Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 467 Fighting monsters across provinces

Chapter 467 Fighting monsters across provinces


I have never heard of this name before, and I saw Taishang Laojun continue to say: "Shaoyang Xianyou, I think it is useless for you to hold the Shenyuan Pill, why don't you take it back, I will give you a new pill, recently A new kind of elixir has been refined, and the materials used are very precious, just so you can help me to test the effect."

Um! ?

"I don't know what kind of elixir it is?"

"It's called Yunyan Pill, and it is a great tonic medicine that strengthens the foundation and cultivates the vitality, and it is also very beneficial to the cultivation of Jinxian!"

Chen Yang thought about it, this Shenyuan Pill is really useless in his hand, it is better to replace it with Yunyan Pill, but without thinking too much, he immediately handed it back to Taishang Laojun and turned it into Yunyan Pill, which was stored in the treasure chest , Taishang Laojun is busy now.

Man Lie also continued to compete with the evil spirit for the control of his mind, and Chen Yang did not hesitate, and immediately took out the Qingyuan elixir and swallowed it directly.

Medicinal pills usually melt in the mouth, and then the medicinal power circulates in the body, and the medicinal pills refined by Taishang Laojun are simply the medicinal pills that countless alchemists have dreamed of. The level of refining is simply too high, and there is no need to You control it by yourself, and those medicinal effects will automatically release the effect, and carry out targeted treatment or improvement.

Not long after swallowing the elixir, Chen Yang could feel the slightest warmth coming from the depths of his soul, obviously the Qingyuan elixir had begun to work.

In a blink of an eye, another Qingyuan elixir was swallowed, and the effect was also very obvious. Compared with before, Chen Yang's soul has grown a lot. If it was only the size of a fist before, it is estimated to be as big as a basketball now. up.

Just as Chen Yang recovered his soul, a crackling voice suddenly came: "My lord."

Chen Yang's expression was shocked, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that Chen Yang's majestic blood energy had disappeared, and then looked at the cracked state, his spirit was radiant, it couldn't be better.

"Have you controlled your mind?" Chen Yang asked quickly.

Man Li nodded slightly: "I have completely controlled it, and I have transformed the evil source of arrogance and laziness into evil spirits!"

Chen Yang's expression was shocked, what kind of concept is this?
You must know that the spirit of filth is the source of the seven evil sources, just like the sea of ​​fire and fire that Chen Yang encountered in the spiritual vein test before, it is also natural fire, but it is in the lowest state, and the spirit of taint , can also be said to be the initial state of the seven evil sources. Although it is relatively low-level compared to the evil sources, it is the root of the seven evil sources after all. If it continues to upgrade to a certain extent, it can directly transform into The Seven Great Evil Sources, Man Lie will become a great demon god like Chi You by then, and it is even possible that even Chi You will be hanged and beaten by Man Lie!
It is completely correct to transform the evil source of arrogance and the evil source of laziness into spirits of filth. Otherwise, the source of arrogance and evil laziness will directly devour the spirit of pollution, and when the time comes, Man Crack The evil spirits in the body can't survive.

It's just that it will take a lot of time to transform the evil spirit into the seven evil sources, and then into the final form of the seven evil sources, the source of evil, but as long as you persevere, you will definitely succeed!
Dreams must not be given up. What if you succeed?

"That's right, that's right, our hard work was finally not in vain." Chen Yang smiled slightly, waved his hand, and a bead entwined with black aura immediately flew towards Man Crack: "A little gift for you."

Man Lie stretched out his hand to catch it, and immediately sensed the huge evil spirit in the black air bead. With a thought, the evil spirit in the crystal black bead seemed to have found a vent, pounding The majestic black evil spirit filled the entire cave all at once, and was sucked into the body by Mancha crazily. After the evil spirit was completely absorbed by Manchi, Manchi sat cross-legged again and began to practice. To transform those evil spirits, Man Li's refining speed is naturally fast, and it is completely done in less than 10 minutes.

