Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 48 What's the difference between this and dying! ?

Chapter 48 What's the difference between this and dying! ?

"Why are you so overwhelmed!"

The persuasive teacher at the bottom hurriedly said: "You are irresponsible to yourself, and you are also irresponsible to your family! Your parents raised you so much and you said you would die? You are too selfish! Have you ever thought about it? How did other people feel? Have you thought about how sad your parents and friends were when you left?"

The girl cried: "I can't control that much, I love him, I am willing to give him everything I have, but he just left me without saying a word! I know he will never come back Now, if I can get closer to him after I die, I am willing to do so!"

This scared the persuading teacher and a group of leaders who heard the news to death. If the school is dead, the school's reputation will not be so good in the future.

"Is this woman sick!?" Mao Shi couldn't help muttering: "Is there a need to die for a man? If it's gone, it's a big deal to find another one!"

"What do you know, this is true love!" Zhang Rui curled his lips: "It's just that the approach is too extreme."

"I see, the most important thing now is for people to find her boyfriend first, and stabilize her mood before we talk!"

"Nonsense, you don't need to talk about it. I didn't see that several teachers were calling nearby. They must be contacting his family or his boyfriend!"

The persuasive teacher didn't dare to provoke the girl, so he quickly comforted the girl: "Student, think about it carefully, if you die, you will never see your boyfriend again, and there is a possibility of retaining anything. You didn't do anything, just gave up like this, do you think it's worth it?"

This persuasive teacher is definitely a psychologist, who understands reason and moves with emotion. Unfortunately, this girl's emotions are not stable, and her thinking is too extreme.

"Don't persuade me anymore. It's impossible. There is no possibility at all. I have persuaded him many times before. He will leave anyway. What else can I do? Tell me, what else can I do!?"

Everyone was very anxious, after all, no one wanted to just watch a fresh life die in front of everyone.

The dean of the college was also anxious, and quickly asked, "Why, haven't you contacted me yet?"

A teacher quickly said: "Although her parents have been contacted, it will take at least an hour to get here!"

One hour! ?

Your sister, this may jump off in the next second, one hour is enough to die dozens of times!
The dean was sweating profusely: "Where are the police!"

"The police will be here soon!"

"Don't let anything happen to you!" The dean was really anxious. This is related to the reputation of the school. If someone dies, it will be a matter of time before they are uploaded to the Internet. The dean can hardly escape the blame.


Chen Yang kept silent, just looked up.

But actually, he was also looking for a way to save people. Since the shadowless talisman was gone, he had to find something that could save people, even if it was an invisibility talisman!
Needless to say, I found Wu De Xingjun right away, but I am sure that I am not so lucky every time.

"Mr. Xing, do you have other treasures like shadowless talismans, or invisibility talismans? I plan to collect them for fun! Don't worry, I will definitely not treat you badly."

After sending a message, Wu De Xingjun replied after a while: "Shaoyang Xianyou, I'm really sorry, I really don't have what you said."

Um! ?Not what I said, that is to say, is there anything else?

"I don't know what other charms Xingjun has. Let me talk about it together. I can exchange it with merit."

Wude Xingjun: "Shaoyang fairy friend is joking, other spells are just useless things, I am embarrassed to say."

"Actually, I want to make a complete book of spells, and it's best to collect all the spells in the entire fairy world!" Anyway, try to pretend to be as strong as possible, Chen Yang doesn't care so much in order to get the spells: "So, no matter what It's useless, Mr. Xing, but it's okay."

"I see, Shaoyang Xianyou is really leisurely and elegant!" In fact, Wude Xingjun on the other side just smiled wryly, thinking that Shaoyang Xianyou really has too much time and merit to spend, so he shook his head, Then he replied: "I also have a note of the sound of nature that I got from Fairy Chang'e, and two pieces of divine power talisman that I asked for from the Giant Spirit God. If these Shaoyang friends want it, I will give it Fairy friend Shaoyang!"

