Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 450 Can salted fish turn the world upside down?

Chapter 450 Can salted fish turn the world upside down?

"It's impossible, it's impossible!"

Jiang Ye couldn't believe it, and couldn't help but retreat.

"My terracotta ring can control time, you guys, why won't you be affected?"

The legend of Chitu is more mysterious, because it is really a legend, even in the Daquan of Cultivation, there are only records of Chitu, and no gods have ever seen Chitu, but it is not non-existent.

The natural fire will know that there is indeed the existence of terracotta, and terracotta is also a fantasy creature bred by nature.

To put it bluntly, natural creatures with special powers such as yin and yang, terracotta, and nightmares are really amazing!

Yin Yang Wuxiang holds two special powers of Yin and Yang, and Yin and Yang contain more, which is why Yin Yang Wuxiang is so terrible.

Chitu holds the power of time, but this kind of time power is relatively small, and can only pause partial time, or move forward, or go backward.

The nightmare is a more fantastic natural creature that can devour your dreams. Once you enter the dream and are targeted by the nightmare, you will not be able to wake up.

Anyway, among natural creatures, there are also various forces that control all kinds, and the reason why Chitu in front of him cannot control Chen Yang and others is actually very simple.

Master Jiang's ability to control Chitu Jie is too weak to exert all his power, and even if he exerts all his strength, he still cannot control Chen Yang!
Because Chen Yang has been recognized by the spirit veins and controls the power of nature!

"I can tell you this!" Looking at the unbelievable Jiang Ye, Chen Yang grinned: "Because you are too weak!"

"Brave, grab him!"

With a flicker of Man Li's figure, he immediately rushed towards Jiang Ye, but who would have thought that this Jiang Ye's figure would disappear in front of everyone's eyes.

Seeing that Man Li was about to catch up, Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "Forget it, Man Li, there is no need to chase."

Just now this guy must have used some time to speed up his escape, and now he doesn't know where the whole person ran. It would be a waste of time to catch him. Besides, Chen Yang is not very interested in the terracotta ring, it's just an auxiliary ring That's all, it's okay to use it as a pretense, but if you really fight against others, it won't play any role at all. Of course, running for your life is good!

But my Great Yang God, could he be the one who ran away?
When Man Li heard Chen Yang's voice, he stopped chasing him, and the four weeks were restored because of Master Jiang's departure.

"Where's Master Jiang?"

Chen Yang and the others were fine, but the group of friends brought by Jiang Ye saw that Jiang Ye had disappeared, and they kept looking around, but they couldn't find Jiang Ye.

"Okay, there's no need to look for it anymore." Chen Yang waved his hand: "Your Master Jiang has already abandoned you."

Hu Lai clutched his chest, and the four people with explosive heads frowned tightly, but looked at Chen Yang in fear.

"Who the hell are you?"

Chen Yang shrugged: "Didn't you notice it so obviously?"

A group of people looked solemn.

"Of course I'm a handsome guy, a god!"

There was a puffing sound from upstairs, and Du Jia looked at Chen Yang with disgust: "When did you become so shameless!?"

Chen Yang grinned, and looked at Hu Lai and the others again. It was really difficult to deal with. He didn't know whether to clean them up or let them go. After hesitating for a while, he turned his head and looked at Hu Lai and the others. Leylin asked, "Leylin, how do you deal with these people, can you make up your mind!?"

"Ah!?" Leylin was taken aback, glanced at Hu Lai and the others, then pointed at Hu Lai and said, "Except for Hu Lai, the others don't matter."

"Brave, do it!"

As soon as Chen Yang finished speaking, Hu Lai was caught with a snap.

The cheongsam sister Hua and Bang Bangtou's faces turned livid with fright, because the speed of the cracking was unimaginably fast, as if no one moved, and Hu Lai appeared in his hand.

As for Hu Lai in Man Li's hand, he was already too frightened to speak.

"Okay, the four of you can go!" Chen Yang waved his hands and smiled again: "There will be a period later!"

