Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 492 Concert

Chapter 492 Concert

"If they really found us, they would have troubled us a long time ago." Akaba said indifferently: "It should just happen to be here."

Saburo Caoben shook his head slightly: "To be honest, these two people are really weird. I really don't want to go against them unless it is absolutely necessary."

Akaba said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, he has nothing to do with our plan. As long as he doesn't trouble him, he probably won't have the time to trouble us."

"I hope so!" Herb Saburo sighed slightly: "Then what is your next plan?"

Akaba frowned: "I haven't decided yet, because this woman is not an ordinary person. Since she is a public figure, she must have received the attention of the public. I am afraid that if she disappears, she will immediately attract the attention of the martial arts. Now, once the martial spirits join in, the difficulty of implementing our plan will probably increase a lot."

"That's true." Herb Saburo narrowed his eyes slightly: "I can think of a way to take her away, and no one will find out."

"Use your dummy?" Akaba suddenly asked.

"Almost, although the dummy can't speak, it can move freely. At that time, I will pay close attention to it secretly. The civet cat will be replaced by the prince."

"Then I will leave this matter to you. I need to call all my apostles back, and the preparations for the ceremony can begin."

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Herb smiled.


The atmosphere of the concert was so high that it exploded. Everyone followed Xie Han's voice and swayed their bodies. Even if they were cracked, their minds were confused under such an environment, and their bodies swayed accordingly.

Because there was no other way, Chen Yang on the side was already full of excitement, and he was pulling the man to sway together.

"Thank you everyone, thank you." After the song was over, Xie Han panted slightly, and greeted all the fans. Chen Yang was also busy saying hello, and instantly became a fan.

Although many songs have never been heard before, even listening to them for the first time can make people so excited. I have to say that the title of Song Spirit is really suitable for Xie Han.

Xie Han continued to talk there, Man Li sent another message: "Your Majesty, those two people have left."

"Leaving again?" Chen Yang shrugged: "It doesn't matter, let them go!"

Although Man Li didn't say anything, he was a little surprised and uncertain in his heart.

"Your Majesty, I'd better follow along and take a look. I always feel that they have some kind of conspiracy?"

Chen Yang was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't think too much about it. He nodded and said, "Okay, follow along and have a look. Just let me know if there's anything."

Man cracked his head and left the concert site. As for Chen Yang, he was not in the mood to find Akaba and Cao Bensanlang. He might as well listen to Xie Han's singing here and enjoy it!

Immediately after Xie Han sang several songs, he was probably tired too, and this was the interaction with the fans.

Chen Yang actually wanted to go up and interact with Xie Han, but he didn't have that chance, but the group of martial spirits standing under the stage who were maintaining order, many people focused their attention on Chen Yang There was a martial spirit standing beside Chen Yang before, probably because he recognized Chen Yang's identity, so he didn't dare to stand opposite Chen Yang.

But after a while, a Wu Ling bent over and hurriedly came to Chen Yang, and said in a low voice, "Shao Ling."

"What's the matter?" Now that he was recognized, Chen Yang didn't deny it, and simply answered directly.

"Deng Yao Shaoling invites you to speak backstage."

Chen Yang couldn't help being taken aback. Deng Yao was Baihu Shaoling among the four generals, but he didn't expect that this guy was also in the background. Could it be that he was also a fan of Xie Han?
"Okay, let's lead the way!"


That Wu Ling took Chen Yang out of the venue and entered the backstage. After a while, he saw the so-called Deng Yao Shaoling.

Among the four generals, there are naturally strong and weak points. Qinglong is the strongest, followed by Baihu. Compared with the two of them, there is a big gap in the fighting power of Suzaku and Xuanwu. It's just that Chen Yang saw Deng Yao for the first time. It is unavoidable, not to mention that Deng Yao's age does not look too young, he is about forty years old, he is already a middle-aged uncle, but he looks very kind, and when he sees Chen Yang, he immediately He greeted him with a smile on his face, stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Xiao Chen, I'm so sorry, I heard that you were at the concert, so I couldn't help but call you over, and I also wanted to see what's going on recently What kind of person is the character!"

Hearing this tone, he was definitely familiar with him. Chen Yang still followed him, with a smile on his face: "I actually wanted to meet Uncle Deng very early, but because I had something to do, Uncle Deng I'm a very busy person, so I haven't had the chance for a long time, but today I'm lucky enough to meet you here."

Deng Yao laughed heartily, patted Chen Yang on the shoulder, asked Chen Yang to sit down, and then said with a smile: "Actually, I just passed by Linghu Stock Market, and I have to leave later."

"Then you are Xie Han's true fan, even if you pass by, you have to come here to have a look."

"True fan?" Deng Yao was slightly taken aback.

"It means fans." Chen Yang laughed quickly.

"What kind of fan! Xie Han is my niece, I just came here to see her." Deng Yao smiled and waved his hand: "It's you boy, you still have this spare time to come here to listen to the concert, you young man It's so relaxing! Haha!"

Chen Yang smiled embarrassingly. It was quite embarrassing to be caught deserting at work, but Deng Yao and the others also knew that Chen Yang was mainly in charge of the Lingcao base, so it was normal to be leisurely. All jokes are jokes, then Deng Yao still told Chen Yang not to be careless, and Chen Yang also agreed one by one.

"It's getting late, and I've seen him, so I have to go." Deng Yao smiled: "By the way, Xiao Chen, my niece will stay in Shanghai for a few days during this time, and you This is Linghu, so I entrust the safety of my niece to you."

"Uncle Deng, don't worry, nothing will happen if I'm here."

Deng Yao smiled: "Okay, then I'll go first."

After Deng Yao left, Chen Yang was still a little surprised. He didn't expect that Xie Han's status was not small. The niece of the four great generals, Bai Hu Shaoling, no wonder the concert cost nearly half of the Shanghai stock market. Wu Ling's status is indeed extraordinary.

"There are so many Wulings, and there are even Tianwulings guarding them. It's actually quite difficult for something to happen." Chen Yang muttered to himself, and then returned to the venue, continuing to listen to Xie Han's singing.


"Mr. Akaba, do we have to find a way to get rid of this guy?"

After Akaba and Caoben Saburo left the gymnasium, Akaba's anti-reconnaissance magic took effect, and he found that Man Li was following the two of them, and what was more troublesome was that he couldn't get rid of them no matter how hard he tried. It's like having a tracker on it.

This made Cao Ben a little uneasy, and for the plan of this trip, the two had to be cautious.

"Don't worry, he will be lost soon."

Seeing Akaba's hand full of colorful rings reaching into the void in front of him, he immediately took out a simple scroll, threw the simple scroll away, and shouted in a low voice: "False illusion."

The scroll thrown into the air was automatically opened, and there were some complicated characters engraved on it, and there was a pattern like a magic circle. With a swipe, the scroll burned automatically and quickly, and then Akaba and Herb A faint blue light flickered on Saburo's body.

At the same time, Man Li, who was following the two people following the scent of herbs and akaba, suddenly frowned and stopped in his tracks.

"The smell has disappeared." Man Li frowned slightly, and suddenly raised his head to look forward: "It seems that it is really not a simple object to be able to do this."

No matter what kind of creature it is, it will emit a unique wave, which is generally called the breath of life, and the smell that Man Li follows is this breath of life, but it is unexpected that the other party can hide the breath of life... …

(End of this chapter)

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