Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 46 Taiyuan Phone?

Chapter 46 Taiyuan Phone?

Seeing it with your own eyes, who doesn't believe it?

Believe it or not!

First of all, they investigated and collected evidence at the scene, and then brought Du Jia and Chen Yang back to the police station to make notes and statements.

As for Tiantian, there is no need to worry, it has already been told to leave on its own, and it should find itself back to Li Yanran's house.

Anyway, when the police asked, Chen Yang answered truthfully, and later the police called the taxi driver. With the proof he provided, it can be proved that He Xiaoji and others were kidnapped first. In this way, the matter is simple too much.

After staying in the police station for more than an hour, Chen Yang and Du Jia were released first, but they are not completely fine. They will naturally have to investigate and collect evidence later, and wait for the police to call at any time. Besides, Yang Hui is a Not a small person, this matter is not so simple to be good.

After leaving the police station, Chen Yang naturally sent Du Jia home first.

Firstly, Du Jia was frightened, so he couldn't sleep alone, and secondly, Chen Yang's clothes were terribly dirty, full of bloody smell, and he couldn't go back to school, so he made do on the sofa at Du Jia's house at night. over.

Something could have happened, but that happened just now, and the two of them were exhausted. After taking a bath, Du Jia went back to sleep, and Chen Yang did the same. Blanket, fell asleep on the sofa after a while.


Police station.

Because of the particularity of the case, the police handed over the case files to high-level officials.

The next day, Jiang Shan, Jiangnan Police Department, also frowned after seeing the case.

In this case, the most special thing is that many dogs suddenly appeared overnight, and these dogs even ate people!

After thinking about it, Jiang Shan felt that this was not a simple matter, so he handed over the case to the Special Investigation Bureau immediately.

The Special Investigation Bureau, the full name of the Special Investigation Bureau, is a very secretive organization. People know little or nothing about the existence of the Special Investigation Bureau. Even in government departments, there are only a few people who know the existence of the Special Investigation Bureau. , and these people are basically high-level people who have signed a confidentiality agreement. Once the existence of the Special Investigation Bureau is revealed, the consequences will be disastrous.

After the case was uploaded, a reply was quickly received: "The case is reserved, and a special person will be sent to investigate after a while."

Jiang Shan's expression was shocked. The so-called retention of the case means that no matter what method is used, the case must be suppressed temporarily, and as few people as possible should know the better. Obviously, the people from the Special Investigation Bureau are already interested.

Although Jiang Shan himself doesn't know exactly who is in the Special Investigation Bureau, but I heard from the older generation that this Special Investigation Bureau was established in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, but it has been unknown and hidden in the dark Never been exposed.


The Jiangnan Branch of the Special Incident Investigation Bureau.

"How to deal with this matter?"

"Don't worry for the time being. There are many troublesome people in Jiangnan Province recently. I haven't believed anything about Huang Lianshan last year. It's best to take it easy."

"By the way, didn't Sima Qing apply for a transfer order? She is from Jiangnan Province again, why don't you transfer her back and let her investigate?"

"The transfer order has been rejected a long time ago. She caused a lot of trouble abroad. She caused several sandstorms and almost buried the small German city. She has been detained by the headquarters and is in contact with the German side. , unless Germany agrees, it is estimated that she will not be able to come back."

"Um... this Sima Qing didn't obey orders and acted on her own?"

"It must be, otherwise she could be detained!"

"Then we don't have any manpower anymore, we'll transfer all we can to Huanglian Mountain!"

"Let's press this case for now. We'll check it out after a while when there are people in charge. By the way, ask the information office to investigate this case called Chen Yang and Du Jia."



In a flash, three days have passed.

The lives of Chen Yang and Du Jia have also returned to their former peace. The only strange thing is that there have been no police summons these days, nor has Yang Hui's family come to make trouble.

However, Chen Yang and Du Jia didn't care about it. It was time to go to work, to go to class, and they returned to their daily lives.

What he experienced this time left Chen Yang with lingering fears. Without his mobile phone, or his mobile phone was broken, he was almost a useless person. If it wasn't for the sweetness from heaven, I am afraid that he would not be much better now.

