Chapter 424
Chen Yang pulled the dancer and fled quickly.

It's better not to find out about this kind of thing, otherwise it will be troublesome when the army comes to suppress the bandits and find out about it. After all, Chen Yang is still a little embarrassed after taking so many resources.

The effect of the spirit-eating orb is good, it can devour the thorny spirit stone veins in just seven or eight hours, which is much more efficient than mining.

This is the real artifact of collecting resources, but it is more dangerous, and the mountain will collapse every now and then.

"This, you made this?" The dancer under the black robe looked at the mess in the distance in astonishment: "What did you do?"

"You don't need to know what you did, you can't die anyway! Let's go, this is the first one!"

Chen Yang grinned, this thorny spirit stone vein is just the first vein.

Xiao Jin's people didn't know what was going on, but they quickly figured out why the mountain collapsed, and there were no thorny spirit stones in the entire vein!
Fuck me, what the hell is going on?
Logically speaking, this vein can be dug for at least 200 years. Why did all the thorny spirit stones disappear all of a sudden?
This situation was reported to Xiao Jin immediately.

When Xiao Jin heard it, he was naturally astonished, how could this vein of mine disappear inexplicably?
Naturally, Deng Tiancai and Long Wei also received the news.

"I don't know why, the thorny spirit stone vein under Xiao Jin's name suddenly collapsed this morning, and all the thorny spirit stones inside disappeared."

Deng Tiancai sat on the chair, frowning slightly, listening to the report of his subordinates, wondering and uncertain.

All the thorny spirit stones disappeared?Who did it?
Deng Tiantian squinted his eyes slightly. Just a few hours before the mine vein collapsed, the people he sent to Shuiwen Western Region City saw Chen Yang leaving the city.

In terms of timing, it just matched.

After this kid left the city, the thorny spirit stone veins collapsed, and anyone would naturally suspect Chen Yang.

Just, how did that kid do it?
In such a large vein, all the thorny spirit stones have disappeared. Could it be that there is some special technique?
The people who sent it mentioned that the Tathagata Palm that the kid used was also extremely weird!
Of course, there is another possibility.

The matter was not what Chen Yang did, but was caused by another reason.

Pangu Axe!
The purpose of this kid's trip is to find the Pan Gu ax that seems real and fake. Besides, all the thorny spirit stones have disappeared, let alone an ordinary person, even Deng Tiancai may not be able to do it.

For a while, Deng Tiancai was not sure, but soon, he knew Chen Yang's purpose.

Chen Yang took Yun Wu and continued to wander among the mine veins. After a few days, eight mine veins collapsed in succession. Among them, there were two very precious mine veins, which were exactly the same as the thorn stone veins. All the spirit stones seemed to be It just evaporated and disappeared without a trace.

Xiao Jin and Long Wei also sensed that something was wrong, and hastily dispatched additional manpower to guard the major mine veins. What's even more strange is that the nine mine veins that were destroyed were all owned by Xiao Jin and Long Wei. None of the mine veins suffered!

There were even three mine veins, the three families were together, and the other two were looted, except Deng Tiancai's.

What do Xiao Jin and Long Wei think about this?
Why does this happen?

Needless to say, the two bandit kings immediately went to Deng Tiancai to question him.

Only then did Deng Tiancai realize that Chen Yang was tricking him!And the tricks are so obvious and childish!


"Chen Yang, this shouldn't be your style, right? Are you trying to deceive Deng Genius?" The dancer looked puzzled, and Chen Yang destroyed all the nine ore veins of Xiao Jin and Long Wei. Jin and Long Wei would naturally think that it was Deng Tiancai who did it, but this routine was too obvious, and Chen Yang also directly expanded the conflict between himself and Deng Tiancai, which is completely worth the candle!

It's obviously an act of death!

How could someone as smart as Chen Yang do such a stupid thing?
"Aren't you afraid that Deng Tiantian will come to trouble you directly?"

Chen Yang sat cross-legged on the ground of the City Lord's Mansion, and smiled slightly: "I'm afraid! Of course I'm afraid, but if he wants to trouble me, he must first solve the current trouble."

