Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 418 Shameless?

Chapter 418 Shameless?
He Feng was also unlucky, he met Chen Yang.

It's a strange thing not to be played to death.

A few seconds after He Feng felt distressed, Chen Yang released the Great Sun Fire, paired with the Fierce Sun Formation, and continued to press down on He Feng.

Naturally, He Feng's pressure doubled, and he had to release the water magic shield, so that he was directly roasted by the blazing real fire of the sun.

In fact, He Feng hadn't figured out the situation until now, and he was almost in a daze.

It's like I fucked a dog!
He Feng doesn't even know who the hell is playing tricks on him.

The only thing that is clear is that he is in a very dangerous situation now, and his magic power will be exhausted in a short time, and he will be just a toothless tiger with an empty body.

Who is the other party?Could it be the group of people that the dancer said!

The more He Feng thought about it, the more likely it became, and the first object of suspicion was Chen Yang.

Among that group of people, only Chen Yang was weird, and everyone else was very normal.

"If you are not careful, you will fall into this kid's way, no, you can't die here!"

Thinking of this, He Feng hurriedly shouted: "What do you want?"

Hearing He Feng's voice, Chen Yang frowned, did he admit defeat so quickly?
Definitely trying to procrastinate!

"I just want your life!"

Chen Yang replied lightly, and didn't say any more.

Fuck, this kid is really going to kill me! ?

"Boy, if you really kill me, then Ligu and Yinling will definitely kill you all!" He Feng shouted quickly: "As long as you let me go, I promise I won't trouble you again !"

threaten me?
Ha ha……

Chen Yang didn't respond at all, but ordered the big sun fire to burn more violently.

He Feng's pressure doubled, and he was sweating profusely. Not only did he have to face the high temperature of the real fire, but he also had to deal with the huge pressure on his body. At this time, he wanted to escape so much, but he didn't even have the chance to escape.

No matter whether it is the divine consciousness or the primordial spirit, they cannot escape, nor can they contact anyone.

For a moment, He Feng lost all thoughts and could only wait to die.


After half an hour.

With a flash of Chen Yang's figure, he appeared in the sight of all the guards of the palace, and with Chen Yang, there was another figure, which was undoubtedly He Feng.

Seeing this, everyone was startled.

"Don't worry, this is mine!"

The corner of Chen Yang's mouth grinned, and with a shake of his hand, the soul-suppressing bell appeared in his hand. He recited the formula in his mouth, and when the soul-suppressing bell rang, no matter whether it was Li Gu or Yin Ling, they all stopped moving.

As soon as the Heavenly Ruler was retracted, the Promise Elephant disappeared without a trace in an instant. Just when the guards of the palace were amazed, a large group of ghosts merged into the Soul Requiem Bell with the ringing of the bell, even if it was that The two sharp bones were also included in the soul-suppressing bell.

Needless to say, He Feng was naturally subdued by Chen Yang, and he was wearing soul-locking handcuffs around his neck, and the soul-suppressing bell that originally belonged to He Feng also became Chen Yang's.

Chen Yang was overjoyed, so he put the soul-resisting bell in the treasure chest. This was the first real artifact that Chen Yang got.

Of course, in the sea, Chen Yang also learned a lot from He Feng.

The person following him is a dancer, and He Feng is under Deng Tiancai, one of the three bandit kings.

This name is indeed quite personal.

And the second prince, Qiao Jian, has already made an engagement with Deng Tiancai, and the dancer is Deng Tiancai's fiancée.

Chen Yang sorted it out, now the ones who want to mess with me are Deng Tiancai and Qiao Jian, the dancer is at most a messenger, and these two are the ones who really decide.

But Deng Tiantian must have never expected that He Feng had already fallen into his own hands.

Okay, just put an eyeliner back.

"Do you know what to do?" Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at He Feng.

"Understood..." He Feng gritted his teeth secretly, and finally nodded. Now that his life is in Chen Yang's hands, he has nothing to do.

"Okay, let's go!"