Originally, he didn't dare to use low-level refining stones to refine the mobile phone, for fear of breaking the mobile phone, but the refined items before showed that even after being refined into a magic weapon, the original function would not be affected.

So today, Chen Yang still decided to refine his mobile phone to try.

The mobile phone in the right hand, the refining stone in the left hand, said a word of refining silently, the refining stone in the hand turned into a gleam of light and shot into the mobile phone, but there was a warning sound of refining failure, and the remaining refining stones were thrown into the mobile phone one after another. After refining, it was found that all refining failed.

"Huh!? Strange, is it because this mobile phone is a real technological product, so the refining success rate is very low?"

Chen Yang frowned, and quickly asked Wu De Xingjun to buy ten more, but the refinement still failed.

"I don't believe it anymore!"

On the contrary, the continuous failures aroused Chen Yang's desire to win. He didn't believe that he couldn't refine it today, so he bought a hundred refining stones at once and continued smashing. Finally, he succeeded when No.80 had nine refining stones.

"Successful refining!"

【Taiyuan Mobile】

Explanation: A special magic weapon that can communicate with the three worlds of humans, ghosts and gods by using ideas.

Special Note: Due to the influence of the material, the refinement cannot be continued.

Chen Yang blinked and blinked, suddenly a little dazed.

What the hell is a Taiyuan mobile phone?

It’s obviously an ordinary Android smartphone, okay?

And it's not just an ordinary star magic weapon, it's actually a special magic weapon!
Scratching his head, Chen Yang was also full of doubts. Suddenly, a new message came to his mind.

"The mind communicates with the human, ghost and god worlds, and you can get the information of the three worlds anytime, anywhere, and you can use it by silently reciting three tones of Taiyuan."

Chen Yang was taken aback, and then silently recited Tai Yuan three times. Suddenly, a magical picture appeared in his mind, as if the WeChat on his mobile phone had been moved into his mind, and then he could use his mind to control his mind.

Want to type, mind input, want voice, mind input, want to grab a red envelope, still mind input!
"Fuck, God!"

After Chen Yang became familiar with the operation, he was overjoyed.

With this function, there is no need for a mobile phone at all, and everything can be controlled in the brain, and you can grab red envelopes anytime, anywhere!

Finally, you don't have to worry about not being able to grab the red envelopes. With this mind control, how can you miss any red envelopes?

"However, in this two worlds of ghosts and gods, there are gods, where are ghosts? Could it be the underworld?"

Chen Yang blinked his eyes, this was interesting, so he hurriedly studied it, but after studying it for a long time, he couldn't find out that there is no hell chat group!
The people nearby are all gods, and there are no people from hell at all.

This made Chen Yang a little confused, but it didn't matter, it was enough to meet a bunch of gods.

And in the future, things like Yang Hui will never happen again, the treasure chest is in my mind, and I can use it whenever I want.

Just when Chen Yang was not thinking about Shu, the mobile phone on the side rang. He took it over and saw that the caller was Sun Zizai, and Chen Yang couldn't help being taken aback.

The so-called surviving a catastrophe must have future blessings is such a saying, right?

Not only was the mobile phone problem resolved, but Sun Zizai came to give money right after.

After answering the phone, I heard Sun Zizai say politely, "God, the genius doctor, it's me, Sun Zizai."

Chen Yang grinned, but said indifferently: "I know."

"I'm going to visit Jiangnan City in a few days, and I'll personally deliver 2000 million to you." Sun Zizai laughed quickly.

Chen Yang hummed lightly, and heard Sun Zizai laughing again: "Genius doctor, seeing your medical skills last time made me feel ashamed, and I have also deeply reflected on it. From now on, I will definitely..."

Chen Yang curled his lips, and the devil believed your nonsense: "Let's get to the point!"

"Ahem, a genius doctor is a genius doctor." Even though Chen Yang exposed him all of a sudden, Sun Zizai was not too embarrassed, and said with a smile, "Miraculous doctor, that's right, I want to open a medical clinic in Jiangnan City... "

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows: "Do you want me to partner with you to open a medical clinic?"

"Yes, yes!" Sun Zizai said hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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