There will be a date for your sister later!
Who the hell wants to see you again!

The four cheongsam sisters, Hua, hurried away without looking back. Seeing Man Li handing Hu Lai to Lei Lin, Chen Yang smiled and said, "You can do whatever you want with that guy. You guys are in trouble, remember to call me!"

"Thank you, thank you!"

Lei Lin said with a bit of astonishment, Chen Yang grinned, and looked at Man Li again, his figure flickered, and he appeared on the second floor, and returned to the private room with Du Jia and others.

Fortunately, this group of people didn't get involved in the fight, otherwise it would be even more troublesome if Mao Shi and others were injured. After all, everything was smooth, but when everyone came out after eating and saw the environment in the lobby, they were all shocked.

"Hey, what happened just now?"

"It's nothing! It's just that a bunch of people were fighting here just now, and they ran away after a while!"

There is nothing wrong with Chen Yang's reason. Anyway, there will be nothing else going on. They go back to their homes, find their mothers, and leave their contact information. They will keep in touch in the future. It is Liu Yuan and Zhang Rui, and Chen Yang plans to help. As soon as they arrived, the new area of ​​Lantian Hospital was almost built, and the manpower of Lantian Hospital was about to expand. Zhang Rui is a computer expert, and the information department that sent him to the hospital was not bad. As for Liu Yuan, his professional level is not good. Well, he is down-to-earth, brute force, and kind-hearted, so let him be the chief security officer.

But I didn't tell the two people about this, lest they both think wildly, let Sun Zizai find someone to go, anyway, it's not a troublesome thing, as for Mao Shi, it depends on his level, if he can really be admitted to the civil service , then Chen Yang doesn't care about him, it doesn't matter if he doesn't pass the exam and make arrangements.

Anyway, the matter of a group of roommates has been settled, Du Jia sent Li Yanran home, while Chen Yang hugged Tiantian, led Man Li and Lu Xuan towards home.

"Lu Xuan, how does it feel to be in the Great Thousand World?"

Chen Yang couldn't help laughing.

Lu Xuan nodded, with a smile on her face: "It's pretty good, and there are many interesting things, and many things I haven't seen before." Lu Xuan turned around again: "Chen Yang, this is Are the clothes and shoes Sister Du Jia bought for me nice?",

Chen Yang smiled: "It looks good, of course it looks good."

"Hee hee." Lu Xuan's face was happy, but Man Li frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, that guy today..."

Chen Yang waved his hand: "It's just a salted fish. Are you afraid that he will fail? If he really dares to come back and make trouble, that's even better. Let's see how I deal with him!"

Man Lie nodded slightly, but at this moment, Huo Miao's voice suddenly came from Chen Yang's mind: "My lord, I am Huo Miao."

"Is there something wrong with Mo Luoyu?" Chen Yang asked quickly.

Huo Miao said in a deep voice: "The passage to the demon world in Moluoyu was obviously sealed, but the old lady saw someone walking out of the seal."

"What?" Chen Yang was stunned: "It's true or not, is it because the old lady is delusional?"

The seal of the demon world is a double seal, not only the seal of the demon world itself, but also the seal of the fairy world. It can be said that apart from saints, even Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian cannot pass this double seal. out of it?
"I also think that the old lady may be blind, after all, I haven't seen it." Huo Miao said: "But the old lady is very sure, saying that she did see someone coming in and out."

Chen Yang frowned tightly for a moment. If this is true, it means that there are saints in the devil world?

How the fuck is this possible?

Chi You, the leader of the Demon Realm, is the strongest character among them, but his strength should not be able to reach the level of a saint, otherwise the seal of the Demon Realm would have been destroyed long ago, so why wait until now!

Then there are only two possibilities, that is, the old lady may really be wrong, of course, it may also be some people with special talents from the devil world...

Chen Yang shook his head slightly, and immediately said: "Don't make any noise for now, stay in Moluoyu for two more days to see the situation."

"Yes, Your Honor!"

(End of this chapter)

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