Chen Yang smiled slightly, and He Feng's figure flickered before disappearing in front of everyone's eyes.

A group of palace guards looked at him in bewilderment, not knowing what happened.


The exit of the war tomb.

The dancer girl had been waiting for more than half an hour, but she still didn't see He Feng coming back, she frowned for a while, feeling a little ominous.

But at this moment, the dancer girl vaguely heard the sound of footsteps, her expression was startled, and she watched silently, but she saw He Feng running out of the war tomb in embarrassment, his mouth still full of blood!

This, what's going on! ?
The dancer girl looked astonished, and hurriedly appeared, came to He Feng's side, and supported He Feng's shoulder: "You, how did you become like this!"

With a painful expression on his face, He Feng said weakly: "That kid is too, too powerful!"

As soon as the words were finished, He Feng spat out another mouthful of blood, which made the dancer even more confused.

This, this is impossible!
Chen Yang is just an ordinary person, and He Feng, a dignified Jinxian, was made into this appearance by him! ?

"what happened!?"

"That kid is not an ordinary person at all!" He Feng looked like he was going to die: "He actually forcibly snatched away my Soul Requiem Bell, not to mention, and beat me like this!"

The dancer stared: "What!? He beat you up like this!?"

"Who else could it be if it wasn't him!" He Feng was terrified again: "It's too scary, just one slap easily beat me into this state, I don't even have the ability to resist, luckily I escaped Timely, otherwise I will die in this battle tomb today!"

The dancer's face suddenly became gloomy.

I just said how weird this guy looks!It turned out that he was not an ordinary person, but a super strong man!
It is easy to beat He Feng like this, at least it is the strength above Hunyuan Jinxian, no, it may even be Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

Wu Ji secretly gasped, she didn't expect Chen Yang to be such a terrifying existence!

Then He Feng glanced at the dancer secretly, and immediately his heart was filled with a wry smile.

Of course he made it up, and Chen Yang asked him to make it up.

Nima, you are really shameless!He even asked others to brag for him!
He Feng has never seen such a brazen person like Chen Yang!

"Dance girl, don't stay here anymore, hurry up and leave before that kid catches up!" He Feng pretended to be terrified again: "Otherwise we both have to die here today!"

The dancer girl's expression was shocked, she stopped talking, grabbed He Feng, and immediately left the war tomb.

Ten minutes later, Chen Yang led the palace guards and slowly walked out of the war tomb.

The group of palace guards didn't know anything at all. They asked several times, but Chen Yang didn't say anything at all. He just replied, you don't need to know about this matter, just follow my orders and send them away.

A group of palace guards were also helpless, but in the end they were too lazy to get entangled. The only thing that is certain is that Chen Yang is indeed an extraordinary character. Everyone thought that a few people should always be left in this battle tomb today, but who? He had thought that once Chen Yang made a move, a group of them would leave safely and soundly. From this, he could be sure that following Chen Yang was the most correct choice.

When he got out of the war tomb, Chen Yang glanced around and saw a puddle of blood not far away, the corner of his mouth couldn't help grinning, he knew with his nose hair that it must have been made by He Feng.

You can do it, young man. You can be so dedicated in acting. When you have a chance in the future, I'll get you an Oscar for Best Actor!

Anyway, after He Feng returned, he would brag about how awesome Chen Yang was. At that time, no matter whether it was Deng Tiancai or Qiao Jian, he would have to think twice before making trouble for himself.

Hey, play tricks with me! ?

You are still a little tender.

Chen Yang led a group of people to move on, and after a few days, they finally arrived at the branch city in the west, Shuiwen Western Region.

Although the Watermark Western Region is not as big as the Watermark God Realm, it is not small, and the location is also on the ground, surrounded by huge city walls, but it is full of potholes, and it seems that it is often attacked.

"Unexpectedly, the situation in the Watermark Western Regions is so bad..."

The group of palace guards couldn't help sighing.

"Go, go in and see what's going on..."

(End of this chapter)

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