As soon as the words were finished, two red envelopes came. Chen Yang thought about it, and opened the red envelopes without saying a word.

"Congratulations, you have obtained a note of the sound of nature, which has been stored in the treasure chest and can be withdrawn for use!"

"Congratulations, you have obtained two divine power talismans, which have been stored in the treasure chest and can be withdrawn and used!"

"Thank you Xingjun, but of course, I can't let Xingjun suffer!" Chen Yang thought for a while, and now there are actually a lot of merits, and there are more than 4000. When Sun Zizai is fooled, there will be more in the future, besides I asked Wu De Xingjun to help me a lot, so I had to thank him well, so I just took two thousand merits and threw a big red envelope over.

Seeing that Chen Yang sent a red envelope again, Wu De Xingjun couldn't help but smile slightly, this Shaoyang immortal friend is really nice, every time he is so polite, his choice at the beginning was indeed correct, so he received some merit.

Forehead! ?

2000 merits!

Wu De Xingjun was taken aback for a moment, and then took a deep breath.

Fuck, I paid me a month's salary at once, isn't that too capricious?
Wude Xingjun thought that Chen Yang sent the message by mistake, so he quickly sent a message: "Shaoyang Xianyou, is it too much? It's a full two thousand merits!"

"It's just two thousand merits, a little care, it's not a respect, I will trouble Xingjun a lot in the future, Xingjun doesn't dislike it, I am already very grateful!"

Wude Xingjun was overjoyed, but he couldn't help being a little excited: "It must be, Shaoyang immortal friend treats me like this, please tell me anything in the future!"

A casual hand is two thousand merits and one month's salary, which makes Wude Xingjun no longer have any doubts about Chen Yang's status as a disciple of a certain great fairy.

"No, since Shaoyang Xianyou is so generous, I have to help him well. When I have nothing to do, I will go ask for some other charms and give them to Shaoyang Xianyou to build a good relationship!"

Wu De Xingjun murmured, but his face was smiling like a flower.


On the other end, after Chen Yang finished chatting with Wu De Xingjun, he immediately opened the treasure chest to check the two newly obtained spells.

【Divine Talisman】

Explanation: After using it, the force is infinite, earth-shaking.

【Sound of Nature】

Description: After use, it can make a sound of nature.


Chen Yang looked up, can the divine power talisman be used?It seems that it won't be used, so we can't overturn the girls' dormitory, can we?

Then it is estimated that tomorrow he will be arrested and used as a guinea pig.

A note of nature?
Chen Yang frowned. If he could turn his voice into a natural voice, maybe he could persuade that girl to come down?

Thinking about it this way, Chen Yang felt that there was such a possibility.

With a thought, I immediately extracted the notes of the sounds of nature.

"The note of nature, a one-time consumable, can make the song of the releaser become a sound of nature, and the person who hears the song will greatly increase the favor of the releaser, and the effect lasts for 24 hours!"

A message flashed in his mind, and Chen Yang was taken aback for a moment.

your sister!I have to sing!

I sing a big watermelon!Singing at this juncture, it would be strange not to be kicked out of shit!

How is this different from committing suicide! ?


At this time, the persuading person has been replaced by a female teacher, and quickly raised the loudspeaker and shouted at the girl who was about to jump off the building: "Student, you are still young, the teacher is here, you must listen to what I say !" The female teacher said earnestly: "Don't worry about it, you just didn't meet the right person. In the future, there will be a better person to love you, protect you, and won't let you suffer any harm. I will grow old with him and spend the rest of my life together."

The girl listened, and cried louder: "Don't persuade me anymore, I only like him, and I only like him in my whole life. He doesn't want me anymore, and there is nothing to be attached to in this world. What's the point of living, it's better to die, I can watch him in heaven forever!"

As she said that, the girl closed her eyes, and something squirmed in her mouth, more like praying.

Everyone's faces changed!

The female teacher was terrified, and suddenly stretched out a hand, snatching the loudspeaker in her hand...

(End of this chapter)

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