"The relationship between Xiao Jin, Long Wei and Deng Tiancai is not too bad. Deng Tiancai only needs to explain, and this matter will be cleared up soon. Besides, if the three bandit kings come to you directly at that time, you There is nowhere to escape!"

"Don't be in a hurry!" Chen Yang chuckled: "It's useless for you to be in a hurry now."


Deng's headquarters.

in the hall.

Deng Tiancai, Long Wei, Xiao Jin, the three bandit kings gathered together.

Long Wei's face was gloomy: "Deng Tiancai, if you don't give me a satisfactory answer to this matter, you will be at your own risk!"

"Brother Deng, you shouldn't be such a person!" Xiao Jin said with a strange look on his face, "Although he covets our mine veins, there is no need to use such indecent means, right?"

Deng Tiancai shook his head slightly: "Brothers, you two are not foolish people. It is obvious that someone framed me, Deng, how could you not see it?"

Long Wei snorted coldly: "Framed, who dares to frame you!?"

"To be honest with you two brothers, there is a strange boy in the Watermark Western Region City, he is a member of the young prince Chen Bolin of the Watermark Protoss Clan, and the commander of this Western Expedition is also this little prince Chen Bolin. Before the mine veins of the two brothers were destroyed, my people saw Chen Bolin's people leave the city!"

"Oh!?" Xiao Jin frowned: "Is this true?"

"Naturally." Deng Tiancai nodded slightly, but at this moment, someone outside the door suddenly reported: "Deng Wang, He Feng wants to see something, it is about the destruction of the mine."

Deng Tiancai nodded. He Feng had disappeared without a trace these days, and it seemed that he was going to investigate the mine, so he hurriedly let He Feng in.

"See King Deng, King Xiao, and King Dragon!"

He Feng hurriedly saluted.

"He Feng, what have you been doing these past few days?" Deng Tiancai frowned slightly.

He Feng clasped his fists and said, "This subordinate has been following Li Shang for the past few days. Regarding the destruction of the mine vein, this subordinate knows the reason!"

Long Wei shouted coldly: "Say!"

"The destruction of this mine was not man-made!" He Feng's words were like depth charges: "The subordinates have been following that Li Shang secretly. Coincidentally, that guy just came to the thorn spirit stone mine, and immediately followed by the thorn. The spirit stone veins collapsed directly, and I followed him to continue walking, but just as the front foot arrived, the rear foot spirit stone veins continued to collapse."

Deng Tiantian's expression was startled: "Didn't he do the destruction of this mine vein?"

He Feng shook his head slightly: "Probably not, I haven't seen anything unusual about him."

Xiao Jin frowned: "Then this is interesting, Brother Deng, don't you have to explain this matter carefully?"

"He Feng, are you telling the truth?" Deng Tiancai couldn't believe it at all.

He Feng couldn't stop smiling wryly in his heart, "Deng Wang, I can't help myself, that kid told me to make it up, in order to save my life, I can't do anything about it!"
"Subordinates don't dare to speak half a lie!" He Feng clasped his fists hastily and said.

Deng Tiancai was in doubt, the matter of the mine vein being destroyed was still a trivial matter, if it was not done by Chen Yang, then that is to say, the matter of Pangu Axe...

"Brothers, you think this is good. You each choose four of the veins under my name. When the time comes, I will withdraw my own people and you will accept them." Deng Tiancai pretended to have a bad face. : "The reason of the matter, I will let people look into it!"

Seeing that Deng Tiancai is so generous, Long Wei and Xiao Jin were overjoyed. In fact, those destroyed ore veins are not so precious. Now Deng Tiancai let them choose at will, which is a great deal!
"In that case, let's leave it at that, let's say goodbye!"


Long Wei and Xiao Jin got cheap, they didn't care about it at all, they just said goodbye and left.

As soon as these two people left, He Feng said in a deep voice: "Deng Wang, this matter is very strange, I am afraid it has a lot to do with that Pan Gu axe!"

Deng Tiancai nodded thoughtfully. He was naturally suspicious of the Pangu axe, but suddenly he didn't know that he was already deeply involved in Chen Yang's routine...

(End of this chapter)

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