutting off the tendons of the limbs is naturally not enough. If you can cut that thing, hehe, the meaning of being a man no longer exists.

"Okay, I'll do it after you leave!" Wang Sangou paused, and then said: "You can just delay the time."

Only then did Yang Hui get up: "Then leave it to you!"

Wang Sangou nodded, and Yang Hui left.


In the private room, Yang Hui first brought in a manager to drink, and the manager was the person sent by Wang Sangou. After seeing Chen Yang, he smiled and left.

Everyone didn't take it seriously and continued chatting and singing.

Although Du Jia looked very happy, in fact he was on guard in his heart, feeling that Yang Hui must be doing some tricks again, and whispered a few words with Chen Yang from time to time, telling Chen Yang to be vigilant at all times.

Chen Yang didn't care about it in his heart. The soldiers came to cover up the water and soil, but Yang Hui couldn't help him.

However, things were beyond Du Jia's expectations. Yang Hui didn't seem to be doing anything wrong at all. It was completely uncharacteristic to sing and drink, but this made Du Jia even more worried. Knowing that Yang Hui is the kind of person who cares about every detail, Chen Yang's repeated counterattacks made him lose face, how could there be no movement at all?
I'm afraid there must be some big moves in the future.

Originally, Du Jia had to go to work tomorrow, and planned to go back as early as ten o'clock, but when everyone saw that Du Jia was going back so early, they couldn't help complaining, saying that they would leave later, at worst, they would have to ask for leave or something like that .

Du Jia thought to herself that it had been a long time since she had seen these old friends, not to mention that she was accompanied by Chen Yang, and she did not leave. In a blink of an eye, it was already early morning, and everyone had their best time. They packed their things one after another and came to the door. Then each separate.

The strange thing is that Yang Hui also left directly after saying hello. Du Jia was deeply puzzled by this, and after getting into the car with Chen Yang, he was still a little puzzled.

Seeing her frowning, Chen Yang couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

Du Jia smiled and shook his head: "It's nothing."

Chen Yang nodded with a smile, and saw Du Jia shaking his head, perhaps because he drank a lot of wine, his face was a little rosy, he hugged Chen Yang's arm tightly, and then leaned on Chen Yang's shoulder: " I'll rest for a while, call me when you arrive!"

A scent of fragrance made Chen Yang a little distraught, so he hummed and fell silent.

At this time, it is better not to speak, both of them can feel each other's body temperature, as if they can also feel each other's heart from each other.


However, what the two of them didn't notice was that there were two black vans following behind the taxi, and all the thugs were sitting in the car, with steel pipes or machetes in their hands, and they all looked at the taxi in front of them.

"Listen, when there is no one on the road later, you go up and stop the taxi!"

On the passenger seat, a man with blue dragon tattoos on his hands shouted.

"Hey, don't worry, brother chicken!" The driver laughed.

These people are naturally Wang Sangou's subordinates. Basically, everyone has committed a lot of things. Fighting and fighting are commonplace for them. If it weren't for Wang Sangou's blessing, they would have been sentenced to squatting. How can you live such a leisurely life in prison?
Therefore, Wang Sangou is now equivalent to their reborn parents, what they are asked to do, what they are willing to do, not to mention picking their hands and feet, even killing people, they are not afraid to do it, especially this man with the blue dragon tattoo on his hands, Both Wang Sangou and Wang Sangou came from the same village, and their names were not pleasant. He was called He Xiaoji, and was given the nickname Chicken Brother. He killed a man a few years ago, and Wang Sangou took a lot of effort to keep him. He has always regarded Wang Sangou as his own brother, but this time Wang Sangou asked him to bring people to do things, he will naturally do his best, and he will not tolerate any sloppy.

After a while, the taxi drove onto an uninhabited road, and the place was relatively remote. Seeing that the situation was almost over, He Xiaoji said, "Stop!"

The boy who was driving suddenly slammed on the accelerator, overtook the taxi, and then stopped suddenly with a sudden brake.

This startled the taxi driver, and he slammed on the brakes. Chen Yang and Du Jia were caught off guard and fell forward. As soon as they came back to their senses, they saw two vans rushing out of a group of people. , Holding a steel pipe machete, he smashed the taxi directly.

Du Jia screamed in fright, and Chen Yang subconsciously pressed Du Jia's body underneath to protect her.

He Xiaoji's men smashed the glass in the car, and Du Jia couldn't stop screaming in fright.

Chen Yang's face was gloomy, and he hugged Du Jia tightly, and he realized in his heart that Yang Hui might be looking for someone.

Just when he was about to take out his mobile phone, the car door was pulled open suddenly, a few hands came in, grabbed Chen Yang's body and dragged him out, Chen Yang's hands trembled, and the mobile phone fell into the car.


Chen Yang thumped in his heart, and before he could react, he was surrounded by several people with steel pipes, and he could only hold his head in pain. The copper coin amulet around his neck was torn off at some point. The steel pipe slammed on the head, and Chen Yang became dizzy immediately. He couldn't bear it, and he passed out.

"Chen Yang, Chen Yang..."

Du Jia's situation is not much better. These people are so ruthless and ruthless in doing things, they don't even let women go, they grabbed Du Jia's hair and dragged him out suddenly. Du Jia just yelled twice, and his mouth was sealed , with disheveled hair, was dragged directly into the car in embarrassment.

After Chen Yang was also dragged into the car, He Xiaoji pointed at the stunned driver in the cab with a knife, and said viciously: "I remember your license plate, try to call the police, old man kill you!"

The driver was so frightened that he didn't even dare to speak, so He Xiaoji got into the car with him.

"Uh, uh..."

Du Jia was struggling there, recovering from the initial panic in his heart, but his mouth was sealed with tape and he couldn't speak at all.

"Calling you to be paralyzed!" The little brother next to him raised his hand and slapped Du Jia's face fiercely, with a ferocious face, he shouted viciously: "Fucking Bibi again, I will fuck you now!"

How could Du Jia not be afraid, and he didn't dare to say anything.

He Xiaoji got into the car, glanced at Du Jia coldly, and then said in a deep voice, "Tie up your hands and feet, don't touch her, the sperm is in the head, go back and find a woman by yourself!"

Someone responded, and tied up Du Jia forcibly, and didn't dare to ignore He Xiaoji's words.

Du Jia glanced at the van on the opposite side, feeling flustered and anxious, naturally worried about Chen Yang's situation.

She was already smart, and immediately recognized He Xiaoji's voice, don't touch her, which obviously proved that the main target of the other party was not her, but Chen Yang...

(End of this chapter)

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