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Chapter 461 Extracting supernatural powers?

Chapter 461 Extracting supernatural powers?
After a day, Nanyi City returned to calm. It seemed that it was used to the destruction of the aliens. Besides, life was still passable. The next day, Nanyi City restored order, and the streets became lively .

Chen Yang and Du Jia did not leave the hotel, but came to the practice room under the hotel together. Du Jia's martial soul had just awakened, and a lot of spiritual power was needed to develop the power of the martial soul.

Spiritual power and mana are two different things. Although they are both closely related to physical fitness, spiritual power is more special.

As for the special method, Du Jia couldn't say it. After all, she was a talent with a score of [-] in the composition of the college entrance examination, and her language expression ability was just like that. Let her ponder and practice by herself, while Chen Yang just watched.

Du Jia was practicing there, while Chen Yang sat on the side, cross-legged and meditating, stabilizing the Taiyuan Divine Core.

Now that the growth of the Taiyuan Divine Core has reached the integration stage, Chen Yang originally thought that it would take a long, long time to advance from the distraction stage to the integration stage, but who would have thought that after coming to this time and space, he would rush to the integration stage in one breath? up.

For others, aliens may be a nightmare, but for Chen Yang, it is Shi Quan Da Bu Wan!
If there are more aliens, it must not be a big problem to rush into the Sanxian in one breath.

After Chen Yang entered Sanxian, he could not only use the pile of equipment in the treasure chest to improve his combat power, but also cultivate his primordial spirit and refine supernatural powers. He also had a simpler way of refining supernatural powers, that is, directly from Extract magical powers from the spell!
Although one or two spells are not enough to extract magical powers, when the number reaches a certain level, Chen Yang can use the magical powers in the spells as his own magical powers. There is a greater convenience in this, because everyone Some gods need to expend a lot of merit and energy to cultivate their supernatural powers, and the supernatural powers engraved on their spells are basically their current top-level supernatural powers!
In other words, Chen Yang didn't need to cultivate supernatural powers at all, he could just extract them from the spells. But having said that, in fact, the strength of most gods now is nothing in Chen Yang's eyes.

For example, giant spirit gods, clairvoyant eyes, and wind ears, although they have supernatural powers, their cultivation base is always too low and their strength is weak, and their supernatural powers are indeed not good supernatural powers.

In the past, when Chen Yang was still a mortal, their supernatural spells could be activated without mana, which was naturally helpful to Chen Yang. Now, the stronger Chen Yang's fighting ability is, the more powerful his opponents are. In this way, their spells are basically difficult to play any role. Of course, some auxiliary auxiliary spells are still possible, such as the clairvoyant's celestial eye, and the wind-eared talisman. These will be used in future battles. It can also come in handy.

What Chen Yang has to do now is to let Wu De Xingjun hoard spells, and Chen Yang has to carefully select which spells to hoard.

Needless to say, Erlang Zhenjun Talisman, all the supernatural powers that can be used in it are all great supernatural powers, and the Sanqinghuashenjue and Bajiuxuangong are already at the top. Chen Yang copied them and they are directly at the top. Naturally It couldn't be better, so Erlang Zhenjun Talisman is a must.

Then there is Taibai Jinxing's Ruyi supernatural power, which is very easy to use. Although it can't play a big role in a one-on-one fight, but if it is a team battle, the effect will explode instantly!
The two auxiliary magical powers of Clairvoyance and Shunfenger are also needed, and Emperor Donghua's golden body magical power is simply cheating.

Although Zhenjun Erlang's Bajiu Xuangong also has a golden body that is indestructible, but it is mainly aimed at the art of transformation, and the golden body of Emperor Donghua is the real tyrannical, even if it is an ordinary Sanxian, With the golden body supernatural power of Emperor Donghua, the physical defense ability is almost the same as that of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in an instant.

The last time he fought against Yin Wuxiang, the golden body amulet also played a vital role, otherwise Chen Yang could be turned into ashes with a single slap.