"My lord, I'm fine."

Chen Yang smiled slightly: "That's good, let's go now, and I also found a good place, which is full of aliens, and it will be enough for the two of us to have a good vote!"

No nonsense, the two left the cave immediately, and after finding Du Jia's location, they teleported there directly from Man Crack.

Du Jia was still trying her ideas there, and laughed as soon as she saw Man Li, and then asked what happened with concern on her face, talking a lot, Chen Yang just stood there silently After watching, the group of three went out to meet Yin Le, Zheng Long and the others, and it was only then that they knew that the alien that appeared in Nanyi City was actually killed by Man Lie.

"General Yin Le, I wonder if the application to go to The Hague Prison has been approved?"

Chen Yang asked quickly.

"There is no news about this yet. After all, the Hague Prison holds a large number of aliens. Besides, the person in charge of the Hague Prison is the original Marshal Martial Arts. His temper has always been elusive. If he wants to enter the Hague Prison, the Marshal will probably have to go over and talk to him. Talked."

"So that's the case, don't worry, let's wait slowly." Chen Yang smiled. He was busy going to The Hague Prison before because he needed to improve his strength as soon as possible to survive in this time and space. Ling, as long as the two cooperate well, they can definitely travel all over the world to fight aliens.

After Man Li and Yin Le and others meet, Chen Yang can temporarily ignore Du Jia. With the protection of these people, Du Jia should not have any problems.

Although Chen Yang felt that Du Jia's ideas were too unconstrained and the possibility was very small, he had to be encouraged, and it was good to pass the time. Next, Man Crack followed Chen Yang and opened the Team up to fight monsters.

Utilizing the teleportation ability of Brutal Crack, the sensing ability of the evil spirit, and Chen Yang's sensing ability of the power of chaos, although it is not said that there is nowhere for the alien to hide, but the threat of aliens lurking around Nanyi City, Chen Yang and Brutal Fissure can both be removed.

Chen Yang felt that it was impossible for the alien to emerge from nowhere for no reason. There must be one or more sources. In order to continuously strengthen oneself.

In fact, there are evil spirits in everyone's heart. Greed, sin, to put it bluntly, are all kinds of evil thoughts. After people die, all kinds of sins in their lifetime will turn into evil spirits, except for the ghost and corpse. It's just something you can't see or touch.

Perhaps, it is because of this that the source keeps cultivating aliens, attacking the city, and the more people die, a large number of evil spirits will be absorbed by it, and then continue to grow and recycle. One day, the whole world will So destroyed.

However, now its nightmare is coming soon!

Chen Yang holds the power of chaos, and Man Lie holds the spirit of evil. When the two are combined, no matter what the alien shape is, it will become the nourishment of the two.

However, now Chen Yang does not plan to find the source. After all, he is not sure how terrible the source is. He needs to fatten himself and Man Li first, and the Yunyan Pill he just got from Taishang Laojun Yepai came in handy, and it must be used by Man Lie. After Man Lie has stepped from Jinxian to Hunyuan Jinxian, tsk tsk, it will not be far from Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The stronger Man Crack becomes, the more protection Chen Yang can get.

Without hesitation, Man Lie began to release his consciousness to sense where there were evil spirits, but after a whole afternoon, he didn't sense anything.

Chen Yang couldn't help frowning, this is a bit nonsense.

Do these aliens really appear randomly?
Like, create a random portal and drop an army?
The possibility is not small, but when Chen Yang was puzzled, Du Jia's cell phone on the table vibrated suddenly. Chen Yang picked it up subconsciously and found a prompt message popped up on the screen saver.

An army of aliens appeared in Longchuan City, North China Province!

Longchuan City, North China Province?

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows, picked up his phone immediately, clicked on the map, and directly located Longchuan City, North China Province!

"Hey, it's a big deal to fight monsters across provinces first!"

"Brave, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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