The other Chen Yang has not yet decided, because there are not many great immortals he has dealt with, not to mention that the other immortals are not military generals, and their supernatural powers are not strong in combat. Urgent, after all, even in Sanxian, the soul hasn't recovered yet, doesn't it take time to cultivate the primordial spirit?

Chen Yang also found a pen and paper, and then began to sort it out.

Although there is no limit to supernatural powers, it is not that the more the better, but the most powerful combat power can be brought out by a reasonable combination, just like the supernatural powers of Erlang Zhenjun, Sanqinghuashenjue and Fatianxiangdi. With the perfect combination, it can be used to catch people and concentrate them, and the Sanqing Huashen Jue can be released at the same time to achieve the effect that one plus one is greater than two.

Just when Chen Yang was concentrating on sifting through the supernatural powers, he sensed that someone was coming, put away the pen and paper in his hand, and then looked at the entrance of the practice room. Du Jia obviously also noticed it, and as soon as he let go , Probe for a while and said: "Yang Jiang brought people here, fourteen people, twelve of them are in gray clothes, and two are in red clothes."

"Hong Wuling and Yu Wuling!"

Chen Yang's expression was shocked, Yu Wuling actually came?

The Four Great Generals of China, named after the four great beasts, Suzaku, Xuanwu, Qinglong, White Tiger, all Yuwuling, can be said to be the highest martial arts combat power in China, not only in China, but also in the world. The status is second only to the commander of Huaxia Wuling, and under the four generals are the Twelve Arhats, only Hong Wuling is eligible to enter, and under the Twelve Arhats are the hundred heroes and one hundred barren martial spirits.

These names are not based on relationships or hype, but these people have used their own strength and achievements to make a living. They have made countless contributions to Huaxia and killed an unknown number of aliens. It can be said that they are truly warriors.

Du Jia hurriedly came to Chen Yang's side, and couldn't help frowning: "What are they doing here?"

Chen Yang shook his head slightly: "Although I don't know what it is, there are nine out of ten that I came here for you."

"However, they should have no malicious intentions."

Du Jia nodded slightly, and after a while, Yang Jiang appeared with the group of martial spirits, and Yang Jiang hurriedly came to Chen Yang and Du Jia, and said quickly: "Chen Yang, Du Jia, this is Suzaku Yin Music, Xuanwu Zhenglong and the Twelve Arhats."

"Hello you two!"

Du Jia and Chen Yang laughed quickly.

Yin Le and Zheng Long are tall, with explosive muscles all over their bodies, and their eyes are very sharp. Yin Le also has a scar on his face. Looking at the two of them, you can tell that they must have experienced many battles.

"Hello, this is Ms. Du Jia, right?"

Yin Le looked at Du Jia with a serious expression on his face.

Du Jia nodded subconsciously.

"Ms. Du Jia, don't panic, we are here to protect you under the command of the commander!" Yin Le said in a deep voice.

Du Jia was taken aback: "Protect me?"

Zheng Long beside Yin Le nodded slightly: "Before you awakened your martial spirit, did you already have a strong physique?"

Du Jia nodded subconsciously: "We have already asked Fan Xiang, and he said that you practiced in the deep mountains before, so surely you have mastered a set of ways that ordinary people can become stronger?"

"This..." A series of questions made Du Jia a little confused, and she couldn't help but look at Chen Yang: "Chen Yang, this..."

"I do have a set of training methods that ordinary people can become stronger." Chen Yang suddenly smiled: "If you need it, I don't mind telling you."

Yin Le and Zheng Long were shocked; "This is also the reason why we need to protect you. Xiaoxiao from other countries may trouble you for this. In order to ensure your safety, we will protect both of you for a while. .”

Chen Yang was taken aback for a moment, then smiled when he came back to his senses: "So that's it, of course there is no problem with this. Of course, if you need this kind of training method, I also have a request."

"What request?"

"I want to go to The Hague Prison to take a look!" Chen Yang said hastily.

Yin Le couldn't help being stunned: "The Hague Prison? There are only aliens there except for aliens. Why did you go there?"

(End of this chapter)

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